Portfolio Task 2

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Lesson Plan (At the restaurant) Unit 4: Eating out Lesson Number: 6 of 20 Time: 75 minutes Number of students: 10

Stage 1: What will students know and be able to do at the end of this lesson? KNOW: DO: A) Students will be able to make requests and offers using Can I/ could we.?, Id like.?, and would like ..? at a restaurant. B) Students will be able to read a restaurant menu and create their own menus. Stage 2: How will you know that students can do that? Students performance and their can-do abilities will be assessed through tasks completion: A) If the students do exercises C, D and E in which they need to fill in the gaps with offers and requests and then they complete the rules themselves using the clues phrases, it means that they can do object A. Most importantly, exercises E in which they will make some requests and offers is an assessment for their understanding and their knowledge. B) Eercise (H) in which students will creat their own food ordering conversation is an assessment for objective B. Exercise (I) is an assessment of what they students know and learn from the lesson. Stage 3: What instructional activities will be used? (Use as many as necessary to achieve your learning targets.) Opening/Activity 1: Discussion questions in pairs Activity 2: review some vocabulary and some collocations and idiomatic expression at a restaurant scene Activity 3: make requests and offers (done on three stages/exercises (C, D, E) Activity 4: Practice speaking and making requests and offers (role-play at a restaurant) (exercises F and G) Closing/Activity 5: Students will create their own conversations making requests and offers using vocabulary at a restaurant. As a wrap up activity, students will compare ordering food in US with their cultures. Finally, they will give examples of things they learnt in the lesson as a closure activity. (The lesson will be provided along with the lesson plan)

Stage aim


Interaction patterns


1) Warm Up Discussion questions

The teacher will start by giving writing a simplified lesson objectives on the Student- Student board to let the students know about the topic and engage them. The teacher will warm the students up by asking the students to discuss the questions in pairs for 5 minutes. Then the teacher will check with them as a whole class Teacher- Student feedback in 3 minutes. The teacher will provide some names of restaurant in Oxford on the board and he/she will give some personalized answers. Then the teacher will point out the different types of restaurants as fast food, regular restaurants and chain restaurants in 2 minutes. The teacher will take class attendance while the students are doing the discussion questions to save time and to keep students on task. Students will work in groups of 2 to match the idiomatic expressions/collocations used at a restaurant with the pictures in 5 minutes. The main purpose behind this activity is to activate the students schemata and lead to the main topic. The teacher will monitor and provide help and support if needed. The teacher will gave feedback to the students in 3 minutes. The teacher and the students will work togeteher to put the idioms/collocates in their chronological order that happen in restaurants scenario in 2 minutes. The teacher will correct some pronounciation problems if they are any using different corrections techniques. Students will work individually to fill in the gaps using the words in the table in 3 minutes. Students will check their answers in pairs in 2 minutes. When they finish, the teacher will check their answers with the whole class nominating some students to give answers. In 5 minutes, the teacher will draw students attention for polite intonations and stress then students could practice saying the sentences with the polite intonation and stress. Student- Student

10 minutes

2) Reviewing target vocabulary

10 minutes

Student- Teacher

3) Questions with modals verbs to make offers + Polite intonation and stress

Student- Student

10 minutes

Student- Teacher

4) Making offers and requests

In 2 minutes, students will work individually to fill in the gaps to complete the rules about making offers and requests using the input enhancement and the guiding clues. The teacher will try to elicit the rule of forming requests using modal verbs. In 3 minutes, the students will check in pairs then they will check their answer with the teacher using an answer sheet. The teacher will ask them to write 3 offers and 3 requests where they use some modal verbs and would like as well. The main purpose of this activity is to check and asses students understandings of making offers and requests. In the last 2 minutes, the teacher will write students answers on the board and give more example. In 2 minutes, students will work individually to complete the conversation using some questions in exercise C. Students will check in pairs then with the teacher in 3 minutes.

Student- Student

5 minutes

Teacher - Student Student- Student 5 minutes

5) Practice making offers and requests Assessment activity 6) More practice of the &Speaking activity

Teacher - Student

Student- Student

10 minutes

Student- Student In 5 minutes, student will role-play the dialogue in gropus of 3. The teacher will monitor and give help if needed. The teacher will ask volunteers to read Teacher - Student the dialogue for the class paying attention to intonation and stress. Students will work in groups of 3 to read the menu and write a conversation Student- Student between a waiter and two customers. Teacher will monitor and give help if needed. They will be given 10 minutes to create their writings. In 5 minutes, students will swap their conversations with another group and correct their Teacher - Student mistakes. In 5 minutes, students will role-play the conversations they create within their groups. Student- Student Student- Teacher 20 minutes

7) Follow-Up task

8) Assessment and In 3 minutes, the teacher will ask foreign students to compare order wrap-up activity food/drink at the restaurants in US with d their own countires. Finally, the teacher will ask students to give some example of things they have learnt today. The teacher will collect students homework from last class and assign new homework.

5 minutes

At the Restaurant

Asmaa Taha

TESL 672

A. Directions: Discuss these questions in pairs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you been to any restaurants here in Oxford? What are they? What kind of restaurants are they? When do you usually eat out? What is your favorite restaurant? Is it cheap or expensive?

B. Directions: Work in groups of two and match the following phrases with the pictures: 1. Set the table 2. Leave a tip 3. Take the order 4. Order from the menu 5. Pour the water 6. Serve the meal 7. Pay the check 8. Clear the table 9. Seat the customer 10. Carry the tray

Main tasks: C. Directions: With a partner fill in the gaps in question 1-8 with these words: Anything drink ready recommend order take okay recommendation

1. Would you like to ..now? 2. Would you like ..else? 3. What would you like to..? 4. Can I your order? 5. Could you make a ..? 6. What would you .? 7. Is everything .? 8. Are you .to order?

D. Directions: Look at these sentences and then complete the rules with the phrases in bold. Would you like to order now? Can I/we have the check, please? Id/wed like a bottle of water, please. Can I take your order? What would you like to drink? We use . and ..for requests (we want something). We use for offers (we want to give something or help someone).

E. Directions: Now work in groups of 3 to think about 3 more offers and requests try to use modals.

F. Directions: Read David and Emmas conversation with the waiter. Then fill in the gaps with some of the questions in exercise C: Waiter: ? Emma: Yes, Id like a tuna salad, please. David: And can I have a cheeseburger, please? Waiter: ? David: can we have two lemon juices? Emma: And wed like a bottle of water, please. Waiter: sure, I will be right back. David: Excuse me. Waiter: Yes, Sir. ..? David: No, thank you, but can we have the check, please? Waiter: Sure.

G. Directions: With a partner, practice the role-play together in question F.

H. Directions: In a group of three, look at the menu below. Write a conversation between a waiter and two customers. Swap conversations with another group. Correct their mistakes. Role-play the conversation you create with your partners.

I. Think about how you make requests and offers in your country. Compare ordering food in the US with your own countries. Finally, think about some examples of things you learnt today in the class.

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