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Aida Medawar

6835 Canterwood Rd, La Verne, CA, 91750 (909)-762-9385 aidamedawar@gmai !"om


Cal State Fullerton, #$ erton, CA B.S. in Health Science %&'e"ted (rad$ation )ate* 1+2015

Citrus College, A,$-a, CA AA in Social and Behavioral Sciences AS in Biological and Physical Sciences and Mathematics (rade-.oint A/erage* 3!19 (on a -"a e o0 1!0) )egree %arned 12+2011

Related Course Work -2ea t3 4"ien"e -Co ege C3emi-tr6 7, 77 -2$man .36-io og6 -(enera 5io og6 -2$man Anatom6 -8i"ro9io og6


Sales Associate Macys, Montclair, CA


8eeting -a e- goa -, "a-3ier, in/entor6, re"o/er6, a$dit-, and o$t-tanding "$-tomer -er/i"e!

Star Selling Ambassador SSA! Macys, Montclair, CA


:or;- wit3 de'artment manager- to en-$re ade<$ate -ta00ing in a -a e- de'artment-, di-"$-- in0orma o9-er/ation- "on"erning A--o"iate- in 3o'e- o0 e-ta9 i-3ing e&"e ent "$-tomer -er/i"e! .ro/ide 0eed9a"; to A--o"iate-, eit3er redire"ting on a''ro'riate 9e3a/ior or re"ogni,ing o$t-tanding 'er0orman"e on t3e -a e- 0 oor!

"olunteer E#perience

Fitness $raining and %ehab Aid =" $-i/e>- #itne-- and 2ea t3 Center


:or;- wit3 trainer- to a--i-t, demon-trate, and g$ide " iente e wit3 /ario$- e&er"i-e- and e<$i'ment! 7ntera"t- dire"t 6 wit3 " iente e to a""om' i-3 0itne--, re3a9i itation and t3era'6 goa -!

%e&erences A/ai a9 e $'on re<$e-t

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