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1 December 2013 Dr. Leslie Bruce Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics California tate !

niversit", #ullerton $.%. Bo& 3'0(0 #ullerton, C) *2(3'+*'(0 Dear Dr. Bruce, ,his letter is designed to enable a clear understanding of the portfolios structure and relevance of its contained documents. ,he documents included demonstrate the s-ills . have mastered throughout this course. %n the first da" of class this assignment, including the student learning outcomes / L%s0, 1ere introduced. . have arranged the documents on m" eportfolio to include m" final resume follo1ed b" supporting documents. ,he files include2 an informal and formal collaboration of ideas for a group assignment, the use of formal and informal language in 3class and out+of+class, an e&ample of m" abilit" to properl" cite sources used 1ithin an assignment, m" abilit" to avoid bias statements demonstrating gender sensitivit", criti4uing and revising others 1or-, as 1ell as m" o1n, to improve its 4ualit", and utili5ing an effective 1a" to pre+ 1rite, draft, and revise a document. ,he first document is the revised version of m" resume. ,his document targets L% five b" demonstrating m" abilit" to revise m" o1n 1or- through the criti4ues of others. . have included the peer revie1 for m" original document in support of L% one, revealing ho1 . reconstructed m" 1or- outside of class utili5ing the informal advice . received from m" peers. ,he ne&t form contains brainstorming of the s-ills . have ac4uired 1hich ma-e me a strong candidate for the desired position, as 1ell as the compan"6s mission statement. ,he purpose of the resume is to effectivel" persuade the audience in a formal manner, this is a reflection of L% one and three. ,hrough the process of research, pre1riting7brainstorming, drafting and revising . have demonstrated the master" of student learning outcome si&. )dditionall", the 8ob application is included for observation of the desired position. ,he second L% is represented b" the attached instruction manual. ,his document reflects m" abilit" to evaluate valuable information through research. . selected, s"nthesi5ed, organi5ed and structured language in a non+offensive manner to create an eas"+to+follo1 instruction manual. #urthermore, the inclusion of citations, in the conclusion paragraph of the instruction manual, is a representation of m" abilit" to ethicall" cite the information obtained from a couple of sources. ,he instruction manual 1as created for 1omen, of var"ing age groups, as a preventative measure9 evaluating their breasts searching for abnormalities in hopes of reducing their chances of suffering from breast cancer. Language can be offensive especiall" 1hen discussing topics that create discomfort9 . have avoided using language in a 1a" that is offensive and did not include an" negative connotations, this sho1s m" master" of L% four. )dditionall", . have included an informal conference, 1hich too- place outside of class, bet1een me and )manda :orga concerning 4uestions regarding this document. ,he instruction manual 1as 1ritten formall" in contrast to the conference 1hich 1as 1ritten informall", ho1ever, both relate to L% one.

:oreover, . have communicated m" thoughts on the s-ills . have mastered through this course through the utili5ation of the contained documents. ,he ob8ective is to illustrate ho1 . have e&panded m" technical 1riting s-ills and the success . have had at mastering all si& L%;s. %verall this assignment has allo1ed me to recap the semester and recogni5e the careful anal"sis of structure, diction, evaluation, citations and connotation that coincide 1ith effective technical 1riting. #inall", . 1ant to apologi5e for the 1hite space errors resulted for the do1nloading the documents onto m" eportfolio, . am referring to the original resume and instruction manual. incerel", )ida :eda1ar

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