Shitty First Drafts RR

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Yasmin Martinez Mr. Matt Moberly WRI 1-31 M/W 4-5:50 p.m.

Reading Response
In Sitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird: Anne Lamott, in his article "Shitty First Drafts" (2005), asserts that not all professional writers are perfect at creating the best story on their first attempt. Lamott supports her assertion by showing examples of how she herself wasnt perfect when writing for the California magazine, but she manage to step up and get peoples opinion to write her first draft that no one was going so see. Her purpose is to tell writers that writing is not rapturous, meaning let it all out; relax; take notes and go with the flow; confidence will then be built to write first raft draft. She established that few writers dont know what theyre going to write about or how its going to end so by writing six pages, you will find out information that youll never imagine writing about until you have actually completed your six pages of writing. When reading this article, it made me think of how similar professional writers are to us. I would have never imagine that they start off with Sitty Frist Draft and then make it into a Best-selling book there is. I have learned so much after reading this article because now I will be able to write down any thought I have in my mind when starting out a prompt. This way I wont get myself too confident that my first draft will suck and not make sense. I know that it will take time and a lot of correction to make it the best final draft there is. Another thing that I have learned is that no matter what kind of prompt we write for class, we have to start with a draft. This way when its proof read by other classmates it will be better the second time, and terrific the third time its read by another classmate. So in conclusion no writer will ever get there first draft perfect and published the next day because it takes time and patients to get every detail down, and have it make sense to your audience.

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