Golden Peacock Award-2013

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Dated: 22/07/2013 Western Coalfields Limited bags prestigious "Golden Pea o !

"n#ironment $anagement %&ard ' 2013"(

Nagpur based Miniratna public sector enterprise Western Coalfields Limited has been awarded with prestigious Golden Peacock Environment Management ward !"#$% for contribution towards development of green belt and afforestation of mining area and waste land reclamation and increase in green cover in and around the coal mines under the categor& of Mining and Metallurg&' Chairman ( cum ( Managing )irector of Western Coalfields Limited *hri' )inesh Chandra Garg received prestigious award b& the hands of +on,ble )r' M' -eerappa Moil&. /nion Cabinet Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas during #0th World Congress on environment management under the aegis of 1nstitute of )irectors. )elhi' 2he award was decided b& the 3ur& which was headed b& retired Chief 4ustice of 1ndia *hri' P' N' 5hagwati' )uring financial &ear !"#!(#$ WCL planted over #.6".6!0 plants in its command area in collaboration with 7orest )evelopment Corporation of Maharashtra 87)CM9 and Madh&a Pradesh *tate 7orest )evelopment Corporation 8MP:--N9' 2he programme was especiall& attended b& +on,ble Minister of *tate for 1nformation and 5roadcasting. Government of 1ndia. *hri' Manish 2iwari; Lt Gen 4' *' hluwalia; Chairman 8Customs. Central E<cise and *ervice 2a<9 4ustice 8)r'9 ri3it Pasa&at; Public Enterprises *election 5oard Chairman *hri' tul Chaturvedi and man& other distinguished dignitaries'

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