LLB 5 4 Drafting Pleading and Conveyancing CCC I

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4 Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance [ Compulsory Clinical Course-I ]

Marks: 100 [50+50]

Note 1: This course will be tau ht throu h class room instructions an! simulation e"ercises an! case stu!ies# pre$erably with assistance o$ practisin lawyers%retire! &u! es%&u!icial o$$icer etc. 'part $rom teachin the rele(ant pro(isions o$ law# the course will inclu!e) 1.1 *inimum $i$teen +,5- practical e"ercises in .ra$tin an! 1.2 *inimum $i$teen +,5- practical e"ercises in Con(eyancin # on topics i!enti$ie! by the teacher concerne!.
Note 2: /(aluation is !i(i!e! between theory 0 internal e"amination# as $ollows)2.1 Theoretical 1aper throu h 2ritten /"amination ) 3 2.2 Internal 1ractical /"ercises an! e(aluation incl. 4i(a 4oce /"amination +50+50+,050 marks

Internal practical e(aluation or assessment o$ the stu!ent shall be !one as $ollows) 2.2.1 6i$teen +,5- practical e"ercises in .ra$tin 20 mar7s 2.2.2 6i$teen +,5- practical e"ercises in Con(eyancin 20 mar7s 2.2.3 4i(a 4oce /"amination) 10 mar7s Detailed ylla!"s 1 Drafting:# 8eneral principles o$ !ra$tin an! rele(ant substanti(e rules. 2. Pleadings: 5., 1lea!in s in 8eneral 5.,., 9b&ect o$ plea!in s 5.,.5 6un!amental :ules o$ 1lea!in s 5.5. Ci(il ) 5.5., 1laint 5.5.5. 2ritten ;tatement 5.5.<. Interlocutory 'pplication 5.5.4. 9ri inal 1etition 5.5.5. '$$i!a(it 5.5.=. /"ecution 1etition 5.5.>. *emoran!um o$ 5.5.>., 'ppeal 5.5.>.5. :e(ision 5.<. 1etition un!er 5.<.,. 'rticle 55= an! 5.<.5. 'rticle <5 o$ the Constitution o$ In!ia. 5.4. Criminal ) 5.4.,. Complaints 5.4.5. Criminal *iscellaneous petition # 5.4.<. Bail 'pplication an! 5.4.4. *emoran!um o$ 'ppeal an! :e(ision. 5.5 6orms o$ 1lea!in s) 1ractical e"ercise on the $ollowin topics) 5.5.,. ;uit $or reco(ery un!er 9r!er ???4II o$ the Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure ,@0A 5.5.5. ;uit $or 1ermanent In&unction 5.5.<. 'pplication $or Temporary In&unction Bn!er 9r!er <@ :ules , an! 5 o$ the Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure# ,@0A 5.5.4. 'pplication un!er 9r!er <@# rule 5-' o$ the Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure# ,@0A 5.5.5. ;uit $or /&ectment an! .ama es $or 2ron $ul Bse an! 9ccupation. 5.5.=. 1etition $or :estitution o$ Con&u al :i hts un!er ;. @ o$ the Cin!u *arria e 'ct# ,@55 5.5.>. 1etition $or Du!icial ;eparation un!er ;. ,0 o$ the Cin!u *arria e 'ct# ,@55 5.5.A. 1etition $or .issolution o$ *arria e by .ecree o$ .i(orce un!er ;. ,< o$ the Cin!u *arria e 'ct# ,@55 5.5.@. 1etition $or .issolution o$ *arria e by .ecree o$ .i(orce un!er ;. ,<B+,- o$ the Cin!u *arria e 'ct# ,@55 5.5.,0. 1etition $or 8rant o$ 1robate in Ci h Court 5.5.,,. 1etition $or 8rant o$ Letters o$ '!ministration 5.5.,5. Contempt 1etition un!er ;s. ,, an! ,5 o$ the Contempt o$ Courts 'ct#,@>, be$ore the Ci h Court 5.5.,<. 2rit 1etition un!er 'rticle 55= o$ Constitution o$ In!ia 5.5.,4. Ca(eat un!er s. ,4A-' o$ the Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure# ,@0A

5.5.,5. Ca(eat $or ;pecial Lea(e 1etition +Ci(il- un!er 'rt.,<= o$ the Constitution o$ In!ia 5.5.,=. ;pecial Lea(e 1etition +Ci(il- un!er 'rticle ,<= o$ the Constitution o$ In!ia 5.5.,>. Counter '$$i!a(it in ;pecial Lea(e 1etition +Ci(il5.5.,A. 'pplication $or Bail 5.5.,@. 'pplication $or 8rant o$ 'nticipatory Bail 5.5.50. Complaint un!er ;ection ,<A o$ the Ee otiable Instruments 'ct# ,AA, 5.5.5,. 'pplication B%;. ,55 o$ the Co!e o$ Criminal 1roce!ure# ,@>< 5.5.55. ;pecial Lea(e 1etition +Criminal- un!er 'rticle ,<= o$ the Constitution o$ In!ia 5.5.5<. Trans$er 1etition +Ci(il- B%;. 55 o$ the Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure# ,@0A 5.5.54. Curati(e 1etition un!er 'rticles ,5@# ,<>#,4, an! ,45 o$ the Constitution o$ In!ia 5.5.55. Complaint un!er ;ection ,5 o$ the Consumer 1rotection 'ct# ,@A= 5.5.5=. 2ritten ;tatement to the Complaint un!er the Consumer 1rotection 'ct#,@A= 3. Conveyancing: <., Con(eyancin in 8eneral <.,., 9b&ect o$ Con(eyancin <.,.5 Component parts o$ a !ee! <.5 6orms o$ !ee!s an! notices) practical e"ercise on the $ollowin topics) + any $i$teen<.5.,. ;ale .ee! <.5.5. *ort a e .ee!s <.5.<. Lease .ee!# <.5.4. 8i$t .ee! <.5.5. 1romissory Eote <.5.=. 1ower o$ 'ttorney- 8eneral an! ;pecial 1ower o$ 'ttorney <.5.=. 2ill. <.5.A. :elinFuishment .ee! <.5.@ 1artnership .ee! <.5.,0 .ee! o$ .issolution o$ 1artnership <.5.,, Cire-1urchase ' reement <.5.,5 .ee! o$ 6amily ;ettlement between :i(al Claimants o$ an /state <.5.,< Lease .ee! <.5.,4 *ort a e .ee! <.5.,5 Eotice o$ /&ectment to the tenant un!er s.,0= o$ the T.1.'ct# ,AA5 <.5.,= Eotice un!er ;ection A0 o$ the Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure# ,@0A $. Case %a&s: 4., Prakash Chndra (. Secy., Govt. of India# 'I: ,@A= ;C 4.5 Ram Sarup Gupta (. Bishun Narain Inter College# 'I: ,@A> ;C ,545 4.< ari Chand (. !aulat Ram# 'I: ,@A> ;C @4 4.4 !hoom Singh (. Prakash Ch. Sethi# +,@>5- , ;CC 5@> 4.5. !elhi !evelopment "uthority (. !urga Chand 'I: ,@>< ;C 5=0@ 5. 'iva#'oce e(amination 4i(a (oce e"amination will test the un!erstan!in o$ le al practice in relation to .ra$tin # 1lea!in an! Con(eyancin .

Prescri!ed %egislation: The Co!e o$ Ci(il 1roce!ure# ,@0A# 9r!ers 4I to 4III Prescri!ed )ook: ,. *.C. ' arwal an! 8.C. *o ha# #ogha$s %he &a' of Pleadings in India 5. D.*. ;ri(asta(a an! 8.C. *o ha# #ogha$s %he Indian Conveyancer *ecommended )ooks ,. *.:. *allic7# 8an ulyGs# Civil Court( Practice and Procedure 5. C.:. .atta an! *.E. .as# !e Sou)a$s, *orms and Precedents of Conveyancing <. E.;. Bin!ra# Conveyancing# 4ol ,-5# Law 1ublisher# 'llahaba!

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