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Men of different temperaments, talents, and convictions


FALL OF 20122013


Consul Matthew LaBorde Pro-Consul Joseph Sykes

First and foremost, I hope this newsletter has found you well. We felt the need, as a chapter, to re-introduce ourselves to our alumni; those of you who havent heard from us in years, and those of you who just want to know how were doing. Im here to tell you that we are just ne. Ive always said this about Theta Mu: although we are underground, we are undoubtedly the most present group of men on the Spring Hill College campus. Im proud of that. I am extremely proud, but being an unrecognized organization on Spring Hills campus isnt easy, and, admittedly, we need help. Thats where our alumni comes in. Since we can not host activities on campus, we have to go o campus. As an alumnus in Mobile, Ala., you can help primarily in two ways: allowing us to use your house to host an activity, or you can volunteer for our new alumnus mentor program that we are starting next Spring with the new Pledge Class. As far as our status of underground goes, we have zero control over that distinction. The only thing we can do is to keep moving forward, and that is exactly what were doing. Although we faced pressure from the school last year, we initiated ten extremely well-rounded Brothers who are dened leaders on our campus. The Headquarters of Sigma Chi is currently working with the school to get us recognized again. We believe that, if we were allowed back on campus, that we could increase our recruitment numbers two-fold and be the most sought after Fraternity on the Hill. We are prideful men, but we know when to ask for help, and that is why we are reaching out. This semester, we participated in the Merlin Olsen day of Service for Sigma Chi, and plan on having another Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Ignatius in late November. Although we cant make an impact on campus, we are doing our part to make an impact in the outside community. If you can help in ANY way, or if you want updates on our current underground situation, please call me, or email me. Bidding you Gods speed, my Brothers. Phone: 504-210-5712. Email: mdlabordeshc@gmail.com

MeettheBrothers of Theta Mu
I am a sophomore from Daphne, Alabama. My major is currently undecided, but I am taking mainly business related classes right now. This is my second year playing rugby and I sing in the choir at church every Sunday. I chose Theta Mu because, of all the fraternities on campus, Sigma Chi Theta Mu shows the greatest amount of true brotherhood.

I am from Atlanta Ga. and have played football and baseball for a majority of my life. I came to Spring Hill College in the fall of 2009 because it was the best place for me to continue my baseball career. At rst I thought this school was boring and lacked the excitement my friends from Atlanta were having at the bigger state schools. I loved the fact that I was getting a great education and the chance to play baseball at a college level, but my original intentions were to transfer to a bigger school because I felt like I was missing out. As the year continued and as I began to make close friends with the guys I lived with, I started to see a dierent side to Spring Hill. I decided to redshirt my freshman year, which gave me the chance to keep my options open without losing a year of eligibility. This was around the time that i began to become close with some of the upperclassmen that enjoyed my company and showed me the ropesof how to make your own fun at Spring Hill. This led them to oer me and a few of my closest friends a bid into Sigma Chi. We had all heard of the infamous Sigma Chis around campus but were skeptical about them being underground. This was an exciting time for me because my older brother was a SAE at SMU in Dallas, TX, and had told me some of his crazy stories and I had always imagined myself having the same college experience. During my pledgeship I learned more about myself than I have ever learned before, including how to manage my time wisely, to always present myself professionally, and how to work well with others. The actives during my pledge ship really set the example of how Sigma Chi Theta Mu has been and always should be, and i knew in my heart that I would forever be a Theta Mu at SHC. We are denitely the most sought after group on campus and always set the tone of how a gentleman should act as a member of his fraternity as well as a student at Spring Hill College. With the implication of the Jordan Standards, our chapter (Theta Mu) has developed some of the most successful student athletes and well spoken gentlemen that I have ever met. As a Senior at Spring Hill and the Pro-Consul of Theta Mu I would like to thank those who have paved the roads before us and acknowledge the hard working and disciplined Brothers we are equipped with today.

Colin Bodet Year: Sophomore

Link is from Elizabethtown, Kentucky. I am a diehard Louisville Cardinals fan with a passionate hate for UK and love for college basketball. Soccer is my only love, and it takes up most of my time. I play for Spring Hill now and Im a pre-health major. I dabble with the guitar and always turn to music when Im stressing. I chose Theta Mu because from an outsiders perspective freshman year, Sigma Chi had a noticeably stronger bond and friendship among its members than any other fraternity. Also, they were the guys have the most fun.

Nicholas B. Link Year: Junior

Born and raised in Mobile, AL. I am a Business Management/Marketing major. I play basketball for Spring Hill College. In my free time I like watching football. Roll Tide. I chose Theta Mu my freshman year not knowing too much about it, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made in college. It has been a great opportunity to meet and initiate new brothers. I am proud to be a member of the Theta Mu chapter of Sigma Chi.

Alex Clark Looney Year: Senior

Hartlage is from Tampa, Florida. He is the leading scorer of the mens soccer team for the last two years and is majoring in Graphic Design. He hopes after Spring Hill to get a dream job at a design rm or an animation studio. His older brother Brian is a member of the Lamda Zeta Chapter of Sigma Chi at Florida Gulf Coast University. I chose Theta Mu because I couldnt pass on the such a cool opportunity, and I knew I would regret it if I didnt try.

Tyler Mark Hartlage Year: Sophomore

Comes from a big family in Houston, TX where he enjoys Notre Dame football, hunting, and music from the likes of U2 and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Nick intends to enroll in law school after graduation and hopefully work for the FBI or another law enforcement agency. Nick chose Theta Mu because of the apparent bond of friendship that existed among the brothers.

Nicholas Patrick Fleming Year: Junior

Short was born in New York, and currently lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Mike has two siblings, both younger, who play volleyball. Mike plays for the club volleyball team at Spring Hill. Why he chose Theta Mu: Before I knew what Theta Mu was, or even the whole idea of a fraternity, they were the guys who treated me like family my freshman year.

Michael Joseph Short Year: Junior

Matthew is a native of St. Louis, Missouri. Studying nance and economics at Spring Hill. Joined Theta Mu as a sophomore in the spring of 2011. He is graduating in the spring and hopes to pursue a career in nance focusing on the commodities and energy industries. Has served as Pledge Class President and Quaestor and currently serves as Annotator. I joined Theta Mu because I took a look around my life and Spring Hill and saw a group of guys whom I wanted to be a part of my life and for the rest of it.

Matthew Ryan Aydt Year: Senior

Bumb would consider himself an absolute sports junky. He plays baseball for SHC. His favorite hobby is shing and takes a week long shing trip with his father every summer. Alex plans on getting his CPA after school and then going to law school to follow in the footsteps of his mother. I chose Theta Mu because, as a freshman, I was looking to be a part of something bigger than me. Also, the brothers at the time I met had a certain maturity and closeness with each other that I had never seen before.

Jonathan Alex Bumb Year: Senior

From Boston, MA., Severin has a deeply religious background. In high school, he was involved with almost every sport and was the secretary and vice president of the Diversity club. He works as a lifeguard back home and loves being by the water. He plans on going to graduate school, and then hopes to one day work for Child Protective Services. Chambers also plays rugby for SHC. I chose Theta Mu because of the visable closeness of the Brothers I saw my freshman year and they were the rst ones who took me in. Sigma Chis Jordan Standard is what I want to live up to.

Severin M. Chambers Year: Junior

Joe is a 6 year veteran caddy at his club in Chicago. I loved doing Model United Nations in high school, won mad awards at conferences for it and got to travel to Russia my senior year. I hope to work in international diplomacy and get to travel all over. Theta Mu spoke to me because it is an awesome group of guys who always do their own thing and never conform. As much as I can say I chose Theta Mu, the real value of the chapter is that Theta Mu chose me, now its my turn to give back to the chapter.

Joseph Thomas Brandt Year: Sophomore

From Deereld Beach, Fl. My hobbies are shing, surng, and rugby. On my spare time Ive been known to chase tail and work on my 12oz curls. I like having a good time but I keep my priorities straight. I hope to begin my own sales company, so in a few years, Ill be relaxing on a yacht with my ance Natalie Portman. I chose Theta Mu because of the brothers before me. Theta Mu is my family, My pledge class are the best friend Ive ever had and will be by my brothers for life. Sigma Chi was my rst love, but Theta Mu will be my last.

Conor Tejera ODea Year: Junior

First things rst: they call me Bones. Jordan is a second generation Cuban American from Miami. I am a very laid back man with a strong desire to chill and do what I love as often as I can. As of right now, my primary passion is playing golf, but I hope to one day end up in medical school fullling my greatest long term goal. Theta Mu was a last minute decision because I wasnt sure about joining an non recognized fraternity. It ended up being the best decision I have made at Spring Hill. We share something unique and special.

Jordan Thomas Portal Year: Sophomore

I come from a very close family that moved around a lot but settled in Nashville. Naturally I love country music. I also love being on the lake, wake boarding, and going out on The Hill. I hope to be a physician one day with my own practice, but Ive got a while until that happens. My brother was one of the biggest reasons for choosing Theta Mu. He had such a passion for the chapter and its values during his time here that it made me really want to know what they were all about. Now I couldnt be more proud to be a Sigma Chi.

Matthew Hall Keller Year: Sophomore

The biggest things in my life are my family, my brothers, and sports. My mom, Patty Gaus, is the sweetest lady in the world. My dream job would be an anchor on SportsCenter, but if writing and journalism doesnt work out, Ive always wanted to be a re ghter. Im from St. Louis but my brothers here have made SHC feel like home. I chose Theta Mu because Theta Mu chose me. They were the most well known, genuine guys on campus and they asked me to be a part of their brotherhood and I didnt even have to think twice about it.

Andrew Lane Gaus Year: Sophomore


Were doing things dierently this year. Heres how you can help:
Brothers of the Theta Mu Chapter, My name is Joe Brandt and I am the current Quaestor of our chapter. As we move toward our goal of being reinstated as an active chapter on Spring Hills campus, my priority is the elimination of our chapters debt so that we can begin with a clean slate. This is where we need your help. As of our September 1st Statement of Account, the Theta Mu chapter had an outstanding debt of $10,329.04. As dicult as it was to begin our eort with that number hanging over our heads, the chapter is committed to moving forward. In several meetings with Sigma Chi ofcials at Headquarters this summer, our Executive Committee was able to develop an aggressive payment plan to eliminate our debt over the next two years. The chapter has committed to paying o $2,500 a semester over the course of the next four semesters, with the nal payment being $2,829.04. With a current operating budget of $9,000 for the year and calculated expenses just over $7,000, the Theta Mu chapter is making a concerted eort to be proactive in our fundraising eorts. The sale of T-shirts would bring in a signicant amount of money, but our current situation with the school prevents that income from being available. Despite that, the chapter has already sent a check for $1,050 to Headquarters paying o a portion of our debt. As negotiations between Sigma Chi and Spring Hill administration progress, our brothers are looking forward to once again proudly wearing our letters around campus and hosting events for all to enjoy. As we move forward in this journey, we hope that you will join in as well. The Theta Mu alumni are our source of history and tradition, both of which are things that we want to reinvest in as a chapter. If a monetary donation is not possible at this time but you would like to be

Q U A E S TO R | J O S E P H B R A N D T
involved in the activities of the chapter we would love to hear from you. Due to our current situation, simple matters such as securing venues for Bid Night, Initiation and other activities become very dicult for us. We are hoping that increased dialogue and integration with our alumni will help alleviate some of those issues. If you are able and willing, any nancial contributions you can grant the Theta Mu chapter would be immensely appreciated and put to the best possible use. As their Quaestor, my brothers have placed an enormous amount of trust in me and I, in turn, am more than willing to put my reputation on the line for this group of gentlemen. After all, the bond of our fellowship is reciprocal. I thank you all very much for your time and consideration and we look forward to hearing from you in the future.

HOW TO DONATE If you are willing to contribute a monetary donation, mail

a check, made payable to Sigma Chi Fraternity Theta Mu Chapter and send to:

In Hoc Signo Vinces, Joe Brandt Quaestor Theta Mu Chapter

Sigma Chi was my rst love; Theta Mu shall be my last.

Matthew LaBorde 4000 Dauphin Street #497 Mobile, Alabama 36608


Consul: Matthew LaBorde (504) 210-5712 Pro-Consul: Joe Sykes (404) 422-0018 Annotator: Matthew Aydt (636) 675-0079

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