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Our Commitment to the Environment

We are committed to responsible environmental, health and safety management. We aim to look after the health and safety of our people and minimize the environmental impact of our business around the world.

Induri Factory helps provide Safe Drinking Water to 11,000 villagers In May 2011 with support from Induri Factory a water scheme was inaugurated in Induri village. With a storage capacity of 1.5 lakhs litres, the new water scheme will provide safe drinking water to over 11000 villagers. The development of the new water scheme began in 20052006. Induri village is situated on the banks of the Indrani River, which serves all its water requirements. Water from the river is conserved in a water scheme and pumped to the Induri village. The existing water scheme, however, was unable to provide sufficient and safe drinking water to Induri village with its growing needs and population. Hence a need was felt for a comprehensive water scheme to meet the water requirements of the village. While under the existing Rural Water Scheme, the government would fund 90% of the upgradation, the residents of Induri village were expected to raise the remaining 10%. Given Cadbury Indias long association of community development in Induri village, we offered our support, funding over 50% of the remaining budget. Recognizing the importance of safe drinking water for the village residents, we also helped build a filtration system in the water scheme.

Migratory birds stop over at our Bangalore factory! Water is a precious resource. As part of Cadbury India's efforts to continuously increase water conservation our Bangalore factory has constructed a check dam to store the rainwater. This dam not only acts as a major ground water replenishing source for the bore wells in the factories and surrounding community, but is also a stopover location for some of the migratory birds!

Workplace and Culture

Every day, our success depends upon 100,000 capable, dedicated and diverse Mondelz International employees around the world. Treating them well and providing them with a workplace that is safe is the right thing to do and essential for our long-term success.

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