Mba 5yr Syllabus (Old)

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E"# i$#tio$ Se e%ter-I mba-801 mba-802 mba-80! mba-80$ mba-80& mba-80) : : : : : : (Tot#& M#r'%( )00) M#"i * 100 100 100 100 100 100 M#r'%

Conceptual Foundations of Management Understanding Human Beha iour "#ecuti e Communication Fundamentals of %ccounting Fundamentals of 'ociolog( Computer Fundamentals Se e%ter-II (Tot#& M#r'%( 550)

mba-811 mba-812 mba-81! mba-81$ mba-81& mba-81)

: : : : : :

Business 'tatistics Business Mathematics Business *a+s Business "conomics ,atabase Management '(stem -erm .aper .resentation /Based on 01n- 2ob -raining34 Se e%ter-III (Tot#& M#r'%( 550)

100 100 100 100 100 &0

mba-821 mba-822 mba-82! mba-82$ mba-82& mba-82)

: : : : : :

"n ironment Management and *a+ Cost %ccounting 5ndian Macro "conomic "n ironment Corporate *a+ "lements of Mar6eting -erm .aper .resentation /Based on 01n-2ob -raining34 Se e%ter-I+ (Tot#& M#r'%( 550)

100 100 100 100 100 &0

mba-8!1 mba-8!2 mba-8!! mba-8!$ mba-8!& mba-8!)

: : : : : :

Basics of Finance Management %ccounting .roduction Management Management 5nformation '(stem Basics of H7M -erm .aper .resentation /Based on 01n-2ob -raining34 Se e%ter-+ (Tot#& M#r'%( )50)

100 100 100 100 100 &0

mba-8$1 mba-8$2 mba-8$! mba-8$$ mba-8$& mba-8$) mba-8$;

: : : : : : :

.urchase 8 Materials Management 9uantitati e -echni:ues for Business Management "ntrepreneurship ,e elopment Business 7esearch 'er ice Mar6eting 5nternational Business -erm .aper .resentation /Based on 01n-2ob -raining34 Se e%ter-+I (Tot#& M#r'%( ,00) 1

100 100 100 100 100 100 &0

mba-8&1 mba-8&2 mba-8&! mba-8&$ mba-8&& mba-8&) mba-8&; mba-8&8

: : : : : : :

.ro<ect Management Mar6eting Communication "#port ,ocumentation and .rocedures -otal 9ualit( Management Human 7esource ,e elopment =(a hari6 Hindi -erm .aper .resentation /Based on 01n-2ob -raining34 Comprehensi e =i a-=oce Gr#$- Tot#& M#r'% (!ro I to +I Se e%ter%) Se e%ter-+II (Tot#& M#r'%( ,00) 'trategic Management "conomic %spects of 5ndian Constitution -erm .aper .resentation /Based on 01n-2ob -raining34

100 100 100 100 100 100 &0 &0 .)00 100 100 &0

mba 8)1 mba 8)2 mba 8)!

: : :

OPTIONAL PAPERS( -he student are re:uired to opt for $ theor( and a .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce papers in all from one functional area =i>?@ Mar6eting@ Finance and Human 7esources? First ! -heor( .apers in each functional areas are compulsor( besides .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce? MAR/ETING( mba 8)$ : Consumer Beha iour mba 8)& : 'ales and ,istribution Management mba 8)) : 5nternational Mar6eting Management? mba 8); : .ractical Acum- i a- oce based on paper mba 8)$@ mba 8)& 8 mba 8)) mba 8)8 : Bor6ing Capital Management 17 mba 8;! : 5ndustrial .s(cholog( 0INANCE mba 8)8 : Bor6ing Capital Management mba 8)C : Foreign "#change Management mba 8;0 : 'ecurit( %nal(sis and 5n estment Management mba 8;1 .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-8)8@ mba-8)C 8 mba-8;0 mba 8)$ : Consumer Beha iour 17 mba 8;! : 5ndustrial .s(cholog( 12MAN RESO2RCES mba 8;2 : 5ndustrial 7elations mba 8;! : 5ndustrial .s(cholog( mba 8;$ : Managing 5nterpersonal Droup .rocesses mba 8;& : .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-8;2@ mba-8;! 8 mba-8;$ mba 8)8 : Bor6ing Capital Management 17 mba 8)$ : Consumer Beha iour Se e%ter-+III (Tot#& M#r'%( ,00) mba 881 : 1rgani>ational Beha iour mba 882 : "-Commerce mba 88! : -erm .aper .resentation Based on -raining 2 : 100 100 100 &0 100 100 100 100 100 &0 100 100 100 100 &0 100 100 100 100 &0

OPTIONAL PAPERS -he student are re:uired to opt for $ theor( and a .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce papers in all from one functional area =i>?@ Mar6eting@ Finance and Human 7esources? First ! -heor( .apers in each functional areas are compulsor(: MAR/ETING mba 88& : 'trategic Mar6eting Management mba 88) : %d ertising Management mba 88; : 5ndustrial Mar6eting mba 888 : .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-88&@ mba-88) 8 mba-88; mba 8C0 : 5ndian Financial '(stem 17 mba 8C& : 5nternational Human 7esource Management 0INANCE mba 88C : Multinational Financial Management mba 8C0 : 5ndian Financial '(stem mba 8C1 : .ortfolio Management mba 8C2 : .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-88C@ mba-8C0 8 mba-8C1 mba 8C& : 5nternational Human 7esource Management 17 mba 88; : 5ndustrial Mar6eting 12MAN RESO2RCE mba 8C! mba 8C$ mba 8C& mba 8C) mba 88; mba 8C0 : : : : : : Compensation Management *abour *egislation in 5ndia 5nternational Human 7esource Management .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-8C!@ mba-8C$ 8 mba-8C& 5ndustrial Mar6eting 17 5ndian Financial '(stem Se e%ter 3 I4 (Tot#& M#r'% 5 ,00) Management 'cience 5nternational Business "n ironment -erm .aper .resentation Based on -raining 100 100 100 &0 100 100 100 100 100 &0 100 100 100 100 100 &0 100 100

COMP2LSORY PAPERS( mba-C01 mba-C02 mba-C0! : : : 100 100 &0

OPTIONAL PAPERS( -he student are re:uired to opt for $ theor( and a .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce papers in all from one functional area =i>?@ Mar6eting@ Finance and Human 7esources? First ! -heor( .apers in each functional areas are compulsor( besides .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce? M#r'eti$6 mba-C0$ mba-C0& mba-C0) mba-C0; mba-C0C : : : : : 7etail Mar6eting 7ural Mar6eting 'ales .romotion Management? .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-C0$@ mba-C0& 8 mba-C0) Ban6 8 5nsurance Management 17 ! 100 100 100 &0 100

mba-C1! 0i$#$ce( mba-C08 mba-C0C mba-C10 mba-C11 mba-C0$ mba-C1! : : : : :

Counselling '6ills for managers


Financial ,eri ati es Ban6 and 5nsurance Management Corporate -a# .lanning 8 Management .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-C08@ mba-C0C 8 mba-C10 7etail Mar6eting 17 Counselling '6ill for Managers

100 100 100 &0 100 100

1* #$ Re%o*rce% M#$#6e e$t mba-C12 mba-C1! mba-C1$ mba-C1& mba-C0C mba-C0$ : : : : : 1rgani>ational Change 8 'tress Management Counselling s6ills for managers .erformance Management .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-C12@ mba-C1! 8 mba-C1$ Ban6 8 5nsurance Management 17 7etail Mar6eting Se e%ter-4 (Tot#& M#r'% 5 ,00) 100 100 100 &0 100 100

COMP2LSORY PAPERS( mba-1001 mba-1002 mba-100! mba-100$ Eno+ledge Management 5ndian -rade and B-1 Comprehensi e =i a-=oce -erm .aper .resentation Based on -raining /based on the training done in the Cth 'emester4 100 100 100 &0

OPTIONAL PAPERS( -he student are re:uired to opt for ! theor( and a .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce papers in all from one functional area =i>?@ Mar6eting@ Finance and Human 7esources? First 2 -heor( .apers in each functional areas are compulsor( besides .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce? M#r'eti$6 mba 100& mba 100) mba 100; mba 100C mba 1011 0i$#$ce mba 1008 mba 100C mba 1010 mba 100& .roduct and Brand Management Mar6eting of Fon .rofit 1rgani>ation .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-100&@ 8 mba-100) 'trategic Financial Management 17 Human 7esource .lanning and ,e elopment Merchant Ban6ing %nd Financial 'er ices 'trategic Financial Management .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-1008@ 8 mba-100C .roduct and Brand Management $ 100 100 &0 100 100 100 100 &0 100

17 mba 1011 1* mba mba mba

Human 7esource .lanning and ,e elopment

100 100 100 &0 100 100

#$ Re%o*rce% M#$#6e e$t 1011 Human 7esource .lanning and ,e elopment 1012 Manpo+er ,e elopment for -echnical Change? 101! .ractical-cum-=i a-=oce based on paper mba-1011@ 8 mba-1012 mba 100& .roduct and Brand Management 17 mba 100C 'trategic Financial Management


SEMESTER - I 7#-801( Co$ce9t*#& 0o*$-#tio$% o! M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o facilitate an understanding of arious concepts@ principles and functions of management?


Fature@ 'cope and 'ignificance of ManagementG 7ole of ManagersG .rinciples of ManagementG 'cientific Management? ,e elopment of Management -hought Classical@ Feoclassical and Contingenc(? .lanning - Meaning and 5mportance of .lanningG .lanning .rocessG Considerations in .lanningG Methods of .lanningG -(pes of .lansG ,ecision Ma6ing - Concept and -echni:ues? 1rganising - Meaning and 5mportance of 1rganising? .rocess of 1rgani>ing@ .rinciples of "ffecti e 1rganisationG Ee( "lements in 1rganising .rocess: ,epartmentation@ ,ecentralisation@ ,elegationG %uthorit( 7elationship - *ine@ 'taff and FunctionalG Formal s 5nformal 1rganisations? Moti ation@ *eadership and Communication - Concept and 'ignificance of Moti ation? ,eterminants of Beha iourG Maslo+Hs -heor( of Moti ationG "#pectanc( -heor(? -heor( I and -heor( J? Meaning and 5mportance of *eadershipG *eadership 't(lesG 9ualities of *eadership? Communication Meaning@ 'ignificance@ Barriers and Channels? Control and Management of Change - Managerial and Budgetar( ControlG Control .rocessG Control methods : .re action Control@ 'teering Control and .ost- action Control@ Control -echni:ues? Management of Change - Concept and .rocess? 7esistance to Change?





S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $? &? B?.? 'ingh and %?E? 'ingh B?.? 'ingh 2ames 'touen@ %?F? Freeman@ 7? "d+ard Fred *uthans@ 7?'? ,+i edi : : : : : Modern Management@ "#cel Boo6@ F? ,elhi? Management Concepts 8 .ractices@ ,hanpat 7ai 8 sons@ Fai 'ara6@ ,elhi? Management@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ntroduction to Management@ Mc Dra+@ Hill? Management - %n 5ntegrated %pproach@ Fational .ublishing Co?@ ,elhi?

7#-802 ( 2$-er%t#$-i$6 1* #$ Beh#;io*r M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o facilitate an understanding of human beha iour and its aried determinants? Unit-5 : ,efinition of Beha iourG .s(cholog( in Historical .erspecti e - Beha iourism@ Destalt .s(cholog(@ .s(choanal(sisG %n o er ie+ of different branches of .s(cholog( - Clerical@ 5ndustrial@ 'ocial@ "#perimental and .ara .s(cholog(? .erception - Meaning and 'ignificance of .erceptionG .erceptual 1rganisation *a+s of organisationG .erceptual %bnormalities - 5llusions 8 Hallucinations? .erson .erception? *earning - Meaning and .rocessG -(pes of *earningG *earning -heories Classical Conditioning@ 1perant Conditioning@ 'ocial *earning -heories? .roblem 'ol ing and -hin6ing? Moti ation - Meaning and significanceG -heories of Moti ation@ Moti ational ,ilemmas? "motion - MeaningG -heoriesG Management of "motionG "motional 5ntelligence - Meaning@ 'ignificance and %ssessment? .ersonalit( - ,efinitionG t(pes@ ,eterminants and %ssessment of .ersonalit(? -heories of .ersonalit(? 'elf-concept? ,efensi e Beha iour





S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $? Hilgard 8 %t6inson C?-? Morgan 8 Eing Baron 7?F? 'harma : : : : 5ntroduction to .s(cholog( 5ntroduction to .s(cholog( 5ntroduction to .s(cholog( Foundations of .s(cholog(

7#-80. ( E"ec*ti;e Co

*$ic#tio$ M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5 : -o de elop +ritten and oral communication s6ills?

Communication : Meaning@ .urpose and 5mportance@ Functions and .rocess? *anguage '6ills : *istening@ 'pea6ing@ 7eading@ Briting? -(pes of Communication: 1ral@ Britten@ =erbal and Fon-=erbal@ .roblems in Communication? Channels of Communication : Formal =ersus 5nformal@ Factors in Drape ine .henomenon? Communication and ,ecision-Ma6ing in 'mall DroupsG 7ole of DroupsG Characteristics of 'mall Droups@ -eam+or6 : Fature and 'ignificance? Communication +ithin the 1rganisation : Memo Briting@ .roposal Briting@ 7eport Briting@ 'ummerising@ 1ffice 1rders@ Circulars@ Briting Fotes@ .reparing %genda@ %ction -a6en 7eport? Communication 1utside the 1rganisation - Business Correspondence : 7e:uest for 9uotations@ -enders@ 1rders@ ,rafting of 'ales *etters@ Circular *etters@ Correspondence +ith 'uppliers 7egarding Complaints@ Follo+-up *etters?





Mechanics of Briting: .unctuation@ %bbre iations@ Fumbers@ 7eferences? "ffecti e *istening : Face to face Con ersation@ -elephonic Con ersation@ 5nter ie+s@ 5nstructions@ ,ictation? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $ 'inha@ E?E? .radhan@ Homai@ et al .aul@ 7a<endra and Eorthalli@ 2?'? Murph( and Hilderbrandth : : : : Business Communication@ Dalgotia .ublishing Compan(? Business Communication@ Himala(a .ublishing House? Business Communication@ 'ultan Chand 8 'ons? Business Communications?

7#-80< ( 0*$-# e$t#&% o! Acco*$ti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o de elop conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of financial accounting s(stem +hich processes transactions and other e ents through a boo6-6eeping mechanism to prepare and understand financial statements?


%ccounting as a Measurement ,iscipline@ %ccounting Concepts and Con entionsG Fature@ 'cope@ Functions and *imitations of %ccounting? 7ole of %ccounting in 'ociet(? %ccounting .rocess : 2ournal and *edger *eading to .reparation of -rial Balance 5ncluding 7ectification of "rrors? Ban6 7econciliation 'tatement? 'ubsidiar( Boo6s? Capital and 7e enue@ Classification of 5ncome@ "#penditure and 7eceipts? .reparation of Final %ccounts for Fon-Corporate "ntities +ith %d<ustments? Bill of "#change and .romissor( Fotes? ,epreciation : Concept@ Causes@ Features@ 1b<ecti es and Methods? =aluation of 'toc6? Computer and %ccounting : Meaning@ Features and Bor6ing of Computers? 7ole of Computer in %ccountingG -he Flo+ Chart@ Computer .rocesses@ 'oft+are pac6ages for %ccounting?


Unit-555 Unit-5= Unit-=

: : :

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? .ande(@ 5?M? Ehan@ M?J? and 2ain@ .?E? ,?E? Do(al : : : Management %ccounting@ =i6as .ublications? Management %ccounting@ -ata McDra+ Hill? Fe+ ,elhi? %ccounting

7#-805 ( 0*$-# e$t#&% o! Socio&o6= M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5 : -o familiarise the students +ith basic concepts and theories of sociolog(?

5ntroduction : Fature and 'cope of 'ociolog(? -he Methods of 'ociolog(G Fundamental Concepts of 'ociolog(? -he 7elationship Bet+een Man and 'ociet(? 'ocial 'tructure and .rocesses A 'ocial 'tructure: Meaning@ "lements and -(pesG 'ocial 5nstitutions and -heir Functions@ 'ocial .rocess: Co-operation@ Conflict@ Competition and %ssimilation? 'ociali>ation and 'ocial %ction : Meaning of 'ociali>ationG 'ociali>ation as a .rocess of *earningG 'tages and %gencies of 'ociali>ation? 'ocial %ction: "lements@ 7ationalit( of MeansG "conomic@ .olitical and 7eligious 5ntegration of "nds? 'ocial Change and 5nstitution: Meaning@ -(pes and Factors in 'ocial ChangeG 'ocial .roblems: Meaning@ Causes and 7emedies? 'ocial 5nstitution: Famil(@ 7eligion and MarriageG 'ocial 'tratification in 5ndia? %n 1 er ie+ of ,ifferent Branches of 'ociolog(? Basic Concepts of 5ndustrial 'ociolog(: %ttitude Formation and Change? Morale %uditG =alues and FormsG .o+er and .oliticsG Bureaucrac(?





S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $? Miller 8 Form 'heth /F?7?4 'achade a@ =?B? Mi6e 1H ,onnell : : : : 5ndustrial 'ociolog( 5ndustrial 'ociolog( in 5ndia 5ntroduction to 'ociolog( 5ntroduction to 'ociolog(


7#-80) ( Co 9*ter 0*$-# e$t#&% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of the course is to familiari>e the students +ith the basics of the computers and their uses?


Fundamentals of Computers :5ntroduction to Computer -(pes /%nalog@ ,igital and H(brid4G Characteristics of ComputersG " olution of Computers /Histor(@ Deneration4@ Basic Components of a Computer@ -heir Functions and 5nterrelationG 'tores .rogram Concept@ 7%M@ 71MG Computer Hard+are and 'oft+are and Firm+areG Computer *anguages@ -(pes of 'oft+are@ .rocessing of a Computer@ Uses@ %pplications and CapabilitiesG Concept of ,ata Communication and Fet+or6ing? -(pes of Computer '(stemsG .ersonal-Micro@ Mini@ Mainframe and 'uper ComputerG ,ifferences and CapabilitiesG 7ange of %pplications?


,ata 7epresentation : Fumber '(stems /Binar(@ 1ctal and He#adecimal4 and -heir 5nter-Con ersionsG Binar( %rithmeticG 5nternal data representationG 1rgani>ation of memoriesG 7epresentation of Fumber /Fi#ed-point and Floating point4G 7epresentation of %lphanumeric Character Codes? ,ata 'torage: .rimar( 'torageG %ddressing and Capacit(G -(pes of 'econdar( 'torage - Magnetic -apes@ ,is6s@ 1rganisation Methods /se:uential and direct4G Flopp( ,is6 1ptical ,is6G C,-71M? 5nputK1utput ,e ices: -apeK,iscsK,is6ettes@ *ightpen@ Mouse and 2o(stic6s@ Character 7eaders@ =,UG 'erial@ *ine-.rinter .lotters? 1perating '(stem : 5ntroduction to 1perating '(stemG -(pes of 1perating '(stems? 5ntroduction to -e#t .rocessing ia Bord .rocessor@ 5ntroduction of 'preadsheet@ its -(pes and %pplications? 5ntroduction to -e#t .rocessing ia Bord .rocessor@ 5ntroduction to 'preadsheet@ its -(pes and %pplication?


Unit-5= Unit-=

: :

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $? &? Do indra<u@ '? 2ain@ =?E? 'inha@ .?E? Fortron@ .eter 7am@ B? : : : : : 5ntroduction to Computer 'cience A Bile(@ "astern *td? Computers and Beginners Fundamentals of Computers ,1' &?0K) Computer Fundamentals?


SEMESTER - II 7#-811( B*%i$e%% St#ti%tic% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5 : -o ac:uaint the students +ith the statistical techni:ues and their applications to business problems?

'tatistics - 1rigin and Dro+th@ ,efinition@ 'ignificance@ 'copeG Functions and *imitations of 'tatistics? 'tatistical 'ur e( - .lanning and "#ecuting the 'ur e(? ,escripti e and inducti e 'tatistics - an 5ntroduction? Collection of ,ata - -(pes of ,ata@ Methods of ,ata Collection@ 5nter ie+ and 9uestionnaire? 'ources of ,ata Collection? Classification and -abulation of ,ata: Meaning and 1b<ecti esG -(pes of Classification? -abulation of ,ata@ .arts of a -able@ Deneral 7ules of -abulationG ,iagramatic and Draphic .resentation - 'ignificance and 7ules for Constructing ,iagrams and Draphs? Measures of Central -endenc( and ,ispersion - Central -endenc(: Mean Median@ Mode@ Deometric Mean@ and Harmonic Mean? ,ispersion: 7ange@ the Mean ,e iation@ the 'tandard ,e iation@ Coefficient of =ariation@ =ariance *oren> Cur e@ '6e+ness? Correlation %nal(sis: Concept@ -(pes and 'ignificanceG Earl .earsonHs and 'pearmanHs Coefficients of CorrelationG Multiple and .artial Correlation? 7egression %nal(sis - an 5ntroduction?

Unit-55 Unit-555

: :



S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $? & Business 'tatistics by 2? E? 'harma? .earson "ducation@ ,elhi? 'tatistics A an 5ntroduction 7?.? Hooda? MacMillian 5ndia *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? Business 'tatistics by '?.? Dupta and M? .? Dupta? 'ultan Chand and 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi? 'tatistical Method by '?.? Dupta? 'ultan Chand and 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi? Fundamental of 'tatistics by '? C? Dupta? Himala(a .ublishing House@ Mumbai?


7#-812 ( B*%i$e%% M#the #tic% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5 : -o familiarise the students +ith a broad based 6no+ledge of mathematics +ith focus on business application?

-heor( of 'ets: Meaning@ "lements@ -(pes@ .resentation and ":ualit( of 'etsG Union@ 5ntersection@ Compliment and ,ifference of 'ets? =enn ,iagramG Cartesian .roduct of -+o 'ets@ %pplication of 'et -heor(? 5ndices and *ogarithms@ %rithmetic@ Deometric and Harmonic .rogressions and their Business %pplicationsG 'um of ':uares and Cubes of First Fatural Fumbers? .ermutations@ Combinations@ and Binomial -heorem ,ifferential and 5ntegral Calculus - %n 5ntroduction? /positi e inde#4?


Unit-555 Unit-5=

: :

Matrices - -(pes@ .roperties@ %ddition@ Multiplication@ -ranspose and 5n erse of Matri#? .roperties of ,eterminantsG 'olution of 'imultaneous *inear ":uationsG Business %pplication of Matrices? ,eri ati e as a 7ate Measure? "lasticit( as a Function? .rice "lasticit( of 'uppl(? .rice "lasticit( of ,emand@ 5ncome "lasticit( of ,emand? Marginal Costs and 7e enuesG 7elation bet+een % erage and Marginal Cost?


S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 'ancheti@ ,?C? and : Business Mathematics@ 'ultan Chand 8 Eappor =?E? 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi? 2? Lameerudin@ 9ua>i : Business Mathematics@ =i6as .ublishing Ehanna@ =?E? and House@ Fe+ ,elhi Bambri@ '?E? !? 7edd(@ 7? 2a(a .ra6ash : % -e#t boo6 of Business Mathematics@ and 7edd(@ J? Malli6ar<una %shish .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? $? Mongia : Mathematics for Business and "conomics? &? 7agha achari : Mathematics for Management?


7#-81.( B*%i$e%% L#>% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5 : -o gi e an e#posure to the students of some of the ma<or commercial la+s affecting the business?

Meaning of *a+@ its 'ignificance and 7ele ance to Modern Ci il 'ociet(? 5ndian Contract %ct@ 18;2 : Meaning and "ssentials of a =alid Contract@ .erformance of Contract@ -ermination of Contract? Contracts of 5ndemnit( and Duarantee@ Bailment and .ledge? *a+ of %genc(? 'ale of Doods %ct@ 1C!0: "ssentials of a Contract of 'ale@ Condition and BarrantiesG -ransfer of -itle b( Fon-o+nersG .erformance of the Contract of 'ale? Unpaid 'eller - his 7ights? "lements of Compan( *a+ : Fature and meaning of compan(G .romotion and incorporation of a compan(: Memorandum of %ssociation@ %rticles of %ssociationG Board of ,irectors? 5ndian .artnership %ct@ 1C!2 : Meaning and Fature of .artnership -(pes of .artnershipG .artnership ,eed@ 7ights and ,uties of .artners?

Unit-55 Unit-555

: :



S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? Dulshan /'?'?4 %ggar+al@ '?E? : : Business *a+@ Fe+ %ge 5nt? .ublication? Business *a+@ Dalgotia .ublications?


7#-81< ( B*%i$e%% Eco$o ic% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5 : -o introduce basic concepts@ anal(tical tools and theories of business economics?

5ntroduction to Business "conomics: Fature and scope of business economicsG Fature of business decisions ma6ingG 1b<ecti es of a Firm? .rofit ma#imisation as the Doal of Corporate Firms? *imitations of "conomic -heories? Concept of ,emandG -(pes of ,emandG Factors %ffecting ,emandG *a+ of ,emandG Concept of "lasticit( of ,emandG Measurement of "lasticit( of ,emand and its 5mplications in ,ecision Ma6ing .rocessG 5ntroduction to ,emand Forecasting - its 7ole@ -(pes and Methods? .roduction and Cost %nal(sisG Meaning of .roductionG .roduction -echnolog(G .roduction Function@ *east Cost Combination of 5nputsG Factor .roducti ities and 7eturns to 'cale@ Cost Concepts@ ,eterminants of Cost@ Cost 1utput 7elationship? .ricing under ,ifferent -(pes of Mar6et 'tructures i?e? .erfect@ Monopol(@ Monopolistic and 1ligopol(G 5ntroduction to Capital and 5n estment ,ecisionsG Methods of " aluating =arious 5n estment ,ecisions? %lternati e -heories of FirmHs Beha iourG .rofit anal(sisG .roduct Mar6et %nal(sisG Mone( Mar6et %nal(sis?





S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? Mote .aul 8 Dupta =arshne(@ 7?*? 8 Mahesh+ari@ E?*? ,+i edi@ ,?F? : : : Managerial "conomics Managerial "conomics Managerial "conomics


7#-815 ( D#t#7#%e M#$#6e e$t S=%te M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o inculcate the 6no+ledge of ,ata Base 8 their effecti e usage in managerial ,ecision ma6ing? Unit-5 5ntroduction to ,atabase '(stem@ Concepts@ %d antages@ ,isad antages@ -(pes@ %rchitecture of ,atabase '(stem? 'chema@ 'ubschema@ Components of ,atabase '(stem? 7oles of ,atabase %dministrator@ "ntit(@ %ttributes@ "-7 ,iagram@ "ntit(-7elationship /1ne--o-1ne@ 1ne--o-Man(@ Man(--o-Man(4? ,ata Models: Hierarchical@ Fet+or6@ 7elational? Functional ,ependenc(@ Formali>ation? -ransiti e ,ependenc(@ Multi- alued ,ependenc(@

Unit-55 Unit-555 Unit-5= Unit-=

,atabase 'ecurit(@ Concurrenc(?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1 2? !? ,atabase Management '(stem ,atabase Management '(stem ,atabase Management '(stem : : : "lmasri Fa athe 2ames Martin C? 2? ,ate

7#-81) ( Ter

P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B) M?M?



SEMESTER - III 7#-821 ( E$;iro$ e$t M#$#6e e$t #$- L#> M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o familiarise the students +ith same en ironmental issues? Unit-5: Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=: "n ironment Management A Meaning@ Fature and 'cope? "cological '(stems and "n ironmental '(stems? Components of the "co-'(stem? Man and "cos(stem and "n ironmental '(stems? Conser ation and Management? "co-Friendl( Business A Corporate 'ocial 7esponsibilit(@ Dreen Mar6eting@ "n ironment "thics? %pproaches for "n ironmental Management A Management Based on 'tandards@ Management Based on Best .racticable Means@ 1ther Measures for "n ironment? Ma<or .ro isions of the "n ironment /.rotection4 %ct@ 1C8)? "n ironment %udit?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? D?F? .ande(: "n ironment Management =i6as .ublications


7#-822( Co%t Acco*$ti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e : -he ob<ecti e of the course is to pro ide 6no+ledge of basic concepts to the students in cost accounting? Unit-5: 5ntroduction : *imitations of Financial accounting@ Meaning@ ,efinition@ 1b<ecti es@ %d antages of Cost %ccounting? ,ifference bet+een Cost %ccounting and Financial %ccounting? 1b<ections %gainst Cost %ccounting? 5nstallation of a Costing '(stem? ,ifficulties in 5nstalling a Costing '(stem? Cost Units and Cost Centers? Methods of Costing: 2ob@ Contract@ Batch@ .rocess@ Unit@ 1perating and Multiple Costing? -(pes of Costing : Uniform Costing@ Marginal Costing Historical Costing? %nal(sis and Classification of Cost? Cost sheet and its .reparation? 5tems "#cluded from cost boo6s Materials control : Meaning@ Feed for Control@ .urchasing and Function of .urchase ,epartment? .urchase .rocedure? 'tores Control: Ma#imum *e el@ Minimum *e el@ 'afet( *e el@ "19@ Material 7ecords@ 'tores *edger@ .erpetual 5n entor( '(stem@ Continuous 'toc6- ta6ing? *abour Cost@ '(stem of Bage .a(ment@ -ime Bage '(stem and .iece 7ate '(stem? .remium and Bonus .lans? 1 erheads their classification A Function-Bise@ "lements-Bise@ Beha ior-Bise Classification and it3s use? Factors in 'election of Methods of 1 erhead 7ate for Factor(? Miscellaneous 5tems in 1 erheads: 5nterest on Capital@ ,epreciation@ Contribution to 'taff .ro ident Fund@ .ac6ing@ 5ncome -a#@ ,iscount 7ecei ed@ ,ebts@ Fight 'hift Bonus@ Cost of ,efecti es@ %d ertising "#penses and Bonus etc?



Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? B?M? *all Figam 8 D?*? 'harma : Cost %ccounting Mahesh+ari 8 Mittal : Cost %ccounting Manash ,utta : Cost %ccounting@ .earson 5ndia


7#-82.( I$-i#$ M#cro Eco$o ic E$;iro$ e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he main ob<ecti e of this course is to apprise the students of "conomic .olicies of Do ernment of 5ndia and to help them understand the parameters of 5ndian Macro "conomic "n ironment? Unit-5 :"conomic 7oles of Do ernment - .lanning@ "ntrepreneurial@ 7egulator( 8 .romotion@ Ma<or .roblems of 5ndian "conom( - "conomic Dro+th@ .o ert(@ .opulation and Unemplo(ment? Unit-55 : Unit-555: 5ndustrial .olic(@ Monetar( .olic( and Fiscal .olic( in 5ndia? 'mall 'cale 5ndustries : Meaning@ 7ole and .roblems@ 7ole of .ublic 'ector "nterprises in 5ndian "conom(@ Concepts of *iberalisation@ .ri atisation@ Dlobalisation and ,isin estment? 5ndiaHs 5nternational -rade@ "#ports 8 5mports@ Balance of .a(ment@ "I5M .olic(@ 5nflation in 5ndia? 5ndia and Borld "conom(@ 7ole of B-1@ 5MF 8 Borld Ban6@ -rends of Fational 5ncome 8 .er Capita 5ncome in 5ndia@ 7elati e 5mportance of %griculture@ 5ndustr( 8 'er ice 'ector?

Unit-5=: Unit-= :

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 5ndian "conom(- 7uddar ,utt 8 E?.?M? 'undaram 5ndian "conom(-Mishra 8 .uri Business "n ironment-Francis Cherunilam Business "n ironment-E? %sh+athapa


7#-82<( Cor9or#te L#> M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5: Unit-55: Unit-555: -he ob<ecti e of this paper is to ac:uaint the students +ith ma<or pro isions of the Compan( *a+@ 1C&)?

" olution of Compan( *a+ in 5ndia? Compan( : Meaning@ 'alient Features@ Forms of Compan(? ,ifference bet+een a Compan( and .artnership? Formation of Compan( : .romotion@ .osition of .romoters and their 7emuneration@ ,uties and *iabilities? 7egistration of companies? Memorandum of %ssociation : Meaning@ Contents and its %lteration? ,octrine of Ultra ires? %rticles of %ssociation : Meaning@ Contents@ and its %lteration? .rinciple of Constructi e Fotice? .rospectus and its Contents? *iabilit( for Mis-'tatement? 'hares and 'hare Capital? Members and 'hareholders? Compan( Meetings and .roceedings? Managerial 7emuneration? .o+er@ ,uties@ *iabilities and Meetings of ,irectors?

Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? % tar 'ingh : Compan( *a+ 2? '?C? Eucchal : Compan( *a+


7#-825( E&e e$t% o! M#r'eti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to familiarise the students +ith the basic functions and processes of Mar6eting? Unit-5: Mar6eting- ,efinition@ Fature 8 'cope@ =arious Concepts of Mar6eting@ Mar6eting Mi#@ '-. /'egmenting@ -argeting 8 .ositioning4 %pproach to Mar6eting@ Mar6eting "n ironment? Unit-55: Unit-555: .roduct-Meaning@ *e els@ .roduct Mi#@ Fe+ .roduct ,e elopment@ .roduct *ife C(cle@ Branding 8 .ac6aging? .ricing- 1b<ecti es@ Methods 8 .olicies@ .romotion Mi#- %n 5ntroduction to %d ertising@ 'ales .romotion@ .ersonal 'elling@ ,irect Mar6eting 8 .ublic 7elations? ,istribution Channels- .lanning 8 Management@ 7etailing@ Bholesaling@ .h(sical ,istribution 8 *ogistics ,ecisions? 'elected %pplications: 5nternational Mar6eting@ Mar6eting 7esearch 8 5nformation '(stem@ Mar6eting on Beb?

Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? Mar6eting Management b( .hilip Eotler? Mar6eting Management b( "?2? McCarth(? Mar6eting Management b( 7amas+am( and Fama6umari? Mar6eting Management b( 2? C? Dandhi Mar6eting Management b( %run Eumar@ =i6as .ublishing House?

7#-82)( Ter

P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B)

M?M? :



SEMESTER - I+ 7#-8.1( B#%ic% o! 0i$#$ce M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5: -o familiarise the students +ith the basics of finance?

,efinition and 5mportance of Finance Function@ Functions of Finance@ ,istinction bet+een %ccounting Function and Finance Function@ ,efinition and Functions of Financial Management@ 1b<ecti es of Financial Management@ 1rganisation of the Finance Function? Meaning@ Characteristics and Feed for Financial .lanning in Business Concerns@ Factors to be Considered in ,rafting a Financial .lan? Meaning of Capitalisation and -heories of Capitalisation? 1 er-Capitalisation and Under-Capitalisation? 'ources of *ong-term@ Medium term and 'hort-term Finance@ Capital 'tructure@ 1b<ecti es of Capital 'tructure and Characteristics of an 1ptimal Capital 'tructure? Concept of Cost of Capital@ 5mportance of Cost of Capital in Managerial ,ecision Ma6ing@ Computation of Cost of Capital@ Concept of % erage Cost of Capital? ,efinition and 5mportance of Capital Budgeting@ Methods for " aluating the Capital 5n estment .roposals@ -ime =alue of Mone(?


Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6( !? $? &? 5?M? .ande( : Financial Management '?C? Euchal : Financial Management M?J? Ehan : Financial Management


7#-8.2( M#$#6e e$t Acco*$ti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5: -o ma6e students understand the applications of accounting for managerial functions?

,efinition@ Characteristics and 'cope of Management %ccounting@ Functions of Management %ccounting@ Management %ccounting as a -ool of Management@ ,istinction Bet+een Financial %ccounting and Management %ccounting? Meaning of Budget and Budgetar( Control@ 1b<ecti es of Budgeting@ -(pes of Budgets for "ffecti e Control@ Meaning 8 Functions of Cash Budget? Fature and 5mportance of C-=-. %nal(sis@ Brea6-e en %nal(sis@ 'ignificance and *imitations of Brea6 e en %nal(sis? Concept of Marginal Costing? ,istinction bet+een Marginal Costing and 'tandard Costing@ %d antages and ,isad antages of Marginal Costing? Meaning and 5mportance of 7eporting to Management@ -(pes of 7eports@ .rinciples of 7eporting?

Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? 5?M? .ande( : Management %ccounting Manmohan Do(al : Management %ccounting


7#-8..( Pro-*ctio$ M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5: -he basic ob<ecti e of this course is to familiarise the students one of the important functional areas of Management i?e? production?

.roduction - ,efinition@ Fature@ 'cope and 5mportance@ .roduction as a Functional %rea of Management@ -(pes - 2ob@ Batch and Flo+ .roduction@ Continuous and 5ntermittent .roduction? .lant *ocation and *a(out - Feed@ Meaning and -(pes of .lant *ocation and *a(out? .roduction Forecasting - Concept@ 5mportance and Methods? .roduction .lanning and Control? Method 'tud( - Concept@ %pplication@ .rocedure? 7ele ance of Forms@ Charts and 7eports in Method 'tud(? -ime 'tud( - Concept@ %pplication@ .rocedure@ ,etermination of 'tandard@ %ctual and Formal -ime@ .erformance 7ating@ Bor6 'ampling?

Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? Buffa@ "?'? : Modern .roduction Management Ma(er@ 7a(mond 7? : .roduction 8 1perations Management Doel@ B?'? : .roduction Management


7#-8.< ( M#$#6e e$t I$!or #tio$ S=%te M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e ( Unit-5 : Unit-55 : Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-= : -he ob<ecti e of the Course to ac:uaint the students +ith 5nformation '(stems Management?

M5' - ,efinition@ Fature@ 'cope@ '(stem ,e elopment *ife C(cle 5nformation 'ources@ -(pes@ 5dentification and %nal(sis? Characteristic@ 5nformation 'earch@ 9uer(

'(stems %nal(sis and ,esign@ 7ole of '(stem %nal(st@ -(pes of '(stem 1n-line 5nformation 'ources - ,efinition@ Feeds@ .urpose and -echni:ues of 'earching@ 5nformation 'ources on 5nternet and -heir %ccess? 'elected %pplication : Brief 5ntroduction to

Mar6eting 5nformation '(stem .ersonnel 5nformation '(stem %ccounting 5nformation '(stem S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? Management 5nformation '(stem : 2erome Eanter 2? Management 5nformation '(stem : *audon C? *audon !? Management 5nformation '(stem: 2ames 1 Brien


7#-8.5( B#%ic% o! 1RM M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be Fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt Fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Unit-5: Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=: -he ob<ecti e of this course is to familiarise the students +ith the basic functions and processes of Human 7esource Management?

H7M: Historical ,e elopmentG ,efinition@ 1b<ecti es@ 'cope@ 'ignificance and FunctionsG Human 7esource .lanning? 7ecruitment : .rocess@ 'ources@ Methods and -echni:uesG 'election: .rocess@ -ests@ 5nter ie+G .lacement? -raining: .rocess@ .rinciples@ Methods@ -(pesG -raining need %ssessment and .rocess " aluationG ,e elopment: Fature@ .rocess@ Methods@ -echni:ues and " aluation? Compensation Management: Bages@ 'alaries@ 5ncenti es@ Fringe Benefits@ BonusG 2ob " aluationG .erformance %ppraisalG Drie ance Handling? H7, : Concept@ BenefitsG Career .lanning and ,e elopmentG CounsellingG 5ndustrial 7elations: Concept@ -rade UnionismG Bor6ers .articipation in Management?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? 7?'? ,+i edi : .ersonal Management in 5ndian "nterprises? %rmstrong@ M?%? : Handboo6 of H7M .ractices %s+athappa@ E?:Human 7esource 8 .ersonal Management: -e#t and Cases ,essler@ D? : Human 7esource Management Monappa@ %? : Managing Human 7esources 7#- 8.) Ter P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B) M?M? : &0


SEMESTER - + 7#- 8<1 P*rch#%i$6 #$- M#teri#&% M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( the ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of purchasing and Material Management issues from managerial perspecti es? Unit-5: .urchasing A Concept@ 'ignificance 8 7ole .urchasing C(cle A it3s 'ignificance@ .urchasing as a .rofession?

Unit-55 -(pe of .urchasing A 7ole of .urchase ,epartment? .urchasing ,epartment in 7elation +ith 1ther Functional ,epartments A Mar6eting@ Finance@ H7M Unit-555 Material Management-Concept@ %ims 8 'cope? 1rgani>ation of Material Function? "n ironmental Factors %ffecting Material Functions? Material C(cle? "conomics of Material Management? Material .lanning-a Brief 5ntroduction? .rocurement ,ecision A Ma6e-bu(@ *ease? =endor %nal(sis-5dentification@ Fegotiations@ .urchasing@ ,ifficult( in Maintaining 7elations@ =endor 7ating? Material Handling 8 -ransportation?


Unit-= =alue anal(sis A Concept of =alue@ -echni:ues and %pplications? Measuring Material Management .erformance? 7ecent -rends in Material Management? Future of Material Management 'tandardi>ation and 'implification -as6? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6( 1? 2? !? .urchase 8 Material Management .urchase and suppl( Management .urchasing and Material Management .? Dopala6rishnan? ,onald B? ,obler? ,a id F? Burt ,ean '? %mmer?


7#- 8<2

C*#$tit#ti;e Tech$iD*e% !or B*%i$e%% M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime

: : : :

100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concept of operational research as applicable in business management and business applications of :uantitati e techni:ues? Unit-5 .robabilit( -heor(: Basic Concepts and %pproachesG %ddition and Multiplication 7ulesG Ba(es3 -heorem? .robabilit( ,istribution: Meaning and -(pesG Characteristics and %pplications of Binomial@ .oisson and Formal ,istributions? Unit-55 'ampling: ,efinition@ Feed@ 'ignificance and Methods of 'ampling? 'tatistical "stimation and -esting: Meaning and =arious 7elated Concepts@ *arge and 'mall 'ample -ests A z test@ t-test@ F test and M2 /Chi-':uare4 -ests? Correlation and 7egression %nal(sis - t+o =ariables onl(? Unit-555 1perations 7esearch: ,efinition@ Meaning@ Fature@ 'ignificance@ Characteristic and Methodolog( of 1perations 7esearch? *inear .rogramming .roblem: Meaning and %ssumptions: .roblem Formulation and 'olution b( Draphical 8 'imple# Methods? /"lementar( .roblems onl(4? -ransportation .roblem +ith elementar( applications? %ssignment .roblem? ."7-KC.M? ,ecision -heor(: ,ecision Ma6ing Under Certaint(@ 7is6 and Uncertaint(?


Unit-= 5n entor( Management: 5ntroduction@ -(pes of 5n entories@ 5n entor( ,ecisions@ 5n entor( Management '(stem@ Meaning of 'afet( 'toc6? 'imple Fumerical .roblems on 5n entor(? 7eplacement -heor(: Meaning@ ,etermination of 1ptimal 7eplacement .eriod@ ,etermination of Minimum Co erage Cost@ and 7eplacement of 5tems A simple applications? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? Business 'tatistics by %mir ,? %c>el and 2? 'ounderpandian? -ata McDra+ Hill .ublishing Compan( *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? 2? 'tatistics for Business and "conomics by 7?.? Hooda? MacMillian 5ndia *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? .? 'tatistics for Management by 7ichard 5? *e in and ,a id '? 7ubin? .rentice Hall of 5ndia .ri ate *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? $? 5ntroduction to Management 'cience by Billiam 2? 'te enson? 57B5F@ '(dne(@ %ustrialia? &? 9uantitati e -echni:ues in Management by F? ,?=ohra?-ata McDra+ Hill .ublishing Compan( *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? )? .rinciples of 1peration 7easearch@ +ith applications to Managerial ,ecisions by Har e( M Bagner? .rentice Hall of 5ndia .ri ate *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi?


7#- 8<.

E$tre9re$e*r%hi9 De;e&o9 e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of entrepreneurship@ focus areas in the de elopment of entrepreneur? Unit-5 "ntrepreneurship A meaning and significance@ relationship bet+een entrepreneurship de elopment and economic de elopment@ characteristics@ :ualities and prere:uisites of an entrepreneur@ role of entrepreneurship in 5ndia? Unit-55 "conomic@ social and ps(chological need for entrepreneurship@ problems associated +ith entrepreneurship in 5ndia@ role of inno ation and creati it( in entrepreneurship? Unit-555 Unit-5= 7ole of Do ernment@ promotional agencies and institutions in entrepreneurship de elopment@ incenti es and arious financial schemes a ailable for entrepreneurs? Fe+ enture de elopment-methods and procedures? Fe+ enture life c(cle@ en ironmental factors affecting a ne+ enture@ o ercoming hurdles in ne+ enture de elopment?

Unit-= Feasibilit( stud( A firm location anal(sis@ mar6et potential and demand anal(sis@ cost and +or6ing capital anal(sis@ profit and ta# planning? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? %?F? ,esai 7a<i 2ain .eter ,ruc6er : : : "ntrepreneur 8 "n ironment .lanning a 'mall 'cale 5ndustr( 5nno ation and "ntrepreneureship


7#- 8<<

B*%i$e%% Re%e#rch M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts and basics of research methodolog(? Unit-5 7esearch A meaning@ nature@ scope in business? 7esearch process@ identification of problem@ formulation of h(pothesis@ inference process@ scientific methods of research? 7ecent trends in usage of research in 5ndian corporate sector? Unit-55 Unit-555 Unit-5= 7esearch design-nature@ significance@ t(pes? "thical issues in research@ research agencies? 'ources of data collection- nature and t(pes@ sampling techni:ues nature and t(pes brief@ introduction to scaling and measurement techni:ues? % brief introduction to factor anal(sis@ con<oint anal(sis@ cluster anal(sis and multidimensional scaling?

Unit-= %nal(sis and interpretation- editing@ coding and tabulation of data? Business research reports-format@ criterion for <udgment of good research report? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? Cooper and 'indler C?7? Eothari D?C? Ber( : : : Business research methods? 7esearch Methodolog(? mar6eting 7esearch


7#- 8<5

Ser;ice% M#r'eti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of ser ices mar6eting@ focus areas in the ser ices mar6eting? Unit-5 'er ices A Meaning@ -(pes@ Characteristics? ,ifference bet+een .h(sical Doods and 'er ices? 7easons for Dro+th of 'er ices 'ector? Mar6eting of 'er ices-Conceptual Frame+or6? Unit-55 "n ironment for Mar6eting of 'er ices@ Mar6eting Mi# in 'er ices? ,esigning 'er ice Mar6eting 'trateg(? Unit-555 Unit-5= 'er ices Consumer Beha iour@ 'egmenting@ -argeting and .ositioning /'-.4 A %pproach in 'er ice 'ector? 'er ice 9ualit(@ Customer 'atisfaction and 7elationship Mar6eting@ 5nternal and "#ternal 'er ice Mar6eting@ 5nternational and Dlobal 'trategies in 'er ices Management?

Unit-= 'elected %pplication of 'er ices Mar6eting- Financial@ -ourism@ Consultanc( 8 Mar6eting 7esearch 'er ices? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 7a i 'han6er 2? !? $? &? )? '? F? Lha .hillip Eotler 7?,? %ggar+al

: : : :

'er ice Mar6eting 'er ice Mar6eting Mar6eting for Fon-.rofit 1rgani>ation? 1rgani>ation and Management? 'er ice Mar6eting 'er ice Mar6eting

Christopher *o eloc6 : M?E? : '?*? Dupta


7#- 8<)

I$ter$#tio$#& B*%i$e%% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of international business@ focus areas in the international trade and globalisation trends? Unit-5 Conceptual Frame+or6 of 5nternational Business@ FatureG 5mportanceG Dro+th of 5nternational Business? Modes of 5nternational Business? -heories of 5nternational -rade-%bsolute and Comparati e Cost -heor(@ *eintoff .arado#? Unit-55 Forces of Dlobalisation A need@ +a(s to "nter in 5nternational Business? "n ironmental Factors in 5nternational Business- Cultural@ .olitical@ *egal and "conomic? Unit-555 5nstitutions in 5nternational Business: 7ationale for Do t? 5nter ention? Forms of -rade Control@ 5mpact of B-1@ "conomic 5ntegrations /F%F-%@ ""C@ Commodit( %greements4? 5nternationali>ation .rocess? Multinational "nterprise: Meaning@ -(pes of MF"3s @ 5mpact of MF"3s@ 5nternational strategies- Deographical@ Collaborati e 8 Control 'trateg(?


Unit-= Human 7esource Management : Concept@ 5nternational ,e elopment of Managers@ H7M in the 5nternationali>ation .rocess? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6 ( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? %nant 7? Fagandhi 'undram and Blac6 ,aniel and 7adcbough '? 'hi a 7amu -aggart 8 Modermott 7obinson ,? 7ichard 7#- 8<, Ter : : : : : : 5nternational Management 5nternational Business "n ironment? 5nternational Business 5nternational Business 5nternational Business 5nternational Business Management

P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B) M?M? : &0


SEMESTER - +I 7#- 851 Pro:ect M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of pro<ect management in managerial perspecti e? Unit-5 Concepts of .ro<ect Management : Concept of a .ro<ectG Categories of .ro<ectsG .ro<ect *ife C(cle .hasesG .ro<ect ManagementG ConceptsG -ools and -echni:ues for .ro<ect ManagementG -he .ro<ect ManagerG Basic "ducation for a .ro<ect ManagerG 7oles and 7esponsibilities of .ro<ect ManagerG .ro<ect Manager as a .rofessionG 'ummar(? Unit-55 "stablishing the .ro<ect: 'cope@ -ime@ Cost and .erformance DoalsG Feasibilit( 7eportG Financing %rrangements G .reparation of Cost "stimatesG Finali>ation of .ro<ect 5mplementation 'cheduleG " aluation of the .ro<ect .rofitabilit(G %ppointing a .ro<ect ManagerG Fi#ing the Lero ,ateG 'ummar(? Unit-555 1rgani>ing Human 7esources and Contracting : ,elegationG .ro<ect Manager3s %uthorit(G .ro<ect 1rgani>ationG %ccountabilit( in .ro<ect "#ecution of ContractorsG -eam BuildingG 'ummar(? 1rgani>ing '(stems and .rocedures for .ro<ect 5mplementationG Bor6ing of '(stemsG ,esign of '(stemsG .ro<ect Bor6 '(stem ,esignG Bor6 Brea6do+n 'tructure /BB'4G .ro<ect "#ecution .lan /.".4G .ro<ect .rocedure ManualG .ro<ect Control '(stemG .lanning@ 'cheduling and MonitoringG Monitoring ContractsG .ro<ect ,iar(G summar(?


Unit-= .ro<ect ,irection@ Coordination and Control : .ro<ect ,irectionG Communication in a .ro<ectG .ro<ect CoordinationG .ro<ect ControlG 'copeK.rogress Control .erformance ControlG 'chedule ControlG Cost Control G 'ummar(? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? '? Chaudhar( Har er( Ma(lor Bob Doel : : : .ro<ect Management .ro<ect Management .ro<ect Management


7#- 852

M#r'eti$6 Co

*$ic#tio$ M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith mar6eting communication aspects Unit-5 Communication A Meaning@ .rocess@ 'ignificance in 1rgani>ation@ 5ntegrated Mar6eting Communication@ Mar6eting Communication Mi#@ Fature of ,ifferent Mar6eting Communication tools@ 1rgani>ing and Managing Mar6eting Communication? Unit-55 %d ertising as a -ool of Mar6eting Communication@ ,efinition@ 1b<ecti es and Functions of %d ertising@ 'ocial "conomic and *egal %spects of %d ertising@ %d ertising %genc( s? %d ertising ,epartment? Unit-555 Unit-5= % detailed stud( of & M3s of ad ertising A Mission@ Mone(@ Message@ Media 8 Measuring %d ertising "ffecti eness@ ,ifferent Components of fi e M3s 'ales .romotion and .ersonal 'elling as -ools of Mar6eting Communication@ -(pes of 'ales .romotion@ 'trategic 5ssues in ,esigning 'ales .romotion .rogram@ .ersonal 'elling .rocess? 'trategic 5ssues in ,esigning .ersonal 'elling .rogram?

Unit-= ,irect mar6eting and .ublic 7elations as -ools of Mar6eting Communication@ Modern -ools of ,irect Mar6eting@ ,e eloping 5ntegrated ,irect Mar6eting .rogram@ ,ifferent %cti ities of .ublic 7elations ,epartment@ .lanning and Managing .ublic 7elations? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? .hilip Eotler Bl(the 8 Bl(the Bo(d@ Fe+man 'andage 8 Fr(burger 'chalt>@ ,on and Billiam "? 7oman? Belch 8 Belch : : : : : : : Mar6eting Management@ .rentice-Hall of 5ndia Mar6eting Communication@ .earson "ducation 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi %d ertising : 'elect readings %d ertising -heor( and .ractice@ %5-B' .ublishers 'ales .romotion Management 5ntegrated ,irect Mar6eting? %d ertising 8 promotion@ -MH


7#- 85.

E"9ort Doc* e$t#tio$ #$- Proce-*re% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of documentation related to e#ports and basic procedures Unit-5 "#port .romotion- Meaning and 'ignificance@ 5nstitutional 5nfrastructure for "#port .romotion in 5ndia@ *egal "n ironment for "#port Business@ 5ndia3s "#port -rade and Current -rends@ .roblems Faced b( 5ndian "#porters? Unit-55 Ee( ,ocuments Used in "#ports-Commercial 5n oice@ D7 form@ *etter of Credit@ Bill of "#change@ 'hipping Bill@ Bill of *ading etc? Common .roblem in ,ocumentation? Unit-555 Unit-5= Unit-= .rocessing of an "#port order- a ,etail 'tud( of ,ifferent 'tages@ ,ifferent .arties and %cts 5n ol ed in .rocessing of an "#port 1rder? "#port Finance- .re-shipment and .ost 'hipment Finance@ ,ifferent Financing Facilities % ailable for "#porters@ 7ole of "I5M Ban6 in "#port Financing? 9ualit( Control and .re-shipment 5nspection@ Management of 7is6 in "#port Mar6eting?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? .?E? Ehurana =arshne( 8 Bhattachar(a .epsi Handboo6 of 5ndia "#port -?%?'? Balagopal ,? C? Eapoor %char(a 2ain : : : : : "#port Management 5nternational Mar6eting "#port Management@ Himal(a .ublishing House "#port Management@ =i6as .ublishing House . t? *td? "#port 5mport A procedures 8 ,ocumentation@ Himal(a .ublishing House


7#- 85<

Tot#& C*#&it= M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of total :ualit( management@ Managerial perspecti e -9M in business organi>ations? Unit-5 5ntroduction: Concepts of 9ualit(@ -otal 9ualit( and -otal 9ualit( Management? " olution of 9ualit( Management? ,esigning 1rgani>ation for 9ualit(? 9ualit( .olic( and Cost of 9ualit(? Unit-55 Contribution of -9M Durus: B" ,eming@ 2oseph M? 2uran@ .hilip Crosb(@ %rmand =? Feigenbaum and Eaoru 5shi6a+a? Unit-555 Unit-5= 9ualit( .lanning: Understanding Customers and -heir Feeds? 9ualit( of .urchased Materials : ,etermination and ,escription? =alue %nal(sis? 'tatistical 9ualit( Control: Meaning and Feed Control Charts: .rocedure and -(pes: I chart 7-Chart 1-chart@ C-Chart@ .-Chart /Fraction ,efecti e4? %d antages and ,isad antages of 'tatistical .rocess Control?

Unit-= 9ualit( -eams@ 9ualit( %udit@ 5'1 C000@ Business .rocess 7eengineering@ 25-? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? 2uran@ 2?M? and Dr(na@ Fran6 M Besterfield@ ,ale H@ et al 'harma@ ,?,? : : : 9ualit( .lanning and %nal(sis -ata McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ ,elhi -otal 9ualit( Management@ .earson "ducation@ Fe+ ,elhi -otal 9ualit( Management@ 'ultan Chand 8 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi


7#- 855

1* #$ Re%o*rce De;e&o9 e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith aspect of H7, as applicable in Business enterprise? Unit-5 5ntroduction to H7, : ,efinition@ %ims and %cti ities of H7,? -he strateg( of H7,@ Contribution of H7, in 5ndia Unit-55 -raining and ,e elopment: ,efinition and 'ignificance of -raining and ,e elopment? -raining Feeds and 1b<ecti es@ Fature of Management ,e elopment? Methods and -echni:ues of Management ,e elopment? " aluation of -raining and ,e elopment? Unit-555 .erformance Management: the Fature and 'ignificance of .erformance Management? -he .rocess of .erformance Management? !)0 ,egree Feedbac6? Monitoring and " aluating .erformance Management? .erformance %ppraisalKManagement in 5ndia? Career Management and Counselling : ,efinition and %ims of Career Management the .rocess of Career Management? 5ndian .erspecti e on Career ,e elopment? -he Meaning and 7ole of Counselling? Forms of Counselling? 5ndian .erspecti e on Counselling?


Unit-= 1rgani>ation ,e elopment /1,4 and "mpo+erment: ,efinition and 1b<ecti es of 1,? .rere:uisites to 1,@ 'teps in 1,@ Meaning and 'ignificance of "mpo+erment? .rere:uisites to "mpo+erment? .rocess of "mpo+erment? "mpo+erment .rograms in 5ndia? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? 7ao@ -?= and .?F? .ereira 7ao@ -?=? Eandula@ '?7? %rmstrong@ M? ,+i edi@ 7?'? : : : : : 7ecent "#periences in Human 7esource ,e elopment in 5ndia H7, in the Fe+ "conomic "n ironment 'trategic Human 7esource ,e elopment % Handboo6 of Human 7esource Management .ractice Human 7esource de elopment in 5ndian "nterprises


7#- 85)

+=#;h#ri' 1i$-i


7#- 85, 7#- 858


P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B) M?M? : : &0 &0

Co 9rehe$%i;e +i;#-+oce M?M?


SEMESTER - +II 7#- 8)1 Str#te6ic M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 'trategic Management- Meaning@ Historical ,e elopment@ Fature@ 'cope and 'ignificance? 'trategic Management Model@ 'trategic 5ntent@ =ision@ Mission@ and 1b<ecti es? Unit-55: "#ternal "n ironmental %ppraisal: Meaning@ 'ignificance and Forces? "n ironmental 'canning: .rocess and -echni:ues? Corporate %ppraisal- Meaning@ .rocess@ 'ignificance 8 -echni:ues? 'trateg( %lternati es and Choices: 'tabilit( 'trateg(@ Dro+th 'trateg(@ 7etrenchment 'trateg( and Combination 'trateg(@ 'trategic %lliances? 'trategic Choices Models- BCD Matri#@ D"- Model@ 'trategic 5mplementation: 7elationship bet+een Formulation and 5mplementation 'trateg( 5mplementation .rocess@ Management and 1thers 5ssues in 'trateg( 5mplementation? Unit-: Functional 'trategies- %n 1 er ie+: 'trateg( " aluation and Control - .rocess and Methods? Corporate 'ocial 7esponsibilit(? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? H? 5gor %nsoff 2? Billiam Dluec6 !? $? &? )? ;? %>har Ea>mi 7?M? 'ri asta a Derr( 2ohnson and Ee an McCarth( ,aniel 2? Dhosh .E -he main ob<ecti e of the course is to ac:uaint the students +ith arious issues pertaining to strategic thin6ing and management?



Corporate 'trateg(@ McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ Jor6? 'trategic@ Formulation and Management %ction@ McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ Jor6 /5st edn?4 Business .olic( and 'trategic Management@ -ata McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ ,elhi? Management .olic( and 'trategic Management@ -ata McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ ,elhi? "#ploring Corporate 'trateg( -e#t and Cases@ 'choles .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? Business .olic( and 'trateg(@ %?5?-?B?'?@ Fe+ ,elhi? Business .olic(@ 'ultan Chand 8 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi?



Eco$o ic A%9ect% o! I$-i#$ Co$%tit*tio$ Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal : 5nternal -ime : ;0 : : 100 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he Fumber of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e% -he basic ob<ecti e of this course is to ma6e the students to understand the ma<or pro isions of the 5ndian Constitution +hich effect the business 8 5ndian econom(? Unit-5 ,efinition of a Constitution: 'upreme *a+ of the *and? 1b<ecti e of Constitution A.reamble to the Constitution of 5ndia? Concept of Fundamental 8 Human 7ights in 5ndia? Basic .rinciples of 5nterpretation of *a+? 7ight to ":ualit( A ,iscrimination to %ffirmati e %ctions? Concept of *ibert( Fegati e 8 .ositi e *ibert(? Freedom under %rticle 1C of the Constitution? 7ight to "ducationG "mplo(ment and 7ight against "#ploitation? Concept of a Belfare 'tate? ,irecti e .rinciples under the Constitution of 5ndia relating to Belfare 'tate? 7ights of a citi>en in a Modern Belfare 'tate and *iberali>ed "conomic "n ironment? Fundamental ,uties of Citi>ens? Form of Do ernment Under the Constitution of 5ndia? *egislati e .rocedure in 5ndia@ "#ecuti e Control 1 er the *egislation? .ublic 1pinion and the 7ole of the media? -he 7ole of the 2udiciar(?




Unit-= 5ndian federation A Co-operati e Federalism? ,istribution of *egislati e 8 Financial .o+ers? Freedom to Carr( on Business@ -rade etc? -he 7ole of the C%D? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6% ( 1? 2? =?F? 'hu6la ,?,? Basu 7# 3 8). Ter Constitution of 5ndia 5ntroduction to the Constitution of 5ndia P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6E) M?M? : &0



Co$%* er Beh#;io*r Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal -ime : : : : 100 ;0 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: Meaning@ Fature@ 'cope and Historical ,e elopments of Consumer Beha iour@ Consumer Beha iour as a ,iscipline@ Frame+or6 for Consumer ,ecision-Ma6ing .rocess@ 5mportance of 'tud( of Consumer Beha iour for Mar6eters? Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=: .s(chological Factors %ffecting Consumer Beha iour and -heir 5mplication for Mar6eter3s@ .erception@ Moti ation@ *earning@ .ersonalit( and 'elf- Concept? Cultural@ 'ocial and "conomic Factors %ffecting Consumer Beha iour@ Consumer %ttitude Formation and Change? Droup@ Famil( and *ife 't(le 5nfluences on Consumer Beha iour? ,iffusion of 5nno ation@ %daptation process@ and 1pinion *eadership? -he ob<ecti e of this course is to impart the 6no+ledge to students regarding consumer3s beha iour and its implications for mar6eters?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? 'chiffman *?D? 8 Eanu6@ *?*? 'tuart Henderson@ Britt Benett .eter ,? 8 Eassar<an@ Harold H? "ngel@ 2ames @ Eollat@ ,- 8 Miniard@ .B ,a id *? *oudon ,el *? Ha+6ins Consumer Beha iour@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi? Consumer Beha iour in -heor( and in %ction? Consumer Beha iour@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi? Consumer Beha iour@ 'illigrade ,r(den .ress@ Consumer Beha iour@ -ata McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ ,elhi? Consumer Beha iour@ -ata McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ ,elhi?



S#&e% #$- Di%tri7*tio$ M#$#6e e$t Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal : -ime : : !0 : 100 ;0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: -he field of 'ales Management@ -he Fature and role of the sales manager3s 2ob@ 'ales 1rganisation .urpose@ .rinciples and 'tructure? Unit-55: Management of 'ales Force: 7ecruiting@ 'electing@ -raining and ,e elopment@ Moti ating and Compensating 'ales Force@ 'ales Meetings and Contests@ " aluation and 'uper ision of 'alesmen? Controlling the 'elling "fforts: -he 'ales Budget and Budgeting .rocedure@ 9uota 'etting and %dministering@ 'ales Control and Cost anal(sis? .h(sical ,istribution- Fature and ob<ecti es@ 1rder .rocessing@ Barehousing@ 5n entor( and -ransportation ,ecisions@ 7esponsibilit( for .h(sical ,istribution? ,istribution %dministration: 1rganisation@ .erformance Measurement and 7eporting? .lanning@ %udit and Control@ -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ma6e students understand the issues and intricacies of sales and distribution function in business?

Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? *ogistics and 'uppl( Chain Management *ogistics Management Mar6eting Management 'ales Management Martin Christopher@ .earson "ducation %sia@ Fe+ ,elhi? Booer 'o# and clos@ -MH@ Fe+ ,elhi? .hilip Eotler @ .earson "ducation %sia@ Fe+ ,elhi? 'till@ Cundiff and Do ini@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi?



I$ter$#tio$#& M#r'eti$6 M#$#6e e$t

Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to orient the students to the problems of international business dealing from the modern mar6eting point of ie+? "fforts +ill be made to deal +ith those aspects of mar6eting@ +hich are uni:ue to international business dealings? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 5nternational Mar6etingG ,efinitions@ Meaning@ Fature and 'cope of 5nternational Mar6eting@ 7easons and Moti ations underl(ing 5nternational Business@ basic Modes of "ntr(@ .rocess of 5nternational Mar6eting@ domestic mar6eting ersus 5nternational Mar6eting@ Benefits of 5nternational Mar6eting? Unit-55: 5nternational Mar6eting "n ironment: Cultural "n ironment@ .olitical *egal "n ironment and "conomic "n ironment for 5nternational Mar6eting? Unit-555: 5nternational Mar6et 'election and 'egmentationG Factors@ 5nfluencing@ 5nternational Mar6et 'election and 'egmentation@ .rocess of Mar6et 'election@ 'election 'trategies@ 5nternational Mar6eting .lanning and Control: ,e eloping an 5nternational Mar6eting .lan@ 5ssues and Frame+or6 for 5nternational Mar6et .lanning@ 5nternational Mar6eting Control and Control 'e:uence? Unit-5=: 5nternational Mar6eting Mi#G 5nternational .roduct .olic( and .lanning in the 5nternational .roduct Mi#@ Branding@ *abeling@ .ac6aging and 1rganisation of .roduct Barranties and 'er ices@ 5nternational .ricing .olic(G .ricing 'trateg(? -he .rocess of .rice 'etting@ .ricing ,ecisions@ 5nformation for .ricing ,ecisions? Unit-=: 5nternational %d ertisingG 5nternational %d ertising 'trateg(@ "lements of %d ertising 'trateg(@ Media 'trateg(@ 5nternational ,istribution Management: 5nternational ,istribution .olic(@ 'electing ,istribution Channels? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? =ern -erpestra 8 5nternational Mar6eting@ 'outh Bestern .ublishing? 7a i 'arath( 2? 7?*? =arshne( and 5nternational Mar6eting: %n 5ndian .erspecti e@ 'ultan B? Bhattachar((a Chand 8 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi? !? 'a6 1n6 isit and 5nternational Mar6eting: %nal(sis and 'trateg(@ 2ohn 'ha+ .earson "ducation@ Fe+ ,elhi? $? Barren@ 2? Eeegan Dlobal Mar6eting Management@ .earson "ducation@ Fe+ ,elhi? &? .hilip 7? Cateora 8 5nternational Mar6eting@ -ata McDra+-Hill .ublishing 2ohn *? Draham *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? )? Eirpalani =?H 5nternational Mar6eting@ .earson "ducation@ Fe+ ,elhi? ;? .?E? =asude a 5nternational Mar6eting Mar6eting@ "#cel Boo6s@ Fe+ ,elhi? 7# 8),( Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er M?M? 50 7# 8)<F 7# 8)5 G 7# 8))



Hor'i$6 C#9it#& M#$#6e e$t Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal -ime : : : : 100 ;0 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: -he concept of Bor6ing CapitalG Fature of %sset gro+th@ .atterns of Financing@ a decision process@ 7is6 ersus 7eturn in Current %sset Management -o+ards an 1ptimal .olic(@ %nal(sis of Bor6ing Capital of a concern? Unit-55: Management of Cash and Mar6etable securities: Moti es for holding Mar6etable 'ecurities@ Choice of 'ecurities@ %lternati e 'trategies? 5ssues in Management of Cash@ Cash Budgeting Methods and Models? Management of 7ecei ables: Fature of 7ecei ables@ Cost of Maintaining 7ecei ables@ factors affecting si>e of recei ables@ .olicies for managing accounts recei ables@ ,etermination of Credit .olic( and Credit 'tandards? Credit " aluation of Customers? Management of 5n entoriesG Meaning@ -(pes@ Classification@ -echni:ues and -ools@ Costs associated +ith in entor(? Financing Current %ssets: Controlling *i:uidit(@ 7ole of *i:uidit( in Financial Management@ Measurement and ,eterminants of *i:uidit(@ Management of Current *iabilities? 'ources of Bor6ing Capital@ .attern of Bor6ing Capital Management in 5ndia +ith special reference to Do ernment .olicies? Financial ,ecision Ma6ing Concepts@ .roblems and Cases? Fundamentals of Financial Management@ Harcourt %sia . t? *td?@ 'ingapore? Financial Management? Foundations of Financial Management? Financial Management? Financial Management@ =i6as .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? Financial Management@ -?M?H?@ Fe+ ,elhi? Bor6ing Capital Management@ Himala(a .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith the problems of +or6ing capital management?


Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? Hampton 2? 2ohn 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? Brigham@ Dugene F? Bright Bloc6 and Hurt E?M? Upadha(a(a 5?M? panda( .rasana Chandra Bhalla =E


7#-8)I( 0orei6$ E"ch#$6e M#$#6e e$t Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e -he ob<ecti e of this course is to pro ide the basic 6no+ledge about the foreign e#change dealing including e#change rate determination and e#change ris6 management? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 5ntroduction to Foreign "#change@ Foreign "#change Mar6et: Fature@ participants and structure? Foreign e#change :uotations? Unit-55: Unit-555: 5nternational Monetar( '(stemsG Historical bac6ground and structure? "#change rate determination@ theories@ parit( conditions@ fle#ible s? fi#ed e#change rates? For+ard "#change Mar6etG Fature@ participants@ for+ard contracts@ premium and discounts@ for+ard s? future contracts? Currenc( option mar6etG ,eterminants of the mar6et alue of currenc( option? Foreign "#change "#posureG introduction@ nature and magnitude@ t(pes of e#posure: transaction@ translation and economicG their measurement and management? Con ertibilit( of 7upee and *iberalised "#change 7ate Management /*"7M'4 s(stem? %n o er ie+ of 5ndian Foreign "#change Control@ 7B5 guidelines@ 5mportant pro isions of F"M%? Foreign "#change A% Manual for Managers? Foreign "#change Hand Boo6 ? 5nternational Financial 5nstitution and Monetar( Management? Financing of Foreign -rade and Foreign "#change? Multinational Financial Management@ .?H?5?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5nternational Financial Management? 5nternational Finance@ MacMillan 5ndia *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5nternational Financial Management@ -MH@ Fe+ ,elhi? .rinciple of Foreign "#change? 5nternational Financial Management@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi? Multinational Financial Mgt?@ "#cel Boo6s@ Fe+ ,elhi?

Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? .? Balachandran 2? H?.? Bhard+a< !? ,? Bhorali and '? 'i6idar $? B?E? Chaudhar( &? )? ;? 8? C? 10? 11? %lan C? 'hapir Henning@ .igott 8 'cott Eeith .ilbeam %pte .?D? Chatter<ee@ %?E? 'aran /=4 =i< /Madhu4


Sec*rit= A$#&=%i% #$- I$;e%t e$t M#$#6e e$t Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he main ob<ecti e of this course is to pro ide an understanding of basic 6no+ledge about the theor( and practice of securit( anal(sis and in estment decisionma6ing? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 5n estment process@ ob<ecti es of securit( anal(sis@ t(pes of securit(@ ris6s in holding securities@ mar6ets for securities@ ris6- return anal(sis? Unit-55: Bond %nal(sis: Features of a bond securit(@ bond aluation@ bond returns and prices@ (ield to maturit( term structure of interest rates@ duration@ ris6 immuni>ation@ bond trading strategies? Common 'toc6 %nal(sis : Features of e:uit( shares arious approaches of e:uit( aluation? Fundamental anal(sis@ econom( anal(sis@ industr( anal(sis@ compan( anal(sis@ estimating alue? -echnical %nal(sis: Fundamental of technical anal(sis@ basic assumptions@ ,o+ theor(G Charts@ technical trading rules@ "fficient Mar6et theor(G forms and tests? 1ptions and futures: -(pes of option@ aluation of options@ Barrants and their aluation@ Features of future contractsG spread and return on futures@ financial futures? 'ecurit( %nal(sis and .ortfolio Management@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? ? 5n estments@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? Modern 5n estment -heor(@ .earson "ducation@ 5ndian@ Fe+ ,elhi?? 5n estment Management@ H.H@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5n estments Management@ 'ultan Chand 8 Co?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 'ecurit( %nal(sis .ortfolio Management@ =i6as .ublishing Home@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5n estment %nal(sis and .ortfolio Management@ -MH@ Fe+ ,elhi? .ortfolio %nal(sis and Management@ 'ultan Chand 8 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi?



Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? ,onald "? Fischer 8 7onald 2 2ordon 2? 'harpe Billiam !? Haugen 7obert@ H? $? &? )? ;? 8? .reeti 'ingh =?E? Bhalla .andian .arsannaChandra Bhalla /=E4

7# 8,1(

Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 8)8F 7# 8)I G 7# 8,0

M?M? 50



I$-*%tri#& Re&#tio$% Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal : 5nternal -ime : ;0 : : 100 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: Fature of 5ndustrial 7elations /574- 1ld and Fe+ =ersions@ ,unlop Model and its 7ele ance for 5ndia? Ee( 5ssues and "merging -rends in 57? .atterns of 57 in 5ndia? -he 7ole of 'tate in 57? Unit-55: -he 7ole of "mplo(ers 1rganisation in 57- Bac6ground and 7ole of Council of 5ndian "mplo(ers /C5"4 in 57@ -echnological Change- impact@ 5mplications and Management? -rade Unionism- Histor(@ Characteristics and 7ole ? Measures to 'trengthen -rade Unions and -heir 7ecognition issue? 7ole and 7ele ance of -rade Unions ,uring .ost- *iberali>ation .eriod in 5ndia? "merging -rends and *eadership in -rade Unionism? 5ndustrial Unrest-Forms@ Causes and Management? Machiner( for .re ention and 'ettlement of ,ispute@ "thical %pproach to 57- Code of ,iscipline and Dandhian -rusteeship '(stem? Collecti e Bargaining- Concept and .rocess? Collecti e Bargaining in 5ndia? Bor6er3s .articipation in Management Meaning@ 1b<ecti e@ .re-re:uisites and Forms? -he 5ndian 'chemes of Bor6ers .articipation? .articipation -hrough 9ualit( Circles? Handboo6 of .ersonnel Management .ractice@ Eogan .age *td@ *ondon? 'trategic 5ndustrial 7elations Management@ Dlobal Business .ress@ ,elhi? -rade Union Freedoms in 5ndia@ ,eep 8 ,eep .ublication@ ,elhi? *abour and 5ndustrial *a+s@ Central *a+ .ublications 1CC;@ ,elhi? 5ndustrial 7elations@ -ata McDra+ Hill .ub?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ndustrial 7elations@ Fe+ ,elhi@ -ata Mc'loan@ *abour 7elations@ "ngle+ood@ Fe+ 2erse(: .renticeHall 5nc? -o help in understanding basic 57 concepts and techni:ues for managing it effecti el(?




S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? %rmstrong@ M?%? 2? !? $? &? )? 2oseph@ 2? 'harma@ D?'? Mishra@ '?F? Monappa@ %? Monappa@ %? %?%? and F? Bitne( ,+i edi@ 7?'?

;? 8?

Managing Human 7esources-5ndustrial 7elations@ in 5ndian "nterprises@ Dalgotia .ub? Co?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ndian *abour 'tatistics /*atest4@ 'himla@ *abour Bureau? $8

C? 10?

5ndian *abour Jear Boo6 /*atest4@ 'himla@ *abour Bureau? 5ndian 2ournal of 5ndustrial 7elations /,ifferentKlatest issues4@ Fe+ ,elhi@ 5nternational .ractices in 5ndustrial 7elations? 'hri 7am Centre for 5ndustrial 7elations and Human 7esources? Bhatia? '?E?:,eep 8 ,eep .ub? . t? *td? 'en@ 7? 5ndustrial 7elations in 5ndia@ 'hifting .aradigms? McMillan@ Fe+ ,elhi?




I$-*%tri#& P%=cho&o6= Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal : 5nternal -ime : : 100 ;0 : !0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestion to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( be not compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o familiari>e the students +ith the applications of principles and -echni:ues of ps(cholog( to industrial problems? Unit-5: 5ntroduction- Meaning@ Fature@ 'cope@ 'ignificance and 7ole of 5ndustrial .s(cholog( and .s(chologist in 5ndustr(G Dro+th and ,e elopment of 5ndustrial .s(cholog( in 5ndia? Human Factors and 5ndustrial problems? 5ndi idual ,ifferences in Beha iour? Unit-55: 'election@ .lacement and %ppraisalG 2ob %nal(sis: 5mportance@ Use and .rocedures@ .s(chological -esting: Deneral .rinciples@ %ptitude@ .ersonalit(@ 5nterests and %chie ement -ests? Measurement of .roficienc(? .erformance %ppraisal? -he 1rganisational and 'ocial Conte#t of Human Bor6- Ha+thorne 'tudies? Moral and Droup .rocesses? 2ob 'atisfaction@ .s(cholog( of %ttitudes@ 'uper isor( and "#ecuti e *eadership? 2ob " aluation and 5ncenti e '(stems@ Basic .rinciples of Moti ation and Bor6 -he Bor6 'ituation and %ccidents-Bor6ing Conditions@ Beha iour Modeling? Fatigue and Monoton(@ %ccidents and 'afet(G Fature and ,(namic Measurements .re enti e Human 7elations- .s(chological Factors in *abuor -urno er and %bsenteeismG .ositi e ,isciplineG Management of Drie ances?


Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? C? -iffin@ 2? and Mccormicf@ "?'? Harrel@ -?B? Dhiselli? "?"? and Bro+n C? Maier@ F?7?F? Blum@ M?*? and Fa(or@ 2?C? Dilmer@ =?B?H? 'inha@ ,? Chatter<ee@ F?7? Mohant(@ D? : 5ndustrial .s(cholog(@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia . t? *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? : 5ndustrial .s(cholog(@ 1#ford and 5BH .ublishing Co? *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? : .ersonal and 5ndustrial .s(cholog(@ McDra+-Hill Boo6 Compan(@ Fe+ ,elhi? .s(cholog( in 5ndustr(@ 1#ford and 5BH .ublishing Co?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ndustrial .s(cholog( and its 'ocial Foundations@ Harper and 7o+? 5ndustrial and 1rgani>ational .s(cholog(@ Eousa6a .ublication? 'tudies in 5ndustrial .s(cholog(@ 'ri 7am Mehra and Co? 5ndustrial .s(cholog(@ 'udha .ublications? -e#tboo6 of 5ndustrial and 1rganisational &0

10? 11? 12?

%mold 2?@ 7obuston -?*? Copper Blum M?*? 8 Balnbh( B? Maier F?7?F?

.s(cholog(@ 1#ford 8 5BH .ublishing Co? Bor6 .s(cholog( Understanding Human Beha iour in Bor6@ Macmillan 5ndia *td? Counseling 8 .s(cholog( "ngle+ood Cliffs@ F?2? .rentice Hall? .rinciples of Human 7elations@ Fe+ Jor6 Bilon@ 1C&)?



M#$#6i$6 I$ter9er%o$#& Gro*9 Proce%%e% Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal : 5nternal -ime : ;0 : : 100 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he purpose of this course is to ma6e the students understand the intricacies of interpersonal and group processes and help the 'tudents to e#amine and de elop process facilitation s6ills mainl( through laborator( and other e#perience based methods of learning? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: Droup: Fature 8 MeaningG *earning 'ocial Beha iour@ Droup Forms and Beha iour@ .rosocial Beha iour@ Factors %ffecting Co-operation? Unit-55: 5nterpersonal 5nfluence .rocesses: Conformit(@ 1bedience@ Drouping@ 'ocial Facilitation@ 'ocial *oafing@ Droup Cohesi eness 8 .erformance@ Droup Moral and .erformance? 5nterpersonal Communication in 1rganisations: Communication Fet+or6s in 1rganisations@ Formal Channels of 5nformation 5n-group and 5nformal Communication Fet+or6G Droup ,ecision-ma6ing? "rrors in Droup ,ecisionMa6ing? 5nterpersonal %+areness and Feedbac6 .rocesses: .erson .erceptions@ 5mpression Management@ Factors %ffecting .erson .erceptionG %ttributions: Eelle(3s Model of %ttribution@ Beiner3s Model of %ttributionG Feedbac6 .rocessG Functions of Feedbac6@ 'ources and .rocess of Feedbac6@ !)00 Feedbac6? Competition in 1rganisation: Conse:uences of 5ntergroup Competition@ 7educing Fegati e Conse:uences of 5ntergroup CompetitionG Conflict: Fature@ causes of Conflict@ "ffects of Conflict@ Managing 5nterpersonal and 5ntergroup Conflict@ "ffecti e Conflict Management -echni:uesG Bargaining -hird .art( 5nter ention@ 5ntroduction of 'uper 1rdinate Doals? "ssa( in 5nterpersonal ,(namics? U'% ,orse( .ress@ 1C;C? 1rganisational Beha iour@ %n "#perimental %pproach@ 1CC1G .rentice Hall? ,e eloping Management '6ills in 1rgani>ational Beha iour@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ 1CC&? 'ocial .s(cholog(@ .rentice Hall@ 1CC8? 'ocial .s(cholog(@ .rentice Hall@ 1CC8? 1rgani>ational Beha iour@ McDra+ Hill 5nternational "d? /1CCC4@ /Fifth "d?4 1rgani>ational Beha iour: Managing .eople in 1rgani>ational %5-B'@ 1CCC? 1rgani>ational Beha iourG Human at Bor6? -%-% McDra+ Hill@ 1CCC? 1rgani>ational Beha iourG .rentice-Hall@ 2000? &2




S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? Bennis@ B?D? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? C? Eolb@ ,G etc? Mainiero@ *?%?8 -omle(@ C?*? Dreenberg 8 Baron Baron 7?%?8 B(rne@ 1? Eretner 8 Einic6i Moorhead 8 Driffin Fe+strom 8 ,a is 7obbins@ '?.?


=id(a Bhushan and 'achde a

5ntroduction to 'ociolog(@ Eitab Mehal

7# 8,5(

Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 8,2F 7# 8,. G 7# 8,<

M?M? 50


SEMESTER - +III 7#-881( Or6#$iJ#tio$#& Beh#;io*r Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal -ime : : : : 100 ;0 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e -o familiarise the students +ith the basic concepts@ theories and techni:ues in the fields of organisational design and group d(namics? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 1rganisational Beha iour: Meaning@ Fature@ 'cope and Historical Bac6ground? -he Ha+thorne 'tudies@ %hmedabad "#periment? Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=: Bor6 Moti ation: Meaning and -heories of Bor6 Moti ation? .erception: .erson .erception@ 'elf-Concept? Foundations of Droup Beha iour: ,efinition and -(pes of Droups@ -eams in Bor6 .laces? *eadership: Fature 8 *eadership 't(les in 1rganisation? Conflict: Fature and -(pes@ %pproaches to Management of 1rganisational ConflictG "mpo+erment 8 .articipation? 1rganisational Change and ,e elopment: ,efinition and Doals@ %pproaches to 1rganisational Change? .rere:uisites to 1rganisational ,e elopment@ 'teps in 1rganisational ,e elopment@ 1rganisational ,e elopment Bor6s in 5ndia? Human Beha iour at Bor6: 1rganisational Beha iour@ -ata McDra+-Hill .ublishing Co? Fe+ ,elhi? 1rganisational Beha iour@ McDra+-Hill .ublishing Co? Fe+ ,elhi? 1rganisational Beha iour@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? Human 7elations and 1rganisational Beha iour@ 1#ford 8 5BH .ublishing Co? Fe+ ,elhi? Corporate "#ecellence: %n "#ternal 'earch@ McMillan 5ndia? Managing 1rganisational Beha iour@ et at? 2ohn Bile( 8 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi? 1rgani>ational Beha iour? McDra+ Hill .ublishing Co?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? ,a is@ E? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? *uthans@ F? 7obbins@ '?.? ,+i edi@ 7?'? ,+i edi@ 7?'? 'chermerhorn Ereitner and Einier


7#-882( E-Co


Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 5ntroduction to "-Commerce: ,efinition-Forces Fueling "-Commerce- 5ndustr( frame+or6 A t(pes A 5nternet 'er ice .ro iders A 5nternet access pro iders A 5nternet =s? 1nline 'er icesG BBB: Concepts - -echnolog(- %pplications A "lectronic .a(ment '(stems: "lectronic .a(ment -echnolog(- ,igital Cash A "lectronic Chec6- 1n A line Credit Card? Unit-55 "lectronic Commerce and Ban6ing: Changing d(namics in the Ban6ing 5ndustr(- Home ban6ing 5mplementation approaches A 1pen =s? Closed model- Management issues in online Ban6ing? "lectronic Commerce and 7etailing A changing retail 5ndustr( d(namics A online retailing A Management challenges? Unit-555 "lectronic Commerce and online publishing: 1nline publishing 'trategies A %pproaches A ad ertising and online publishing A ,igital cop(rights and "lectronic publishingG 5ntranets and 'uppl( Chain Management: 'uppl( Chain ManagementManaging retail suppl( chains A suppl( chain application soft+are- 5nternet and customer asset Management A customer asset management basics? 5ntranets and Corporate Finance: Financial '(stems A Financial 5ntranets A 'oft+are modules in Financial 5nformation '(stem A -ransaction %ccounting .a(ment Management A -reasur( and Cash Management A Human 7esource Management '(stems A si>e A structure of Financial 'oft+are Mar6ets A -he Corporate ,igital *ibrar( A 5ntelligent %gents? -he ob<ecti e of the course is to ac:uaint the students +ith the use of "Commerce in competing mar6ets?

Unit A5=

Unit- =

"-Commerce 'cenario in 5ndian Corporates A Usage@ 5nfrastructural and 1ther .roblems@ Dro+th .rospects@ Customers %ttitude@ *egal %spects .ertaining to "Commerce in 5ndia? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? Cad(@ ,?H? and part Megregor: -he 5nternet@ B.B .ub?@ Fe+ ,elhi? Carpenter: .hil e Brands@ HB' .ress@ Bosten@ 2000? Eeen@ .eter and Mar6 Mc,onald the "-.rocess "dge@ ,elhi@ -ata McDra+-Hill@ 2000? Mann@ Catherine@ *?: Dlobal "lectronic Commerce 5nstitute for 5nternational "conomics@ Bashington@ ,C@ 2000? 1beri@ 'undeep e? 'ecurit( and (ou@ ,elhi -ata McDra+@ Hill@ 2001? 7ich@ 2ason r? N 'tarting "-Commerce BusinessO 5,D Boo6s@ ,elhi@ 2000? 'amantha 'uret(: N"-business +ith Fet Commerce %ddison Besle(@ 'ingapore@ 2001? 7#-88. Ter P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B) M?M? : &0



Str#te6ic M#r'eti$6 M#$#6e e$t

Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e -he 1b<ecti e of this course is to ma6e the students a+are of the ma<or aspects of the planning and controlling of mar6eting operations@ to e#ecute mar6eting planning 8 control +ithin a strategic conte#t and to gi e recognition to the problem of implementation and ho+ these problems can be o ercome? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: Business 'trateg(: -he Concept and -rends in its Management: 'trategic Mar6eting Management: %n o er ie+- "#ternal anal(sis@ 5nternal %nal(sis@ 'trateg( 5dentification and 'election? Fature@ 'cope and 'ignificance of 'trategic Mar6eting Management? Unit-55: "#ternal %nal(sis: Customer %nal(sisG Competitors %nal(sis@ Mar6et anal(sis? Ee( 'uccess Factors@ Bases of competition? "n ironment %nal(sis@ Forecasting -rends and " ent? 5nternal %nal(sis: 'elf %nal(sis- 'hareholder =alue %nal(sis@ Financial performance@ ,eterminants of 'trategic 1ption@ .ortfolio %nal(sis: BCD Matri#@ Mar6et %ttracti eness@ Business .osition Matri#?? %lternati e Business 'trategies: 'ustainable Competiti e %d antage-/'C%4 7ole of '(nerg(@ 'trategic =ision =ersus 'trategic 1pportunism@ ,i ersification 'trategies? Deneric 'trategies@ .rempti e Mo es and Dlobal 'trategies? 5mplementation and .lanning .rocess: 5mplementation of 'trateg( - Conceptual Frame+or6@ 'tructure@ '(stem@ .eople@ Culture? Formal .lanning '(stem : .rocess Forms and .itfalls?




S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? Di ec6: 'trategic Management? .hilip Eotler: Mar6eting Management A .lanning@ %nal(sis@ 5mplementation and Control@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi?? Fama6umari: Mar6eting Management@ McMillan 5ndia *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? %nsaff: %n 5ntroduction to Business .olic(?



A-;erti%i$6 M#$#6e e$t

Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith the role of ad ertising in the o erall mar6eting effort? 5t also aims at helping the students to learn the concepts and s6ills in ol ed in de eloping and testing effecti e ad ertising programmes? Co*r%e O*t&i$e%( Unit-5: 5ntroduction@ ,efinition@ 1b<ecti es@ Functions and Classification of %d ertising@ %d ertising as a tool of communication@ .rocess of Mar6eting Communication@ %d ertising =ersus 1ther Forms of Mass Communication@ .lanning Communication .rogramme@ %d ertising as Component of Mar6eting Mi#? Unit-55: 'ocial@ "conomic and *egal %spects of %d ertising? .roducti it( of ad ertising@ its Contribution to "conomic de elopment and 'tandard of *i ingG "thics@ -ruth in %d ertising? %ttitude change@ 'ource Factors@ Message Factors@ Cogniti e Consistenc(? Cop( strateg(G Message -heme@ %ppeals@ %5,% Concept@ Media ,ecisions and 'trateg(G the 5mportance of Media 'trateg(@ Deneral and 'pecial Characteristics of ,ifferent Media %lternati es@ .arameters of Media .lan@ the Concept of .rimar( and 'econdar( Media? -he .urchase C(cle@ "stimating of Minimum "ffecti e Fre:uenc(G Deographic 'cheduling 1 er-time? %d ertising 1rganisationG %d ertising %genc(- Function of Modern %genc(G Functions of %d ertising ,epartment %nd %d ertising Manager@ .roblems of Coordination 8 Control 7elating to the Bor6 of %genc(? %d ertising Budget %pproaches and .rocedure and ,etermining the 'i>e of the Budget? Characteristics of the 5tems to be Charged to %d ertising %dministration and Control of the Budget? %d ertising "ffecti eness: -he 7ationale of -esting@ ,%DM%7 %pproach@ -(pes of %d ertising " aluation@ .retesting@ .ost -esting and .rogress -esting@ 1pinion and %ttitude -est@ 7ecognition and 7ecall 5n:uiries and 'ales Measures? Management of *ong -erm "ffecti eness? %d ertising -heor( and .ractice? Consumer Beha iour? %d ertising Management@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi? Foundations of %d ertising -heor( 8 .ractice@ H.H@ Fe+ ,elhi? %d ertising Creati e Communication +ith Consumers? %d ertising: 'elected 7eading? Measuring %d ertising "ffecti eness? Measuring %d ertising? &;




S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 'andage 8 Fr(burger 2? 'chiffman Eanuc6 !? ,a id@ %?@ %a6er 8 1thers $? Chuna+alla@ '?%? 'ethia@ E?C? &? Hepner@ H?B? )? ;? 8? Bo(d and Fe+man *ucas and Briff Bheatl(@ 2?2?


I$-*%tri#& M#r'eti$6 Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal -ime : : : : 100 ;0 !0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e -he increasing importance of mar6eting function calls for special attention to different speciali>ed areas? 5ndustrial mar6eting has assumed increased importance due to rapid economic de elopment and industriali>ation in the countr(? -he main ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint students of the nature and problems of industrial mar6eting in 5ndia? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: -he 5ndustrial Mar6eting '(stems : .articipants? ,istribution Channels? -he 7elationship: Contract of 'ale@ Franchise %greements@ *o(alt(@ Confidence and 7eciprocit(? -he 5ndustrial Mar6eting Concept: the philosophical and the functional dimension? Unit-55: -he ,emand for 5ndustrial Doods: Mar6et *e el and .roduct -(pes@ the 5ndustrial Customer: Bu(er Moti es@ Bu(er -emperament 8 Bu(er Characteristics? .urchasing '(stems: 7ecognition of Feed@ 'orting and %ppraising %lternati es? 'electing the %lternati es@ 1rder .lacement@ 5n oice Handling@ 7eceipt 8 5nspection? =alue 8 =endor %nal(sis: =alue %nal(sis@ =endor %nal(sis@ Mar6et 5dentification: -he 'earch .rocess@ -he " aluation process? Mar6eting 'trateg(: -he Channel and .rice ComponentG Formulating Channel 'trateg(@ Channel *ogistics@ .ricing ,ecisions and .ricing .olicies? Mar6eting Control: 'trategic goals@ 5dentif(ing Mar6et 1pportunit(? Doals Based on 'ales Forecasts? .erformance 'tandards and 5nstruments of Control: 'hort -erm Doals@ the Mar6et Budget? -he .rocess of Control? 5ndustrial Mar6eting? ,?B?-? -arapore+ala 8 'ons@ %5-B' .ub?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ndustrial Mar6eting? 5ndustrial Mar6eting? Modern 5ndustrial Mar6eting? "ffecti e 5ndustrial Mar6eting? -he "n ironment of 5ndustrial Mar6eting? 5ndustrial Mar6eting@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ndustrial Mar6eting@ -MH@ Fe+ ,elhi? M?M? 50

Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? %le#ander@ Cross and Hill 7ichard ,? 5r+in 7a(mod Core( ,odgeG M?7? 7isel( Chisnall =inson@ ,?"? et al? 7eeder /7obert 7?4 Ha aldar /Erishan E?4 7# 888(

Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 885F 7# 88) G 7# 88,



M*&ti$#tio$#& 0i$#$ci#& M#$#6e e$t

Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e ( -he basic aim of this paper is to ac:uaint the students +ith the basic 6no+ledge of financial management in multinational business? Co*r%e O*t&i$e( Unit 5 5ntroduction to Financial Management in Multinational Business@ 5nternational Financial Flo+s@ Multinational Firm: Fature@ 7easons for Dro+th@ .roblems@ 7ationale? Unit 55 Multinational Bor6ing Capital Management : 'hort -erm Financing@ Financing Foreign -rade@ Current %ssets Management@ Managing Multinational Financial '(stem? Unit 555 Unit 5= Capital Budgeting in MFC@ Capital Budgeting .rocess@ " aluation Criteria@ ,etermining Cost of Capital@ Measurement and Management of .olitical 7is6? 5nternational Financing@ 5nternational ":uit( 5n estment@ *ong -erm Borro+ing in 5nternational Financial Mar6ets@ Financial '+aps?

Unit = 5nternational -a# management@ 5nternational ,imension of %ccounting and Financial Mar6ets-7ecent ,e elopments S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? %lan C? 'hapiro : Foundations of Multinational Financial Management@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi 5nternational %ccounting and Multinational "nterprises? 5nternational Financial Management Multinational Business Finance? 5nternational Finance? 5nternational ,imensions of Financial Management 5nternational Financial Management 5nternational Finance 5nternational Financial Management -e#t and Cases@ %nmol .ublications . t? *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi

2? *?H? 7ade Baugh : 8 2?'? %rpan !? Henning@ .igott and 'cout : $? "iteman@ ,?KE? %?5? : 'tonshill and moffett@ M?H? &? Eeith .ilbeam : )? ,?2? Connor and %?-? Bues : ;? %pte .?D? : 8? *e i@ M?,? : C? Bhalla@ =?E? :



I$-i#$ 0i$#$ci#& S=%te

Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: Financial '(stem: Concept@ Fature@ 'tructure .rocess@ and "conomic ,e elopment? Financial Mar6et: Fature@ Functions and Classifications@ 5ndian Financial '(stem %n 1 er ie+@ Features@ 'tructure and 7ecent ,e elopment? Unit-55: Financial 5ntermediaries: Functions@ Classification and 7ole in an "conom(? *ending .olicies and 1perations of Certain ,e elopment Ban6sG 5,B5@ 5FC5@ 5C5C5 and 57B5? 5n estment 5nstitutions: 1b<ecti es and Functions@ t(pe of 5n estment -rusts@ Ma<or Mutual Funds in 5ndia@ Mutual fund 'chemes@ 5n estment .olicies of Mutual Funds@ '"B5 Duidelines@ 5n estment .olices and 1perations of *5C and D5C? Concept@ Fature@ Features@ 'i>e and 'tructure of ne+ 5ssue Mar6et? Methods of *ocation of Fe+ Capital 5ssue "uro 5ssueG '"B5 Duidelines? 'toc6 Mar6et: 5ntroduction@ FeaturesG 'tructure@ Mechanics of 'ecurit( -rading@ *isting of 'ecurit( at a 'toc6-"#change@ Fational 'toc6 "#change@ 1 er-the Counter "#change of 5ndia@ '"B5 Duidelines? ,epositor( '(stem and ,ematerialisation? -he basic aim of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith the o erall ie+ of 5ndian Financial '(stem and its functioning?


Unit-5=: Unit-=:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? Bhole *?M? M?J? Ehan 7?M? 'ri asta a Financial Mar6ets and 5nstitutions@ -MH@ Fe+ ,elhi? 5ndian Financial '(stem@ .H5@ Fe+ ,elhi? Management of 5ndian Financial 5nstitutions@ H.H@ Fe+ ,elhi? 7?M? 'ri asta a 5ndian Financial '(stem- the Changing 'cenario? 2ames C? =an Home Financial Mar6et 7ates 8 Flo+s? =?%? % adhani 5n estment and 'ecurities Mar6et in 5ndia? 7?E? -andon and Dlobalisation of 5ndian Financial Mar6ets? '?*? Dupta %nmol .ublishing@ Fe+ ,elhi? Henning Billiam Financial Mar6ets and the "conom(? and 'cott


7#-8I1( Port!o&io M#$#6e e$t Ma#? Mar6s : 100 "#ternal : ;0 5nternal : !0 -ime : ! Hours? Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he no? of :uestion to be set +ill be ten /5ncluding t+o case studies4? 1ne case stud( +ill be compulsor( +hich +ill carr( 28 mar6s 8 in lieu of t+o :uestions? 5n totalit(@ four :uestions are to be attempted selecting one :uestion from each unit including one case stud(? Co*r%e o7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to impart the 6no+ledge to students regarding the theor( and practice of .ortfolio Management? Co*r%e Co$te$t% Unit-5: 5ntroduction- Meaning@ Feed@ 7is6 8 ,etermination of a .ortfolioG Mar6o+it> .ortfolio -heor(@ 'harpe 'ingle 5nde# Model? Unit-55: 1ptimal .ortfolio: 'election 8 .roblemsG "fficient FrontierG Meaning 8 Construction and 5n estors Utilit(G "fficient Frontier /i4 7is6- free and /ii4 7is6( *ending and Borro+ing@ *e eraged .ortfolioG Mar6et .ortfolioG Capital Mar6et *ineG C%.MG 'ecurit( Mar6et *ineG Characteristic *ineG %.-? .ortfolio 7e ision- Meaning@ Feed and ConstraintsG Formula .lanG Constant-,ollar =alue .lan@ Constant 7atio .lan? .ortfolio .erformance " aluation@ 7is6 %d<usted .erformance Measures? Case 'tud(

Unit-555: Unit-5=:


S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? .andian: 'ecurit( %nal(sis and .ortfolio Management@ =i6as .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? Fisher@ ,onald "? and 2ordan@ 7onald 2? : 'ecurit( %nal(sis and .ortfolio Management@ .H5 of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? 'harpe@ Billiam F? etc: 5n estment@ .H5 of 5ndia 1CC;@ Fe+ ,elhi? Francis@ 2C? 5n estment %nal(sis and Management Ee in: .ortfolio Management@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? 7# 8I2( Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 88IF 7# 8I0 G 7# 8I1 M?M? 50



Co 9e$%#tio$ M#$#6e e$t Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal : -ime : : !0 : 100 ;0 ! Hours?

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he Fumber of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o promote understanding of issues related to the Compensation of human resources 8 to impart s6ills in designing@ anal(>ing 8 restructuring re+ard management s(stem@ policies 8 strategies? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: Understanding 7e+ard Management: Fature@ %ims and .olicies? ,etermination of 5nter 8 5ntra- 5ndustr( Compensation ,ifferentials? 5nternal 8 "#ternal ":uit( in Compensation '(stems? Unit-55: Unit-555: Unit-5=: Unit-=: -ools in ,esigning@ 5mpro ing 8 5mplementing Compensation .ac6ages? Compensation .ractices of Multinational Corporations? Components of Compensation .ac6ages Fringe Benefits@ 5ncenti es 8 7etirement .lans@ ,ifference Bet+een 5ncenti es 8 Bonuses? 2ob " aluation A ,efinition and Function of 2ob " aluation? 5ncenti e '(stems =ersus .roducti it( Bargaining@ '6ill 8 Competenc(-Based " aluation? 5nstitutions 7elated to 7e+ard '(stem *i6e@ Bage Boards@ .a( CommissionFature@ Constitution 8 Functions? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? %rmstrong M? 2? !? $? &? )? %rmstorng Michel 8 Marlis Helln Bergess@ *ernard 7? Miction@ 7oc6? 'ud@ ,?C? =en6ata 7atan 8 B?E? 'hri asta a

: % Handboo6 of Human 7esources Management .ractice? Eogan .age@ :U?E? : 7e+ard Management: % Hand- Boo6 of 'alar( %dministration Eogen .age@ 1C8$? : Bage 8 'alar( %dministration@ *ondon Charless "- Merril@ 1C8$? : Handboo6 of Bage 8 'alar( %dministration@ 1C8$? : 5ncenti es 5ndustr(@ -ata- McDar+ Hill? : .ersonnel Management 8 Human 7esource@ -ata McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ ,elhi?



L#7o*r Le6i%&#tio$ i$ I$-i# Ma#? Mar6s "#ternal 5nternal -ime : : 100 : ;0 : !0 ! Hours

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be 4 G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e -he course aims at pro iding students good understanding of such labour la+s as ha e ma<or bearing on the 5ndustrial 7elations in 5ndia? Co*r%e O*t&i$e% "ach of the fi e la+s is to be studied +ith reference to its ob<ecti es@ Ma<or .ro isions and the Bor6ing: Unit-1 *abour *egislation: Meaning@ Feed@ 5mportance@ and Fundamental .rinciples and Constitutional Frame+or6 in 5ndia? Unit-55 Unit-555 Unit-5= Unit-= -he 5ndustrial ,isputes %ct@ 1C$;? -rade Union %ct- 1C2! and 5ndustrial "mplo(ment /'tanding 1rders4 %ct@ 1C$)G -he Maternit( Benefits %ct@ 1C)1? -he Factories %ct@ 1C$8? -he Bor6men3s Compensation %ct@ 1C2! and -he "mplo(ee3s 'tate 5nsurance %ct@ 1C$8?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? Eapoor@ F?,? : 5ndustrial *a+s@ 'ultan Chand 8 'ons@ Fe+ ,elhi? Mali6@ .?E? : 5ndustrial *a+@ "astern Boo6 Co@ *uc6no+? Uni ersals *abour *a+ 7eference@ Uni ersal *a+ .ublishing Co?@ ,elhi? Mishra '?F? 8 '?E? Mishra '?E? A %n 5ntroduction to *abour 8 5ndustrial *a+s@ Central *a+ .ublications@ %llahabad? .illai@ E?M? A *abour 8 5ndustrial *a+s@ %llahabad *a+ %genc(@ Faridabad?



I$ter$#tio$#& 1* #$ Re%o*rce M#$#6e e$t

M?M? : 100 5nternal : !0 "#ternal : ;0 Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one :uestion from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /+hich ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e -o ma6e students understand the different orientation needed to manage human resources internationall( Co*r%e O*t&i$e% Unit-5: 5nternational Human 7esource ManagementG 1b<ecti es@ 'cope and 'ignificanceG Ee( -rends in 5nternational H7M: ":ual "mplo(ment 1pportunities@ %ffirmati e %ctionG Fet+or6 1rgani>ationG Challenges to 5H7M? Unit-55: 5nternational Human 7esource Management .lanning and .rocurement: 5nternational %ssignment and 'election .rocess? 5nternational 'taffing .olicies: "#patriate %ssignments and 1ut 'ourcing? 1rientation@ -raining and ,e elopment .ractices in 5H7M? Career .lanning and Career ,e elopment in H7M? Compensation .ractices in MFC3s? Comparati e 5ndustrial 7elation '(stemG 7ole of 5nternational *abor 1rgani>ation and -rade Unionism? .roducti it( and 9ualit( of Bor6 *ife 5mpro ement .rogramme Borld+ide? Human 7esource Management: Culture and 1rgani>ation *ifeG Cross Cultural ,ifference and Management 5mplicationsG Hoffsted3s 'tud(G Cross Cultural 5mperati es and Bor6 Doals? Dlobal *eadership and Multicultural -eams? Human 7esource Management@ .earson "ducation . t? *td?@ ,elhi?

Unit-555: Unit-5=:


S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? C? Dar( ,es 'lel

Memoria C?B? .ersonnel Management@ Himala(a .ublishing House? %rmstrong M? Crest Handboo6 of 'trategic Human 7esource Management@ .ublishing? Bratton 2? 8 Human 7esource Management: -heor( .ractice@ *ondan: 2? Dold MacMillian Filipp@ "d+in B? .rinciples of .ersonnel Management@ McDra+ Hill@ Fe+ Jor6? =en6ata 7atnam D?'? .ersonnel Management 8 Human 7esource@ -ata McDra+ Hill@ B?E? 'ri asta a Fe+ ,elhi %r ind .hata6 5nternational ,imensions of Management@ Boston@ .B' Eent? 7ao@ ='. Human 7esources Management@ "ncell Boo6s@ Fe+ ,elhi? .orter Michael Competiti e 'trateg(@ Free .ress@ Fe+ ,elhi 7# 8I) Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 8I.F 7# 8I< G 7# 8I5 M?M? 50


7#-I01 ( M#$#6e e$t Scie$ce M?M? : 100 5nternal : !0 "#ternal : ;0 -ime : !Hrs Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this course is to ac:uaint the students +ith concepts and models of management science as applicable in Business Management? 2NIT-I Management 'cience: basic concepts and its role in decision-ma6ingG Methodolog( of Management 'cienceG models and modelling in Management 'cienceG Management 'cience models in practice? 5nteger .rogramming .roblems: formulation@ t(pes@ solutions b( branch and bound method@ application of >ero-one 5..s? Doal .rogramming .roblems: formulation /single goal@ multiple goals +ithout and +ith ran6ing and +eighting4G solution b( graphical and simple# methodG difference bet+een *. and D.? ,ecision -heor(: decision-ma6ing en ironments and decision-ma6ing under ris6@ and uncertaint(G ,ecision -ree %nal(sis? Dame -heor(: t+o-person >ero-sum games@ pure strategies@ mi#ed strategies@ rule of dominance? 9ueuing -heor(: general structure@ operating characteristics and performance measures of a 9ueuing '(stemG 9ueuing Models /'ingle 'er er models onl(4? 7eplacement Models: replacement of items (i) +hose efficienc( deteriorates +ith time@ (ii) that fail completel(? Mar6o Chains: introduction@ applications and characteristics? 'imulation: introduction t(pes and steps in simulation process? 5ntroduction to ,(namic .rogramming and Fon-linear .rogramming?





S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 5ntroduction to Management 'cience by Dould@ F?2? etc? "ngle+ood Cliffs@ Fe+ 2erse(? 2? 5ntroduction to Management 'cience by Billiam 2? 'te enson? 57B5F@ '(dne(@ %ustrialia? ! 1perations 7esearch by 2? E?'harma? MacMillan 5ndia *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? $? 9uantitati e -echni:ues in Management by F? ,?=ohra?-ata McDra+ Hill .ublishing Compan( *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? &? .rinciples of 1peration 7easearch@ +ith applications to Managerial ,ecisions by Har e( M Bagner? .rentice Hall of 5ndia .ri ate *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? )? Management 'cience by E? Mathur and ,? 'olo+? "ngle+ood Cliffs@ Fe+ 2erse(?


7#-I02 ( I$ter$#tio$#& B*%i$e%% E$;iro$ e$t M?M? : 100 5nternal : !0 "#ternal : ;0 -ime : !Hrs Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o ac:uaint the students +ith the emerging regional and multilateral groupings at international trade and "conomic concepts in light of the international trade scenario? 2NIT 3I( 5nternational Business( Fature@ 'ignificance and scopeG 5nternational business en ironment A economic@ socio-cultural@ geographical@ political and legalG MFCsG 7ole and 5mportance? 2NIT 3 II( -echnolog( transfers-importance and t(pesG Foreign in estment Fature@ -(pes and -heories@ Foreign in estment flo+s and barriersG B-1-ma<or pro isions and implications? 2NIT 3 III( 5nternational economic institution and agreements A UFC-%,@ 5MF@ Borld Ban6@ 5nternational commodit( agreements? 7egional "conom( Co-operation: t(pes and rationale of regional economic groups@ "U@ F%F-%@ %'"%F@ '%F-%? 2NIT -I+( Foreign "#change Mar6et: .articipants in the foreign e#change mar6etsG "#change rate :uotaG Factors affecting spot rates@ and for+ard rates@ arrangement of "#change rates in 5ndia? 2NIT 3 +( %n 1 er ie+ of Foreign "#change Management %ctG Foreign "#change ris6G -(pes and management of e#posuresG Fore# deri ates-s+aps@ futures@ option and for+ard contracts? %n o er ie+ of "I5M .olic( in 5ndia? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? %pte@ International Financial Management, -MH? 2? %r(a .?.? and B?B? -ondon: Economic Reforms in India ,eep and ,eep@ Fe+ ,elhi? !? Bhattachar(a@ B: Going International Response trategies 5ndian 'ector@ Bheeler .ublishing
House Co?@ Fe+ ,elhi?

$? Blac6 and 'undaram: International !"siness En#ironment .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? &? Buc6el(@ %rdin: $%e Essence of International Money .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi? )? ,aniels@ 2ohan and *ee H? 7edebaugh: International !"siness En#ironment and &perations,

;? "iteman@ Maffett@ M"ltinational !"siness Finance@ .earson 5ndia *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? 8? *eith@ 2ohan M?: International Economic 'olicies and $%eoretical Fo"ndation, %cademic .ress@
Fe+ Jor6?

C? 'hapiro: International Financial Management, .H5? 10? 'oderesten@ B?1? : International Economics, McMillan@ *ondon? 11? =? 'haran@ International Financial Management, -MH 7#-I0. ( Ter P#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ (B#%e- o$ @O$-Ao7 Tr#i$i$6B) M?M? : &0


7#-I0<( Ret#i& M#r'eti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e o7:ecti;e ( -he course aims at ac:uainting students +ith the concepts and mar6eting practices in the retailing sector and the future ahead in this sector? 2NIT-1 %n 5ntroduction to 7etail Mar6eting: 5t3s ,(namic Fature and 'tructure A 1rganised s Unorgani>ed@ .resent 'cenario and Mushrooming Dro+th of 7etail 1utlets in 5ndia@ Ee( ,ri ers of Consumer Beha iour in 7etailing A,emographic and .s(chographic Factors? 7etail Mar6eting Mi#@ Management of 'er ice and 9ualit( in 7etailing@ Merchandise Management@ Management of 7etail Brand? Methods and %pproaches to 7etail 'trateg( and Mar6eting .lanning@ 7etail .ricing@ 7etail Communication and .romotion? 7etail ,istribution and 'uppl( Chain Management@ 7etail *ocation 'trategies and ,ecisions@ Methods and %pproaches to 7etail 'trateg( and Mar6eting .lanning? %pplications of 5- to 7etail Mar6eting@ Consumerism and "thics in 7etailing@ 5nternational 7etailing@ Future of 7etailing in 5ndia?

2NIT-2 2NIT-. 2NIT-< 2NIT-5

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%(1? N7etail Mar6eting Management@ 2nd "ditionO /%uthor: ,a id Dilbert4@ .ublisher: .earson "ducation 2? N7etail Management-% 'trategic %pproach@ 10th "ditionO /%uthors: Barr( Berman and 2oel 7? " ans4 .ublisher: .H5 !? N7etailing "n ironment and 1perationsO /%uthors: Fe+man@ %ndre+ 2 and Cullen@ .eter4 .ublisher: =i6as .ublishing House? $? NMar6eting Management@ 12th "ditionO /%uthors: .hilip Eotler and Ee in *ane Eeller4 .ublisher: .H5? &? N-he Fe+ %ge Mar6etingO .ublisher : 5CF%5 Uni ersit( .ress? )? N%d ertising and 5ntegrated Brand .romotionO /%uthors: %llen@ 'emeni6 and 13Duinn4 .ublisher: -homson 'outh-Bestern? ;? N"merging 5ssues in Modern Mar6eting@ 1st "ditionO /%uthor: ,?,? %rora4 .ublisher: U,H .ublishers and ,istributors? 8? NC7M at the 'peed of *ight: Capturing and Eeeping Customers in 5nternet 7eal -ime@ 2 nd "ditionO /%uthor: .aul Dreenba(4 .ublisher: -ata McDra+ Hill? C? NCustomer 7elationship Management: "merging Concepts@ -ools and %pplications@ $th 7eprint 200!O /%uthors: 2agdish F 'heth@ %tul .ar ati(ar and D? 'hainesh4 .ublisher: -ata McDra+ Hill? 10? NMar6eting Management: -e#t and Cases@ 1st "ditionO /%uthor: Mu6esh ,hunna4 .ublisher: Bisdom .ublications?


7#-I05( R*r#& M#r'eti$6 M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Course ob<ecti e is to ac:uaint students +ith the comple#ities of mar6eting in rural areas and ma6ing them a+are about mar6eting of agricultural products? 2NIT-I 7ural Mar6eting - Meaning@ Fature 8 CharacteristicsG 7ural s? Urban Mar6eting@ 7ural Mar6ets A prospects 8 potential? 7ural Mar6eting "n ironment@ Consumer Beha iour@ determinants of Consumer Beha iour A 7ural .erspecti e@ M7 5ssues in 7ural Mar6ets? 'egmenting@ -argeting 8 .ositioning in 7ural Mar6ets? .roduct 'trateg( for 7ural Mar6ets A .roduct Mi# ,ecisions@ .roduct *e els@ 7ural .roduct Categories@ Fe+ .roduct ,e elopment@ .ac6aging Mi#? .ricing 'trateg( for 7ural Mar6ets A Concept@ 'ignificance@ .ricing 1b<ecti es@ .ricing 'trategies? Communication Mi# and 7ural Mar6eting A Media %lternati es@ .rofiling Customer for .romotional Campaign@ ,esigning Communication Campaign? ,istribution 5ssues in 7ural Mar6ets A Con entional 8 Modern %pproaches to ,istribution? Fe+ -rends in ,istribution@



7ole of Co-operati e 5nstitutions in 7ural Mar6eting? 7ole of Financial 5nstitutions in 7ural Mar6eting? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 7ural Mar6eting@ "n ironment@ .roblems 8 'trategies A 2nd "d?@ -?.? Dopalas+ami@ 200&@ =i6as .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? 2? 7ural Mar6eting A -e#t 8 Cases A C?'?D? Erishnamachar(ulu@ *alita 7ama Erishnan@ 200)@ .earson 5ndia *td?@ Fe+ ,elhi? !? -he 7ural Mar6eting Boo6@ .radeep Eash(ap@ 'iddharatha 7aut? 200;@ Bi>tantra .ublishers? $? 7ural Mar6eting Management@ 'u6hpal 'ingh@ 2001@ =i6as .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? &? 7ural Mar6eting in 5ndia@ E?'? Habeeb-Ur-7ahman@ 200!@ Himala(a .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? )? 7ural Mar6eting@ %+adhesh Eumar 'ingh@ 'at(a .ra6ash .ande(@ 200&@ Fe+ %ge .ublishers@ Fe+ ,elhi?


7#-I0) ( S#&e% Pro otio$ M#$#6e e$t? M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he purpose of this course is to de elop an understanding about concepts@ methods and strategies of sales promotion? 2NIT-I 2NIT-II 2NIT-III 2NIT-I+ 'ales .romotion A Concept@ 7ole 8 5mportance@ Characteristics of 'ales .romotion@ 7eason for Dro+th of 'ales .romotion@ Fature and -(pes of 'ales .romotion? 'ales promotion organi>ation@ ma<or functions@ sales promotion budgeting@ planning a sales promotion campaign? 5mpact of 'ales .romotion on Brand =alue@ Consumer Beha iour and 'ales .romotionG ,eal .rone Consumers? -rade 1riented and Consumer 1riented 'ales .romotion .lanning .rocess@ 7etail 'ales .romotion +ith 'pecial 7eference to 'pecialit( 'tores@ ,epartmental 'tores@ Chain 'tores@ "#clusi e ,ealersK,istributors? Measuring the "ffecti eness of 'ales .romotion .rogram@ Future of 'ales .romotion@ "merging -rends in the Field of 'ales .romotion?


S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( .romotion: % Duide to "ffecti e .romotional .lanning@ 'trategies and "#ecutions? Fe+ Jor6@ 2ohn Bile(@ 1C8$? 2? %ssaei@ Henr( : Consumer Beha iour and Mar6eting %ction@ Bosten@ Eant@ 1C8;? !? Blattberg@ 7obert C : 'ales .romotion : Concept@ Methods and 'trategies? and 'cott "ngle+ood Cliffs@ Fe+ 2erse(@ .rentice Hall 5nc?@ 1CC0 $? 'chalt>@ ,on " and : 'ales .romotion Management Chicago@ Crain Billiam Boo6s@ 1C82 &? 'trang 7oger %? : -he .romotional .lanning .rocess@ Fe+ Jor6@ .raeger@ 1C80 )? -otten 2ohn C and : %nal(>ing sales promotion: -est and case@ Chicago@ Blac6 Martin .? Commerce Communication@ 1C8;? ;? Ulanoff@ 'tanle( M? : Handboo6 of 'ales .romotion@ Fe+ Jor6@ McDra+ Hill@ 1C8& 8? 1 id 7iso : -he ,artnell 'ales .romotion Handboo6? UB'., ; th ed? 1CC! reprint? 7# I0, Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er M?M? 50 7# I0<F 7# I05G 7# I0) 1? %illion< and Charas@ ,an?:


7#-I08 ( 0i$#$ci#& Deri;#ti;e%

M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he course aims at ac:uaint the students +ith concepts of the financial deri ati es@ issues and prospecti e? 2NIT-I ,eri ati e: Meaning@ -(pes@ Fature@ Brief Histor(@ Commodit( ,eri ati es@ Financial ,eri ati es A -(pes@ " olution@ Underl(ing %ssets A Commodities@ 5nterest 7ates@ ":uities@ Currencies etc?G ,eri ati e Mar6et A -(pes@ 'tructure@ .articipants@ 7ecent -rends 8 Dro+th@ Future .rospects? 2NIT-II Financial ,eri ati es A Meaning@ Fature@ -(pes@ '"B5 DuidelinesG For+ard Contracts A Meaning@ Features@ -(pes@ MechanismG For+ard Mar6et A Fature@ 'peculation@ %rbitrage 8 7is6 ManagementG 7egulator 8 7egulation for Financial ,eri ati es? 2NIT-III Futures Contract A Meaning@ Features@ Mechanism 8 'ettlementG Margin A -(pes@ Futures "#change 8 Clearing House A Mechanism@ Mar6ing to Mar6et@ Futures in 5ndia@ .resent 'tatus@ '"B5 Duidelines regarding Futures? 2NIT-I+ 1ptions Contract A Meaning@ Features@ 'e eral -(pes@ Mechanism 8 'ettlementG 1ptions .ricing Models A Blac6 'choles Model@ Binomial ModelG 'ophisticated ,eri ati es A 1ptions on futures@ 5nde# 1ptions@ Barrier 1ption@ Compound 1ption etc? .resent 'tatus of 1ptions in 5ndia 8 Future .rospects? 2NIT-+ '+aps A Meaning@ Features@ -(pes@ MechanismG -rading 'trategies relating ,eri ati es@ '+aptions@ Conditions necessar( to 5mpro e the ,eri ati e Mar6et in 5ndiaG 5nternational ,eri ati es Mar6etG Hedging A 1b<ecti es 8 Benefits of Hedging@ -he Hedging .rocess@ 'hort Hedge 8 *ong Hedge? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 7obert B? Eolb: Financial ,eri ati es@ Blac6+ell Business .ublishers? 2? '?*? Dupta: Financial ,eri ati es@ .H5 !? =?E? Bhalla: 5n estment Management /'ultan Chand 8 'ons4 $? M? 7anganathan 8 7? Madhumathi A 5n estment %nal(sis /.earson4 &? %ggar+al: Financial ,eri ati es@ .H5 )? 2ohn C? Hull: 1ptions@ Further 8 other ,eri ati es 'e+rites@ .H5 ;? 'harpe@ B?F?@ 5n estments@ .H5 8? Co#@ 2ohn C 8 7ubinstein@ 1ptions Mar6et@ .H5 C? Brennet@ M?@ 1ption .ricing? 10? Deorge E? Chac6o: Financial ,eri ati es@ Blac6+ell Business .ublishers? 11? 2ohn F? Marshall 8 =ipul E? Bansal: Financial "ngineering@ 55nd "dition?


7#-I0I ( B#$' #$- I$%*r#$ce M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Course ob<ecti e is to ac:uaint students +ith the contemporar( issues in the ban6ing and insurance sectors? 5t also imbibe 6no+ledge of managerial issues related to life insurance and general insurance? 2NIT-I 5nsurance-Concept@ Fature@ Classification-*ife 8 Fon-life@ .rinciples of 5nsuranceG 5nsurance %ct 1C!8 A ob<ecti es@ 7ights a ailable to 5nsurer 8 5nsuredG 5nsurance Management A Concept@ 5mportance@ .ri ati>ations of 5nsurance 'ector A its 5mplicationsG 57,% %ct 1CCC A 1rganisation@ guidelines for life 8 Fon-life insurance? *ife 5nsurance AConceptG .ublic 8 . t? 'ector companies in 5ndia A their products@ schemes 8 plansG ,ocumentation A Forms@ certificates 8 claim settlement documentsG *5C %ct 1C&)-%n o er ie+? Deneral 5nsurance A Concept@ -(pesG .ublic 8 . t? 'ector companies in 5ndia A their products@ schemes 8 plansG ,ocumentation A Forms@ Certificates 8 Claim settlement documentsG Deneral 5nsurance Business Fationali>ation %ct 1C;2 A %n 1 er ie+? Ban6 AConcept@ Classification /Fationali>ed@ .ri ate@ Cooperati e@ 7ural etc4 their ob<ecti es 8 functions@ organi>ation structuresG Ban6 Management A Concept@ Functions@ 5mportance? 7is6 Management in Ban6s A -echni:ues@ 5mportanceG 7B5-1rgani>ation@ Functions@ regulation@ *atest guidelines b( 7B5 Central Ban6ing .olic( .ri ati>ation of Ban6ing 'ector in 5ndia A 5ts 5mplications? 'harma@ Butterflag .ublication Dulshan@ '' ,a ar@ '7 -andon@ H* =arshne(@ .?F? Bodla@ B?'? Darg Mehta@ 77'@ Himala(a .ublication =igaim@ BM*@ Eona6 .ublication Ba6er+elford@ %?B? 8 B?B? 1tter Ban(@ Butter+orth 8 Co? *td?@ *ondon B?%? ,insdale@ .itman 2adha @ Farendra@ Macmillan 2ohn Bile(@ 2oel@ Bassis ;1


2NIT-I+ 2NIT-+

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 5nsurance Management 2? *a+ 8 .ractices of Ban6ing in 5ndia !? *a+ 8 .ractice of Ban6ing $? Ban6ing *a+ 8 .ractice in 5ndia &? Ban6ing *a+ 8 .ractice )? 5nsurance A Fundamentals@ .rocedure 8 "n ironment ; Fundamental of Ban6ing 8? Ban6ing *a+ 8 .ractice /Eona6 .u4 C? 10? 11? 12? *a+ 7elating to Fire 5nsurance "lements of 5nsurance Challenges of 5ndian Ban6ing 7is6 Management in Ban6ing

1!? 1$? 1&? 1)? 1;? 18? 1C? 20?

Ban6 Management

Eotch@ -irnoth( B?@ ,r(den .ress@ Chacago 5nsurance .rinciples 8 .ractice 'harma@ 7?'?@ =ora@ ,elhi Commercial Ban6s Financial Management 'in6e(@ 2oseph@ F? 2r?@ .H5@ ,elhi? Fire 5nsurance -heor( 8 .ractice 'mith@ -?7?@ 'tone 8 Co# Ban6ing *a+ 8 .ractice -annan@ M?*?@ 5ndian *a+ House@ ,elhi .rinciples of Marine 5nsurance -urner@ H?'?@ 'tone 8 Co# 5ndian Financial '(stem Ehan@ M?J?@ =i6as .ublication -he "conomics of Mone(@ Ban6ing 8 Mishi6in Frederids? '?@ Harpen Financial Mar6ets Collins@ Fe+ Jor6


7#-I10 ( Cor9or#te T#" P&#$$i$6 G M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he course ob<ecti e is to ma6e students 6no+ledgeable about corporate ta#? 2NIT-I 2NIT-II 2NIT-III 5ntroduction to -a# A Meaning@ %ll -(pes of -a#es 8 ,utiesG ,irect 8 5ndirect -a#ation A Meaning@ Classification A Central 'ales -a#@ 'er ice -a#@ "#cise ,ut(@ C"F=%-@ =%-@ .roposed D'- /Doods 8 'er ices -a#4 Corporate -a#ation A Meaning@ Concept@ Features@ Management of Corporate -a#ation@ =oluntar( ,isclosure of 5ncome -a# /=,5 'cheme4@ Cess 8 'urcharges@ .%F 8 5ts Utilit(@ D57 8 5ts Utilit(@ Filing of 5?-? 7eturns? 5ncome -a# %ct 1C)1 A 5ntroduction@ Heads Classification for -a# .urposes@ "#empted 5ncome@ %d ance -a#esG -,'@ Heads A 'alaries@ Business 8 .rofession@ Capital Dains@ 'et-off 8 Carr(-for+ard of losses@ ,eductions from Dross -otal 5ncome@ 7ebates 8 "#emptions? -a# .lanning 8 -a# Management@ 7ationalisation of -a#es@ -a# " asion@ Broadening 5ncome -a# Fet@ .enalties on -a# " aders@ Mone( *aundering@ -a# 7egulation A CB,- /Central Board of ,irect -a#ation4 A 7ole@ Functions@ ,uties of 1fficials? Functions@ 7ole of -a# Consultants in -a# ,etermination@ -a# .olic( in 5ndia@ *atest DuidelinesG -a# planning regarding di idend polic(?



S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? 5ndian -a#ation *a+ /'ahit(a Bha+an4? -a#ation A *a+ 8 .ractice /Eal(an .ub?4 Corporate -a#ation '(stematic %pproach to 5ncome -a# /Bharat *a+ House4 &? Eanga@ 2B 8 .al6hirala@ F% 5ncome -a#@ Bomba( )? 7anina@ H. Corporate -a#ation /1riental *a+ House4 ;? %hu<a D?E? 8 7a i Dupta '(stematic %pproach to 5ncome -a# /=ision .ublications@ ,elhi4 8? *o6hotia@ 7?F? Corporate -a# .lanning@ *atest "dition@ /=ision .ublications@ ,elhi4 C? 'inghania@ =?E? 5ncome -a# *a+ 8 .ractice /-a#man3s .ublications@ ,elhi4 10? 'inghania@ =?E? ,irect -a# .lanning 8 Management@ /-a#man .ublication@ ,elhi4? 11? 2(ongar@ %?C? *a+ of 5ncome -a#@ Bharat .ublication@ %llahabad? 7# I11 Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er M?M? 50 7# I08F 7# I0IG 7# I10 Mehrotra: E?C? 2ain 8 =?E? Daur: Eu6arni %r(a@ DE 8 Dupta 7a i


7#-I12 ( Or6#$iJ#tio$#& Ch#$6e G Stre%% M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -his is an era of change@ the business +orld is e#periencing a lot of a change follo+ed b( stress? -he course is designed to discuss ho+ to e:uip organi>ation and people for management of change and stress? 2NIT-1 2NIT-II 2NIT-III 2NIT-I+ 2NIT-+ 'tress A Concept@ ,efinition@ Characteristics@ Current models of stress@ "motions and inter entions@ .ositi e and negati e stress Understanding 'tress A .otential sources of stress@ Conse:uences of stress@ Managing stress@ Becoming stress-fit Concept of Managing change- .rocess of organi>ational change@ Ee( roles in organi>ational change@ Culture and change@ Managing resistance change@ "ffecti e implementation of change? ,iagnosis and inter ention - 5ssues and concept of organi>ational diagnosis@ ,iagnostic methodolog( and methods /:ualitati e and :uantitati e4@ 5nter ention in organi>ational change@ Model or organi>ational change? 1rgani>ational change and process consultation - Bor6 redesign model@ Managers as agent of change@ 5nternal change and e#ternal change agent st(les?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? %bad@ %hmad@ et?al@?: ,e eloping "ffecti e 1rgani>ation@ 'ri 7am Center for 5ndustrial 7elations@ Fe+ ,elh@ 1C80 2? ,e Fitish@ %lternati e ,esigns of Human 1rgani>ations@ 'age@ *ondon@ 1C88? !? French@ B?H? and Bell@ CH?: 1granisation ,e elopment@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ Fe+ 5ndia@ Fe+ ,elhi@ 1CC1? $? French@ B? *? etc?: 1rgani>ation ,e elopment -heor(@ .ractice and 7esearch@ ! rd ed?@ Uni ? Boo6s 'tall@ Fe+ ,elhi@ 1CC0 &? Har e(@ ,?F? and Bro+n@ ,?7?: %n "#periential %pproach to 1rgani>ation ,e elopment@ .rentice Hall 5nc?@ 2erse(@ 1CC0? )? Huse@ F?"? and Cummings@ -? D?: 1rgani>ation@ ,e elopment and Change@ ! rd ed?@ Fe+ Jor6@ Best@ 1C8&? ;? 'inha@ ,harani@ .? etc?@ Consultants and Consulting 't(les@ =ision@ Fe+ ,elhi@ 1C82?


7#-I1.( Co*$%e&&i$6 S'i&&% !or M#$#6er% M?M 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e ( -o de elop basic s6ills among students to independentl( handle a +ide range of emplo(ee counselling and performance counselling? 2NIT-I "mergence 8 Dro+th of Counseling ser ices@ Counselling process and application of to organi>ational and personal situations +ith a focus on performance Counselling 2NIT-II Counselor A client relationship@ understanding clients beha iour de eloping and terminating a counseling relationship 8 follo+ up@ %ssessing clients problems? 2NIT-III Counsellor3s attitudes 8 s6ill of Counselling@ Counselling strategies or therapies i?e? 5nsight oriented therapies@ Beha iour -herapies and group therapies? 2NIT-I+ Communications and .ersuation@ Communication strategies and 7eferences@ Droup and their role in understanding clients problem? 2NIT-+ Moti ation and 5ncenti es re:uirement of producti it(@ 7ole of Counselling in Understanding of lo+ producti it( of 5ndian +or6ers@ Feed of Counselling cell in the organi>ation? 'pecial problems in Counselling? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? Cormer *?'? 8 Duide Hac6ne( H : 2?Moursernd 2? !?Maclennar@ Figal $? Bandara@ %? &? Munre@ C? %? etc? )? 7edd(@ Michael : : : : : -he professional Counsellor3s .rocess to Helping "ngle+ood Cliffs@ Fe+ 2erse(@ .H5-1C8; -he .rocess of Counselling and -herap( 2nd "d? 1f "ngle+ood Cliffs@ Fe+ 2erse(@ .H51CC0 Counselling for Managers@ %ldershot@ Dro er@ 1CC) .rinciples of Beha iour Modification@ Fe+ Jor6: Hod 7inehart and Binston@ 1C)C Counselling: % '6ills %pproach@ Methuen@ 1C80 Counselling at Bor6? British .s(chological 'ociet( 8 Methuen@ *ondon 8 Fe+ Jor6@ 1C8;


7#-I1<( Per!or #$ce M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o %c:uaint the students +ith the concept of .erformance Management? 2NIT-I( .erformance Management : concept@ philosoph(@ purposes and ob<ecti esG .erformance Management =s .erformance %ppraisalG? 'trategic importance of .erformance ManagementG ,esigning .erformance Management '(stemG .illars of .erformance Management? .lanning .erformance: setting ob<ecti es@ organi>ational and indi idual performance plans@ role descriptionG performance standardsG special de elopmental assignments@ setting mutual e#pectations and performance criteria? "ncouraging .erformance: super ision and monitoringG communication re ie+ discussionsG encouraging and mentoring de elopmentG coaching and counselling? 7e ie+ing and 'toc6ta6ing .erformance and .otential: H7 in entor(G stoc6ta6ing discussionsG s6ills for .erformance Management? %ppraising for recognition and re+ardsG implementing the appraisal s(stems@ methods of appraisalG error in appraisalsG conduci e conte#t for appraising@ .erformance Management in 5ndia?


S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? .rem Chadha? 'erformance Management, Macmillan 5ndia *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? 2? 2ohn . Bilson? ("man Reso"rce Management, Eogan .age@ *ondon !? Ba(ne F? Cascio? Managing ("man Reso"rces, -ata McDra+ Hill .ublishing Compan( *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? $? C(nthia ,? Fisher@ *(le F? 'choen Feldt?@ 2ames B? 'ha+? ("man Reso"rce Management, Bi>tantra@ Fe+ ,elhi? &? %rmstrong M?%? (andboo) of ("man Reso"rce Management@ 7outledge@ *ondon?

7# I15

Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# I12F 7# I1.G 7# I1<

M?M? 50


7#-1001( /$o>&e-6e M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o ac:uaint the students +ith the concepts of 6no+ledge management as applicable to a business organi>ation? 2NIT-I( 2NIT-II( 2NIT-III( Eno+ledge Management: concept@ ob<ecti es@ significance@ nature and scopeG 5mperati es of EMG 1rgani>ational Eno+ledge Management? "ssentials of EM: data@ information@ 6no+ledge and +isdomG Eno+ledge -Basic t(pesG Eno+ledge Con ersion? Eno+ledge and *earningG 1rgani>ational *earning: t(pes@ le els and moti ation for organi>ational learningG 7elationship bet+een 5- 8 5nformation Management and EM? -echni:ues@ '(stems and -ools of 1rganisational Eno+ledge CreationG Eno+ledge %nal(sis: ,ata Mining@ 1n-line %nal(tical .rocessing? 1rgani>ational Eno+ledge Management: architectureG de eloping a EM frame+or6G EM '(stem components@ 5mplementation strategiesG EM %pplications?

2NIT-I+: 2NIT-+:

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? , Eamala i<a(an? Information and *no+ledge Management, McMillan 5ndia *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? 2? " 'udhir Barier? *no+ledge Management@ =i6as .ublishing House . t? *imited@ Fe+ ,elhi? !? Bu6o+it>? $%e *no+ledge Management Field !oo), .earson "ducation 5ndia?


7# 1002-( I$-i#$ Tr#-e #$- HTO M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( Course ob<ecti e is to ac:uaint students +ith the de elopments happening in conte#t of Borld -rade 1rganisation? 5t enlightens students +ith the impact of B-1 and its effect on 5ndian econom(? 2NIT-I B-1 A 5ntroduction@ -ransition from D%-- to B-1@ Basic ,ifference D%-- and B-1@ Function and 'tructure of B-1@ Basic .rinciples Do erning Multilateral .olic( '(stems under the B-1? Urugua( 7ound@ Dene a 7ound@ 1CC8@ 'eattle 7ound@ 1CCC@ ,oha 7ound@ 2001@ Cancun 7ound@ 200!@ Cancun to Dene a and %fter+ards? Basic .ro isions of B-1 A %greement on %griculture@ -75.' %greements@ -75M' %greements@ D%-' %greements? ,isputes 'ettlement under B-1@ 7ational .rocedure and -ime 'chedule@ Business %cts 8 Functionaries 5n ol ed in ,ispute 'ettlements? B-1 and 5ts 7ole in 5ntegration of the Borld "conom(? B-1 and it3s impact on 5ndian econom( A impact on agriculture@ manufacturing sector@ ser ice sector and other macro-economic aspects?



S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? B-1 Aimplications on 5ndian "conom(@ .?E? =asude a@ .earson "ducation 5ndia?200&? 2? 'tate of the 5ndian Farmer- % M5**"FF5UM '-U,J? Dlobalisation and 5ndian %griculture? D?'?BH%**%? A %C%,"M5C F1UF,%-51F? !? -he Deneral %greement on -ariffs and -rade /D%--4KBorld -rade 1rgani>ation /B-14: *a+@ "conomics? B( : %utor Erishen Eoul?200&@ 'at(am boo6s?

7#-100.( Co 9rehe$%i;e +i;#-+oce -he Comprehensi e =i a +ill be conducted b( "#aminer/s4 and +ill co er all the s(llabi of 5st to Ith 'emesters?


7# 100<

Ter 9#9er Pre%e$t#tio$ B#%e- o$ Tr#i$i$6 (7#%e- o$ the tr#i$i$6 -o$e i$ the Ith Se e%ter)

M?M? 50

7#-1005( Pro-*ct #$- Br#$- M#$#6e e$t M?M? : 100 5nternal : !0 "#ternal : ;0 -ime : ! Hrs Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o ac:uaint the students +ith issues and perspecti e related to product@ pac6aging and branding? 2NIT-I .roduct Management .rocess@ .roduct .ortfolio@ -raditional and Matri# %pproaches@ .roduct *ife C(cle@ Fe+ .roduct ,e elopment@ "n ironmental %nal(sis@ -est Mar6eting@ .ac6aging? Understanding Brands: Brand Hierarch(@ Brand .ersonalit(@ Brand 5mage@ Brand 5dentit(@ Brand .ositioning? Brand ":uit(@ =alue %ddition from Branding@ Brand-Customer 7elationship? Brand *o(alt( and Customer *o(alt(@ Managing Brands@ Brand Creation@ Brand "#tensions? Brand-.roduct 7elationships@ Brand .ortfolio@ Brand %ssessment through 7esearch@ Brand 5dentit(@ Brand .ositioning? Brand .ersonalit( %ssessment and Change@ Brand 7e italisation@ Financial %spects of Brands@ Brands in ,ifferent 'ectors-Customer@ 5ndustrial@ 7etail and 'er ice Brands?


2NIT-I+ 2NIT-+

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( NMar6eting Management@ 12th "ditionO /%uthors: .hilip Eotler and Ee in *ane Eeller4 .ublisher: .H5 2? NManaging Brand ":uit(O /%uthors : %a6er@ ,a id4 .ublisher : Free .ress? !? NUnderstanding BrandO /%uthors: Co+le(@ ,en4 .ublisher: Eogan .age? $? NCreating Brand *o(alt(O /C>enia+s6i@ 7ichard ,? and Michael B? Malone(4 .ublisher: %macom@ F?J? &? N'trategic Brand ManagementO /%uthor: Eapferer@ 2?F?4 .ublisher: Free .ress? )? NBrand 'trateg(O /%uthor: Murph(@ 2ohn %?4 .ublisher: -he ,irector Boo6s? ;? NBuilding Brand 5dentit(: % 'trateg( for 'uccess in Hostile Mar6et .laceO /%uthor : 'te+ard@ .?4 .ublisher: 2ohn Bile(? 8? N-he Fe+ %ge Mar6etingO .ublisher: 5CF%5 Uni ersit( .ress? C? N%d ertising and 5ntegrated Brand .romotionO /%uthors: %llen@ 'emeni6 and 13Duinn4 .ublisher: -homson 'outh-Bestern? 10? NCompendium of Brand Management@ 1st "dition /%uthor: '?%? Chuna+ala4 .ublisher: Himala(a .ublishing House? 11? N"merging 5ssues in Modern Mar6eting@ 1st "ditionO /%uthor: ,?,? %rora4 .ublisher@ U,H .ublishers and ,istributors? 1? ;C


NC7M at the 'peed of *ight: Capturing and Eeeping Customers in 5nternet 7eal -ime@ 2nd "ditionO /%uthor: .aul Dreenberg4 .ublisher: -ata McDra+ Hill? 1!? NCustomer 7elationship Management: "merging Concepts@ -ools and %pplications@ $th 7eprint 200!O /%uthors: 2agdish F? 'heth@ %tul .ar=ati(ar and D? 'hainesh4 .ublisher: -ata McDra+ Hill? 1$? NMar6eting Management: -e#t and Cases@ 1st "ditionO /%uthor: Mu6esh ,hunna4 .ublisher: Bisdom .ublications? 1&? NCase 'tud( 'olutions: Mar6eting@ 2nd "ditionO /%uthor: H? Eaushal4 .ublisher: MacMillan?


7#-100)( M#r'eti$6 o! No$ Pro!it Or6#$iJ#tio$ M?M? : 100 5nternal : !0 "#ternal : ;0 -ime : ! Hrs Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -o ac:uaint the students +ith the issues related to management of non-profit organi>ation@ recent trends and challenges +ith reference to 5ndian conditions? 2NIT-I 'cope and %pplications of Mar6eting in the conte#t of Fon-.rofit organi>ation@ Fon-.rofit 5nstitutions in 5ndian Mar6et Conte#t@ e?g?@ .olice@ .ublic ser ices@ Hospitals etc? 2NIT-II 'etting Mar6eting 1b<ecti es@ %nal(>ing 'ocio-Cultural "n ironment affecting Fon-.rofit organi>ations@ %nal(>ing Beneficiar( Beha iour? 2NIT-III Mar6et 'egmentation and Customer -argeting: .lanning of Mar6eting strateg( in a Fon-.rofit organi>ation@ Concept of .roduct K 'er ice *ife C(cle? 2NIT-I+ Mar6et 'egmentation and 7elated 5ssues@ "lements of Mar6eting Mi#@ .roduct and 'er ice ,ecisions@ .ricing ,ecisions@ ,istribution and ,eli er( 'trateg(? 2NIT-+ 7ole of 5nstitutional 5mage@ .romotional and .ublic 7elations 'trateg(@ Monitoring and 7e ie+ of Mar6eting .rogramme? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? N'trategic Mar6eting for Fon-.rofit 1rganisationsO /%uthors: .hilip Eotler and %nderson %lan 7?4 .ublisher: .rentice Hall 2? N'ocial Mar6etingO /%uthors: .hilip Eotler and 7oberto "duardo4@ .ublisher: -he Free .ress !? N'trategic Mar6eting for Fot-for-.rofit 1rgani>ationsO /%uthors: *auffer@ %rmand4 .ublisher : -he Free .ress $? NCases and 7eadings for Mar6eting of Fon-.rofit 1rgani>ationsO /%uthor : .hilip Eotler4 .ublisher: .rentice Hall? &? N-he Fe+ %ge Mar6etingO .ublisher: 5CF%5 Uni ersit( .ress? )? N"merging 5ssues in Modern Mar6eting@ 1 st "ditionO /%uthor: ,?,? %rora4 .ublisher@ U,H .ublishers and ,istributors? ;? NMar6eting Management: .lanning@ 5mplementation and Control@ ! rd "ditionO /%uthors: =?'? 7amas+am( and '? Fama6umari4 .ublisher: MacMillan? 8? NCase 'tud( 'olutions: Mar6eting@ 2nd "ditionO /%uthor: H? Eaushal4 .ublisher: MacMillan? 7# 100, Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 1005 G 7# 100) M?M? 50


7#-1008( Merch#$t B#$'i$6 #$- 0i$#$ci#& Ser;ice% M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here +ill be a case problem +hich +ill be compulsor( carr(ing 1$ mar6s? ? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he course aims at discussing the detail about financial ser ices@ merchant ban6ing operations and other related ser ices in 5ndian conte#t? 2NIT-I 2NIT-II 2NIT-III 2NIT-I+ 2NIT-+ 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 8? Merchant Ban6ing: Fature@ organi>ation and management of merchant ban6ing in 5ndiaG 7egulation and registration of merchant ban6sG Code of conduct@ duties and liabilities of lead managers in 5ndiaG '"B5 guidelines for merchant ban6sG Financial 'er ices: Fature features and t(pesG 7is6s in financial ser icesG 7egulator( frame+or6 of financial ser icesG Merchant Ban6ing 'er ice: Management of e:uit( issue@ debenture issue@ under+riting arrangements@ corporate restructuring and pro<ect financing? ,epositor( and custodial ser ices@ leasing ser ices@ Hire purchase ser ices@ Factoring and forfeiting ser ices@ Credit rating ser ices and ser ices relating to enture capital fund and mutual funds? Case stud( Bansal@ *?E?: Merchant Ban6ing and Financial 'er ices@ Unistar Boo6s . t? *td? Chandigarh? Bhatia@ B?'? and Batra D?'? : Management of Financial 'er ices@ ,eep 8 ,eep .ublications@ Fe+ ,elhi? Bhole@ *?M? : Financial Mar6ets and 5nstitutions@ -ata-McDra+ Hill Companies *td? Fe+ ,elhi? Ehan@ M?J? 5ndian Financial 'ustem@ =i6as .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? Machira<u H? 7 : 5ndian Financial '(stem@ =i6as .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? 'ri asta@ 7?M?: Management of 5ndian Financial 5nstitutions@ Himala(a .ublishing House@ Bomba(@ =anhome@ 2ames C : Financial Mar6et 7ates and Flars@ .rentice hall of 5ndia *td? Fe+ ,elhi? =erma@ 2?C? : Merchant Ban6ing@ -ata McDra+ Hill Compna( *td? Fe+ ,elhi?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%(


8! 7#-100I( Str#te6ic 0i$#$ci#& M#$#6e e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime Note: : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

-here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions

Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he course aims at discussing the issues related to enture capitals@ corporate control@ corporate restructuring etc? 2NIT-I Corporate 7estructuring: Meaning and ob<ecti es@ Mergers-reasons for merger@ legal procedure for merger and benefits 8 cost of mergerG ,etermination of s+ap ratios@ " aluation of merger proposalG Corporate and distress restructuring@ *egal@ accounting@ and ta# issues in merger 8 ac:uisitionsG 7ecent de elopments in mergers 8 ac:uisitions process in 5ndia? 2NIT-II Corporate Control: Mechanism@ share repurchase and e#change@ bu( bac6 of shares@ non- oting shares@ corporate go ernance and ethics? 2NIT-III *easing: Meaning@ importance@ t(pes and ta# 8 accounting considerations: " aluation of lease from the point of ie+ of lessor and lesseeG *ease s? 1+ned decision? 2NIT-I+ =enture Capital: Concept and de elopments in 5ndiaG .rocess and methods of financingG Fiscal incenti es? 2NIT-+ Corporate 'trateg(@ Financial polic( and 'hareholder =alue CreationG *in6age bet+een corporate strateg( and financial strateg(G 'hareholder alue-creation@ measurement and management? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? %llen , : %n 5ntroduction to 'trategic Financial Management@ C5M%KEogan page? *ondon? 2? Chandra@ .rasanna : Financial Management -ata McDra+ Hill@ ,elhi? !? Copeland@ -?C?and 2?F? Beston: Financial theor( and Corporate polic(@ %ddison Besle(@ Fe+ Jor6? $? Hampton@ 2one : Financial ,ecision Ma6ing@ phi@ Fe+ ,elhi? &? Hull 2?C? : 1ptions@ Futures and other ,eri ati e 'ecurities@ .rentice-Hall of 5ndia@ ,elhi? )? Mattoo@ .?E? : Corporate 7estructuring : %n 5ndian perspecti e@ Macmillan@ Fe+ ,elhi? ;? .ande(@ 5?M? : Financial Management@ =i6as .ublications@ ,elhi? 8? 'udarsanam .?s? : -he "ssence of Mergers and %c:uisitions@ .rentice Hall of 5ndia@ ,elhi? C? Jan Home 2?C? and 2?M? Bacho+ic> 2r? Fundamentals of Financial Management@ .rentice Hall@ ,elhi? 10? =erma 2?C? : Corporate Mergers@ %malgamations and -a6eo ers@ Bharat .ublishing House@ Fe+ ,elhi? 11? 7obert F? Bruner@ Case 'tudies Finance@ McDra+ Hill? 7# 1010 Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 1008 G 7# 100I M?M? 50


8$ 7#-1011 ( 1* #$ Re%o*rce P&#$$i$6 #$- De;e&o9 e$t M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( -he ob<ecti e of this paper is to de elop a conceptual as +ell as a practical understanding of Human 7esource .lanning@ ,eplo(ment and ,e elopment in organi>ations? 2NIT-I 5ntroduction to Human 7esource .lanning 8 ,e elopment: Micro le el manpo+er planning and labour mar6et anal(sisG 1rganisational human resource planningG Bor6force flo+ mappingG %ge and grade distribution mappingG 2NIT-II Models and techni:ues of manpo+er demand and suppl( forecastingG 2NIT-III Beha ioural factors in human resource planning A Bastage anal(sisG 7etentionG 7edeplo(ment and e#it strategiesG 2NIT-I+ Career Management and career planningG .erformance planningG .otentials appraisal and career de elopment: H7, ClimateG CultureG 9B*G H7, strategiesG 2NIT-+ H7, in strategic organi>ationsG Human resource information s(stemG Human resource aluation and accounting? S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? %rthur@ M? : Career -heor( Handboo6@ "ngle+ood Cliffs@ .rentice Hall 5nc?@ 1CC1? Bel6aoui@ %?7? and Bel6aoui@ 2?M? : Human 7esource =aluation: % Duide to 'trategies and -echni:ues@ Dreen+ood@ 9uorum Boo6s@ 1CC&? ,ale@ B? : -otal 9ualit( and Human 7esources: %n "#ecuti e Duide@ 1#ford@ Blac6+ell@ 1CC2? Dreenhaus@ 2?H? : Career Management@ Fe+ Jor6@ ,r(den@ 1C8;? Ea anagh@ M?2? etc? : Human 7esource 5nformation '(stem: ,e elopment and %pplications@ Boston@ .B' A Eent@ 1CC!? Mabe(@ C and 'alama@ D?: 'trategic Human 7esource Management@ 1#ford@ Blac6+ell@ 1CC&? -homson@ 7 and Mabe(@ C? : ,e eloping Human 7esource@ 1#ford@ Butter+orth A Heinemann@ 1CC$?


8& 7#-1012( M#$9o>er De;e&o9 e$t !or Tech$ic#& Ch#$6e M?M? 5nternal "#ternal -ime : : : : 100 !0 ;0 ! Hrs

Note: -here +ill be fi e units in all? -he number of :uestions to be set +ill be ten@ in a manner that there are t+o :uestions from each unit? -he students +ill be re:uired to attempt fi e :uestions in all@ selecting one from each unit? -here ma( be a case problem /ma( or ma( not be compulsor(4G it +ill be in lieu of t+o :uestions carr(ing 28 mar6s and +ill be in addition to ten :uestions? Co*r%e O7:ecti;e( 7ecent (ears ha e +itnessed rapid technological changes affecting industr( and business in different +a(s? -his course aims to discuss the ma<or aspects of technological change and the 6ind of human resource management strategies and steps +hich ma( e:uip the organi>ation and its human resources to ade:uatel( cope +ith such changes? 2NIT-I 2NIT-II 2NIT-III 2NIT-I+ 2NIT-+ 5ntroduction to technolog( 8 de elopment: Manpo+er management in the 21st Centur(? "n ironmental conte#t of human resource management? -he emerging profile of human resources? Changing technolog(G Concept and process of technological inno ation? 1rgani>ational implications of technological changeG -ransformation@ Human resource implications of technological change? .erformanceKpotential e aluation in the conte#t of ne+ technolog(G -echnolog( transfer +ith human face@ Fe+ issues in manpo+er training and career de elopment?

S*66e%te- Re#-i$6%( 1? 2? !? $? &? )? ;? 7# 101. Clar6@ 2on: Managing 5nno ation and Change@ Uni ersit( of 'outhampton@ 1CC&? Clar6@ 2on: Human 7esource Management and -echnolog( Change@ 'age@ *ondon@ 1CC! Dambell@ % and Barner@ M?: Fe+ -echnolog(@ '6ills and Management@ 7outledge@ *ondon@ 1CC2 7astogi@ .? F? : Management of -echnolog( and 5nno ation@ 'age@ Fe+ ,elhi@ 1CC& Barner@ M?: Fe+ -echnolog( and Manufacturing Management@ Bile(@ *ondon@ 1CC0? Bomac6@ 2?.? etc?G -he Machine -hat Changed the Borld@ Ma#+ll Macmillan@ Fe+ Jor6@ 1CC0? 'hitta6er@ ,? H?: Managing 5nno ation@ Cambridge Uni ersit( .ress@ Cambridge@ 1CC0? Pr#ctic#& 3c* -;i;#-;oce 7#%e- o$ 9#9er 7# 1011 G 7# 1012 M?M? 50


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