Inspire!: Ice Breakers & Openers

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Ice Breakers & Openers

Activity: Look At Me
Look At Me is a simple and fast game to help the group get to know each other better. This activity is perfect for when a group first forms and participants are not well acquainted.


Instructions and Key Points

Ask participants to arrange themselves in a circle. Have them look around at the other group members until they make eye contact with someone. Once eye-contact is established, the two players walk to the center (maintaining eye-contact), shake hands, and introduce themselves. They then continue across the circle, switching places with each other. The aim of the game is for each person to meet as many different people as possible. Participants want to switch spots with as many people as they can in the time given (usually a minute is sufficient). When the minute is up, go around the circle and ask how many switches each person had. Then find out who can remember the names of everyone with whom they switched places.

Remind players to move cautiously while meeting and switching places. If people are moving too quickly or not paying attention, there is the chance of collisions.

To change the activity have group members share a different fact in the center of the circle. Some examples are: how many siblings he or she has, a favorite sport, or favorite ice-cream. You can also change up the center activity by adding an action. Each player has to dance to the middle, or try and make the other person laugh in crossing. Have fun with it and be creative.
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