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Database Tutorial

How To Create & Set Up

A Database
Step-By-Step Tutorial

By Mieke Janssens

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial


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Database Tutorial

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Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

Many people tell me they aren.t %ery fond of scripts& because the install fri htens them a bit. (nd it.s true: creatin a database& importin tables& your site.s root path/ if you don.t know what doin & this looks pretty complicated. 0uckily& it is not& once you et the han of it. That.s why '.%e created this step1by1step tutorial on how to set up a database. '.%e included a screenshot for e%ery step of the way. The red arrows on the screenshots indicate the required action. 2'.%e used c$anel to create the database& as this is the most common way3 'ncluded: 8* Creatin! $our Database & Database User 9* I%portin! Database Tables In p"p+yA %in :* Con.i!urin! $our S&ript 5* Bonus; <Install $our Own S&ripts< eboo, =* 'e&o%%en e >* )ree Bonuses 'esour&es

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

8* Creatin! your


+irst& you need to lo in to c$anel. 4ou will find it when you load

5hen you do& you see the screen below: Click 6My780 Databases. (see the red arrow)

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

( new screen will appear& showin you a list of all your e9istin databases and database users:

7croll down until you see a field and a button that says 6Create Database..

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

:i%e your database a name and click the 6Create Database. button. ( new window appears& confirmin your action:

Click 6:o Back. to o back to the pre%ious pa e. ;n that pa e& scroll down until you see two fields and a button that says 6Create <ser..

Choose a username and password& and click the button. The confirmation screen will appear a ain. Click 6:o Back. to o back to the pre%ious pa e.

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

;n that pa e& scroll down until you see 6(dd <sers To 4our Database..

'n the first drop down menu& select the user you just created. 'n the second drop down menu& select the database you just created. Make sure the bo9 ne9t to 6(00. is checked. Click the button that says 6(dd <ser To Database.. ( ain you will see a confirmation messa e. Click 6:o Back. to o to the pre%ious pa e. NOTE: a prefix has been added to the database name and username you entered. Make sure to a ways inc ude that prefix when you need to add your database info in a script!

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

7croll down until you see 6(ccess =osts.. Make a note of what.s written there 2usually& this will be 6 oca host.3.

4our database has been created and by now you ha%e all the info you need to run your script.s installer 2or to manually edit the script>s confi uration file3: your database name your database username your password your host

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

9* I%portin! $our Database Tables

Most new scripts come with a built1in installer. (ll that is resuired to install it& is to load the >install.php> pa e in your browser and enter your database details in the form that is pro%ided. 5hen the information is submitted& the script creates all database tables automatically. $iece of cake. <nfortunately& %ery often there>s no such installer included& and you>ll ha%e to create the database tables manually. " don#t worry $ there#s othin% to it :o) 5hen this is the case& a separate database file will be included in the script.s folder 2e9tension: >.s?l>3. <sually it.s named 6db.s?l.& but this can be anythin . Check your script.s installation manual to find out. This is the file you need to import into your empty database to create the database tables. To find out how to do this& read on.

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

7till on the same pa e in your c$anel& click 6phpMy(dmin..

This will open phpMy(dmin in a new window:

'n the left drop down menu& select the database you.%e just created. The database name will be followed by >2"3>& since you ha%en>t created any tables yet.

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

The left frame will show the followin messa e: 6No tab es found in database.. 'n the ri ht frame& click the 6'mport. tab.

Click the 6Browse. button.

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

Browse to your script.s folder& select the >db.s?l>@1file and click 6;pen..
(&check your script's insta ation manua to find out the name of the fi e that containes the database info)

Click 6:o. to start the import.

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

5hen your import has been successful& your tables will be created. 'n the left frame& you.ll see the number of tables that ha%e been created appear behind your database name& and you.ll see a list of all those tables below that.

4ou can close both phpMy(dmin and c$anel and o on installin your script.

Copyri ht !""# Mieke Janssens

Database Tutorial

:* E?tra
'nstructions on where and how to add your database info to the script>s confi uration file should be described in your script installation uide& since this is different for each and e%ery script. Basically& your confi uration file will contain this piece of code 2or a %ariation3:

(fter addin your database info& this is how it will look like:

<pload the customAed file to your ser%er. 2'f you don>t know how to do this& watch this %ideo3

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Database Tutorial

5* Bonus; )ree eBoo,

Install $our Own S&ripts This comprehensi%e and detailed ebook was written so you can tell your script installer: @Ta,e A Hi,e- Don<t Nee $a-@ This clearly written& step1by1step script install ebook will ha%e you installin your own scripts in no time at all. Downloa Here

Be sure to rea all t"e way to t"e en o. t"is report to .in so%e re&o%%en e resour&es an %ore .ree bonuses-

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Database Tutorial

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Database Tutorial

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Database Tutorial

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