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Unit Goals Engage students in an anthropological approach to creative writing To encourage real-world interaction Explore different methods that encourage critical thinking in students Encourage empathy (audience recognition, disengage ethnocentrism, etc) The Plan: Beginning the Conversation Class Date Agenda Introduction to course Introduction to Non-fiction assignment Discussion- Why do we stereotype? Who we stereotype? Discussion- Reading responses Freewrite


For Next class Read Intro to Difference and Pathology Reading Response List of potential groups for paper Readings from The Craft of Research

Week 1 Tuesday Thursday

Week 2 Tuesday


Lecture- The form of creative non-fiction; what is acceptable for the paper Discuss Ethics Create collective list on board Discussion- Pros, Cons, and Potential Challenges of Research
Share subject of paper Collectively create list of interview questions Discuss methods of observation Individual conferences How did interviews go? Lecture- Incorporating interview into creative a creative text Freewrite- Start with a response from your interviewee What type of paper are you

Read The Academic World from Art and Fear Reading Response Create list of potential subjects Subject Due- Who are you studying? Why? What is your present opinion of them? Create list of potential Interview Questions Individual Conferences Outline Plan of Action

Week 3 Tuesday

Thursday Week 4 Tuesday

Interview Sheet due Format of paper due


Read A View into the Outside

Week 5 Tuesday


writing? Group by paper format Discussions on why that form works for you Share findings with the rest of the class Discussion about the Fear of Creating Discuss Reading Responses Freewrite- What keeps you from creating Share Non-Fiction Assignment Due Informal presentations

World Art and Fear Reading Response

Non-fiction Assignment Due


Evaluation of Unit I will evaluate my performance in this unit via student response in the classroom, within written assignments, and during individual conferences. I will evaluate my students performance in the unit by their response to in-class activities, the ideas expressed in the reading responses and other writings, class participation, and their performance within creative non-fiction piece.

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