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Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Kidd

Lesson # 6

Subject/Grade: Social Studies/Third

Date and Time of Lesson: Friday Sept. 20

Learning Objective: Students will memorize important facts (landforms, vegetation, and agriculture) of the Blue Ridge region through reading a news article, underlining important facts, coloring the Blue Ridge region on a SC map, and making a 3D map highlighting the important agriculture of the region with 95% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: EEDA Standard(s): Cluster 1: agriculture, food and natural resources SSCA Standard(s): Standard 3: Descriptions of appropriate student behavior SS state standards: 3-1.1; 3-1.2 and 3-1.3

Developmental Appropriateness: Physical: The students should be able to move in such a way that they can glue small pebbles on to their 3D map representing the major landform in this region. They should be able to carry their 3D map to the front of the room and lay it on the carpet quickly and carefully. The materials student should be able to walk around the room and pass out materials to the class. Emotional: The students should be able to listen and underline important facts as well as come up with dash notes about the region without getting frustrated and giving up. They should also be able to work with their group sharing materials without getting upset and into an argument. Social: The students should be willing to share their answers when giving the opportunity to do so when the class is sharing their dash notes. The students should also be able to work with their group members sharing materials without getting into an argument.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Cognitive: The students should be able to come up with dash notes giving important facts about the Blue Ridge region through remembering what was taught when reading the news article. Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s): Students Assessment(s) of the Objective(s): The dash notes are considered a formative assessment for the lesson to see if the students understood the region and its special characteristics. However, the students will also take a summative assessment at the end of the lesson. Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7): The pre-assessment for the lesson is for the students to write down as many facts about the region they already know. The dash notes the students take during the lesson are considered a formative assessment. I will also be observing the students as they underline and make the dash notes to see if they understand the important facts of the region on their own. During the lesson I will

will memorize important facts (landforms, vegetation, and agriculture) of the Blue Ridge region through reading a news article, underlining important facts, coloring the region on a SC map, and making a 3D map highlighting the major landform in the region with 95% accuracy.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template continue questioning the students about the region to know if the students understand. Another formative assessment that will be used in the lesson is the students writing Blue Ridge in the correct region on a small SC regions map. Under the map they will also write one important fact they learned that day about the Blue Ridge

Fall 2013

region in a complete
sentence. How will you use the assessment data to inform future instruction? If the students show an understanding of the region through the dash notes and the final test I will know that the underlining, the reading of 3

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template the news article, and discussion of the region works well for the students. The labeling of the region on the mini map and writing a fact about the region under the map at the end of the lesson will help prepare the students for the summative test at the end of the unit.

Fall 2013

Accommodations: Students with learning disabilities will receive some one on one help during the independent part of the lesson. I will also assign slow learners with partners to help them throughout the lesson. Early finishers will be asked to write a complete sentence about the Blue Ridge region including at least one important fact about the region. Materials: 1. Blue Ridge News Article 2. Pencil 3. Small Pebbles 4. SS notebook 5. SC regions map poster 6. Blue Ridge regions mini poster

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

7. Green Crayon

Procedures: 1. The students will be given the Blue Ridge region news article. 2. I will ask one student to read the first paragraph. After the student reads the paragraph we will go through each sentence one by one underlining the important facts about the region within the sentence. 3. Another student will read the next paragraph. We will continue underlining the important facts in each sentence with in each paragraph with a new student reading a new paragraph until we finish every paragraph. o As the class and I are reading and underlining the article I will have the article displayed through the Promethean board with ELMO. I will be underlining and discussing the article with the students as we read through the article. 4. I will then ask the students to pull out their Social Studies notebook. 5. Once all of the important facts have been underlined in all of the paragraphs I will instruct the students in how to fold the news article hamburger style. o I will also model to the students how to do this with my own article. 6. After I model and explain to the students how this article should be glued into the notebook the materials person will pass out the containers that contain all of the materials the students will use throughout the lesson to each group.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

7. The students will glue one side of the article paper onto the left page of page fifteen in their Social Studies notebook. 8. Once each student has glued the news article onto the correct page of their notebook I will hand out the small green SC regions map. 9. After every student has received their map I will ask the students to glue the map in the top middle of page fifteen in their Social Studies notebook. 10. The materials person will then pass out a green crayon to each student. 11. I will model where the students will color on the map. They will be coloring in the Blue Ridge region on their map. o They will color in the region the arrow is pointing to (Blue Ridge region). 12. Each student will be given two to three minutes to color in the Blue Ridge region on the map. 13. Once they are finished, the materials person will then take the crayons back up and place them back into the crayon box. 14. After this is complete I will ask the students to stop and think for a few minutes about what they have learned about the Blue Ridge region. Think back to the important things we discussed while underlining the important facts in the news article. 15. I will then ask the students to make at least five dash notes of important facts about the Blue Ridge region. o As the students are making their dash notes I will walk around and observe to see if the students have picked up on what is important about the region. (formative assessment: dash notes and observing to see what notes they are making) 16. I will give the students around five minutes to make their dash notes. 17. Once the five minutes are up I will ask a few students to share only one of their dash notes. I will write these dash notes on my notebook which will be displayed on the ELMO for the students to see. I will

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

continue to allow students to share until all of the important dash notes that I have about the Blue Ridge region have been said and discussed. 18. Once all of the notes have been written down I will circle the most important notes that will be on the test and that the students should study and know about the Blue Ridge region. I will then prompt the students to also circle the same dash notes I have circled. I will tell them these are the specific notes that they have to know for the test. 19. I will then ask the students to place their SS notebooks in their desk. 20. I will ask each group one by one to walk to the front of the room and gather their 3D regions map. 21. During this time I will be passing out the label that has Blue Ridge on it to each student. I will show and explain to the students where to place this on the map. o This will be placed right beside the Blue Ridge region on the SC regions map. 22. After the students have labeled the Blue Ridge region I will model how to glue the small pebbles onto the map. o Squeeze just enough glue onto the map to cover the Blue Ridge region. Then take a small handful of the small pebbles and gently place them on top of the glue. 23. After the students have completed all of the steps of gluing the pebbles onto the correct region they will then quietly and carefully carry the map to the carpet and set it down. 24. They will then proceed back to their desk. 25. Once the students have finish and are back at their desk they will receive a small SC regions map. They will be asked to write Blue Ridge on the correct region on the map. Under the map they will also write one important fact they learned that day about the Blue Ridge region in a complete sentence. This will help the students prepare for the test at the end of the unit.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Activity Analysis: During this lesson the students will be reading a news article about the Blue Ridge region as a class. We will then pick through each sentence underlining the important facts given about the region as well as discussing these important facts as we learn them. After underlining the facts the students will glue the article as well as a mini SC regions map in their Social Studies notebook. The students will color in the Blue Ridge region with a green crayon. They will then make dash notes about the Blue Ridge region under this map. These notes will be shared to the class as we make more notes about the region during this time. The most important notes that will be tested on the summative regions test will be circled. The students will then glue small pebbles onto their 3D regions map in the Blue Ridge region. This activity covers all types of learning skills to help keep the students engaged and interactive.

References: Third Grade teachers and Technology: Majority of the students in the class learns by being active and hands on. The lesson does a great job of covering these ways of learning. Furthermore, this lesson also is taught using all three of the learning types. The auditory learning type is covered by the students reading the article aloud as well as the teacher discussing the important facts. The students are able to see what the region looks like. This covers the visual

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

learning type. Finally, the students are able to use their hands in creating their 3D SC regions map. This helps those students who learn kinesthetically. The students are able to be interactive during this lesson instead of just listening to me teach. This helps them to stay engaged and learning. The technology used to teach this lesson is the Promethean board and ELMO. The ELMO is used to display the teacher SS notebook. This way the students can see what is written or glued in to the notebook and where it is written or glued. The Promethean board is used like a TV in this case. It displays what the ELMO is showing in a clear and larger format. I will be using the technology to model ideas to the students.

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