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Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Kidd

Lesson #7

Subject/Grade: Social Studies/Third

Date and Time of Lesson: Monday Sept. 23

Learning Objective: Students will know the major river systems and cities of South Carolina and will be able to label them on a SC map with 100% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: EEDA Standard(s): Cluster 1: agriculture, food and natural resources Cluster 3: arts; audio-video technology; and communications SSCA Standard(s): Standard 3: Descriptions of appropriate student behavior SS state standards: 3-1.2

Developmental Appropriateness: Cognitive: The students should be able to comprehend what is read and discussed during the reading of the Weekly Newspaper on the regions, major cities, and rivers. The students should also be able to understand where the major cities go on the SC map as well as follow along and label the SC map. The students should be able to comprehend and remember the main state symbols mentioned in P is for Palmetto. Physical: The students should be able to follow along with their finger as we read the newspaper. The students should be able to write what should be labeled on the SC map. The students should be able to walk to the carpet and sit and listen to the read aloud.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Social: The students should be able and willing to share information and discuss as a whole class what is read in the Weekly Newspaper. Emotional: The students should be able to work as a class to discuss what is read in the Weekly Newsletter without any arguments.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s) Students will know the major river systems and cities of South Carolina and will be able to label them on a SC map with 100% accuracy.

Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Students will be asked to label a map, just like the one we labeled in class, correctly at the end of the unit.

Use of Formative Assessment The students will be asked a variety of questions about the major river systems and cities as well as the regions as we read the newspaper. These questions will be more of discussion questions to see if the students understand what they read about the major river systems and regions in the newspaper as well as

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

what they already know about the major rivers, regions, and the major cities. Objective 1 Objective 2 (if applicable) Assessment for Objective 1 Assessment for Objective 2 According to the data I gather through the questions I will know whether I need to go back and show the children pictures of the rivers and cities and discuss them in more depth. Also I will know whether I need to go back and read the selection they struggled with aloud. I would also know to go back and review what they struggled with, with the students.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Accommodations: Students with learning disabilities will receive some one on one help during the labeling of the map in the lesson if needed. I will also assign slow learners with partners to help them throughout the lesson. We will read and discuss the Newspaper as a class to accommodate those students that are unable to read well.

Materials: Weekly Newspaper SC map Pencil Book P is for Palmetto

Procedures: The lesson will begin with the teacher reading the book P is for Palmetto. o As you read the book discuss the state symbols as you continue through. o Especially highlight some of the more common state symbols the children may already know of. This book will help to give the students a little more background knowledge about the state SC before learning the major river systems and major cities. After reading and discussing P is for Palmetto allow the pass out papers person to help you pass out the Weekly Newspaper. Once all of the students have the newspaper explain to the students that as we read the newspaper we will read a little about each region to review the six regions and then we will continue to read and learn about the major river systems of SC. Ask all of the students to place their finger on the first word in the first paragraph. Pick a students stick for that student to read the first selection in the newspaper. After that student has read you and the class

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

will need to discuss what the student read in the selection. Discuss the most important points from the reading. Ask the students questions to quiz them to see if they paid attention and followed along. See if they know the important points without you pointing it out. This will be like a formative assessment to see if they learned and noticed the important points as the student were reading. o Continue with this routine until all selections about the regions and river systems have been read and discussed. Once the class has finished with the newspaper ask them to put them in their blue SS folder to use to study with at home. Once all of the students have put that up allow the pass out papers student to help you pass out the SC map the class will be labeling. After all of the students have been given a map, explain to the students that they will be labeling the map with the major river systems and major cities in the word bank with your guidance. Let them know that they will have to label the same exact map on the major test at the end of the unit. Guide the students in labeling the SC map with the major river systems and the major cities correctly. o As you use one river system or city mark it off of the word bank so you know you have already used it. Once the class has finished labeling the map with you, ask them to place the map in their blue SS folder. o Remind the students that the same exact map will be on the final test and they will have to label it the same exact way. o Tell them the map is going in their blue folder for them to study at home.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Activity Analysis: During this lesson the students will listen and interact as I read the read aloud P is for Palmetto. Once we have read the book and discussed a variety of the states symbols I and the pass out papers person will pass out the Weekly Newspaper. The class and I will read and discuss all of the selections on the six regions and the selections on the major river systems together. After reading and discussing the river systems I will guide the students in labeling a SC map with the major river systems and major cities. We will continue to talk about the major cities and river systems as we write them on the SC map. Once we have labeled the map with all of the major river systems and cities the students will place this map in their blue SS folder to take home and study for their major test. At the end of the lesson I will remind the students that the same exact map with the same exact label spaces will be on their final test.

References: Third Grade Teachers and SC Studies Weekly

Technology: In this lesson two of the learning types are used, auditory learning and visual learning. The students are able to hear as I read and the class discusses the major river systems and major cities. They are able to see where these river systems and cities are located on a SC map. The students are able to be interactive during this lesson through lots of class discussion. This helps them to stay engaged and learning. The technology used to teach this lesson is the Promethean board and ELMO. The ELMO is used to display the SC labeling map. This way the students can see where the major cities and major river systems are located on the map. The Promethean board is used like a TV in this case. It displays what the ELMO is showing in a clear and larger format. I will be using the technology to model ideas to the students.

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