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Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Kidd

Lesson # 8

Subject/Grade: Social Studies/Third

Date and Time of Lesson: Tuesday Sept. 24, 2013

Learning Objective: The students will demonstrate the agriculture, vegetation, and landscape of the six regions through a group presentation with 95% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: EEDA Standard(s): Cluster 1: agriculture, food and natural resources SSCA Standard(s): Standard 3: Descriptions of appropriate student behavior SC State Standards: 3-1.1; 3-1.2 and 3-1.3

Developmental Appropriateness: Social: The students should be able to share their chart posters with the class without getting upset. They should be able to tell what region they are representing as well as about what each picture or word on their poster means or stands for. Cognitive: The students should know the six regions. They should also be able to pick out the six regions by seeing pictures that represent the region. The students should also be able to represent their region using pictures and/or words. Physical: The students should be able to walk around the room to meet with their group and create their poster. They should also be able to walk to the front of the room to share their poster to the class with their group members.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Emotional: The students should be able to work with other members of the class without getting in arguments. They should not get upset or fuss with other classmates about creating posters. They should be able to agree on what to draw or write on their poster.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the Objective(s)

Use of Formative Assessment

The students will demonstrate the agriculture, vegetation, and landscape of the six regions through a group presentation with 95%

Pre-assessment: the students will decide which region they have on their ipad by looking at the group of pictures from one of the six regions on the ipad

Pre-assessment: the students will decide which region they have on their ipad by looking at the group of pictures from one of the six regions on the ipad they are given.


they are given.

Post-assessment: The students will create a poster with pictures and words representing the region they received on their ipad and share their poster with the class. The students posters

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template will need to represent the region well enough that the other students in the class can pick out the region without being told as well as know what the pictures and the words stand for in the region. These pictures will need to represent things like the agriculture, vegetation, and landscape of the regions.

Fall 2013

Objective 1 Objective 2 (if applicable)

Assessment for Objective 1 Assessment for Objective 2

How will you use the assessment data to inform future instruction?

If the students create a poster that represents their region well covering all aspects of the region that needs to be covered I will know that the lessons were taught well and that the students were able to

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template learn from them. This will also inform me that the lessons are well enough to use the next year with little to no tweaking.

Fall 2013

Students that are resource (learning disabled and autistic) will be placed in a group with higher level students. All students will be given ample time to complete their poster. As the students are working I will be walking around to help those groups that may need assistance.

Materials: Six Ipads (one for each region and group) Chart paper Markers Crayons Computer Promethean board

Procedures: Day 1

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

1. To introduce the lesson today the teacher will explain to the students that they will be looking at pictures on an Ipad and determining the region that the pictures represent. 2. The teacher will then divide the class into five groups of four and one group of five. 3. The students will be given an Ipad showing several pictures that represent a specific region. 4. The students will be given ten minutes to look through the pictures and determine which region their pictures represent. 5. Once the ten minutes is up the students will be given further directions of how to represent their region on chart paper. 6. The teacher will explain to the students that they will be using pictures and words to represent the region they have on chart paper. They will need to use markers to draw the pictures and write the words on their chart paper. The pictures and words must be relevant to the region they have and they must be based upon what the class has learned about the regions over the previous weeks as well as the pictures they have just seen. The students will do this with the group they are already with and will represent the region they have on their Ipad. 7. The teacher will then instruct the students where to get the chart paper and markers from in the room. 8. The groups of students will be given thirty minutes to complete their poster. Once the thirty minutes is up the students will bring their posters to the front of the room and place them on the carpet. 9. The teacher will tell the students that each group will present and explain their poster to the class tomorrow. Day 2 1. The students will come to the front of the room and retrieve their posters they completed

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

yesterday. 2. The teacher will give each student a regions booklet. 3. The teacher will give the students instruction to write dash notes in the booklet for each region as the region is presented. 4. The first region starting from the Blue Ridge and working down through the state will present their region. Each student from the group will need to talk about one aspect from the poster. 5. As the students are presenting the teacher will have the Ipad from that region plugged into the computer and the pictures from the Ipad displayed on the Promethean board. 6. During the presentations the remainder of the students will be writing dash notes on the region. 7. This routine will continue until all groups have presented their poster. 8. After all of the presentations the teacher will hang the posters around the room. The students will need to put their booklets into their red folder to take home and study. 9. The Ipads will be taken back to the media center to be put up. Activity Analysis:
The students will be placed in six groups of four and given an Ipad with pictures that represent one of the six regions. The students will determine which region they have based on the pictures on their Ipad. Once the students have figured out their region they will use words and pictures to represent characteristics of their region. The pictures and words will represent the agriculture, vegetation, and landscape of the region. The students will be given thirty to forty five minutes to create their poster. After the students finish their posters they will present their posters to the class. They will discuss the pictures and words that describe their region making sure they point out what each picture and/or word stands for. As the groups present the rest of the class will be making notes in a regions booklet they are given about the most important facts or things they need to know about each region.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Third grade team SC regions pictures from internet Technology:

Three different types of technology are used during this lesson. Each group will be using an ipad to look at pictures from the internet that represents a certain region. The computer will also be used to connect the ipads to so that the pictures from the regions can be displayed on the promethean board. The teachers will download a variety of picture to six different ipads. The pictures will represent the six regions. The ipads will be connected to the computer so the pictures can be displayed on the Promethean Board. The Promethean Board will display the pictures in large view for the entire class to see. The students will be able to put their hands on a new piece of technology that they may be familiar with at home but not so familiar with using at school during this lesson.

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