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Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Kidd

Lesson # 9

Subject/Grade: Social Studies/Third

Date and Time of Lesson: Friday Sept. 20

Learning Objective: The students will know the six SC regions along with a few important facts of each as well as the major river systems of SC and the major cities of SC and where they are located on a map with 100% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: EEDA Standard(s): Cluster 1: agriculture, food and natural resources SSCA Standard(s): Standard 3: Descriptions of appropriate student behavior SS state standards: 3-1.1; 3-1.2 and 3-1.3

Developmental Appropriateness: Physical: The students should be able to walk to the front of the room to hand me their test when I call their number. They should also be able to place their office under the cart the correct way. Emotional: The students should be able to work through the entire test without getting upset. Social: The students should be able to ask questions for themselves if they have one about the test. Cognitive: The students should be able to answer the questions on the test with the correct answer.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s): Assessment(s) of the Objective(s): The students will take a test answering questions that are connected to what they were taught about the six regions of SC as well as what the major Use of Formative Assessment: As the students are completing their test I will walk around to see that they are writing the correct answers and that they know what has been taught over the course of eight days.

The students will know the six SC regions along with a few important facts of each as well as the major river systems of SC and the major cities of SC and

river systems of SC are and

where they are located on a map with 100% accuracy.

what the major cities of SC are. They will have to label the six regions on a SC map and also label the major river systems and major cities on a SC map.

How will you use the assessment data to inform future instruction? Based on the results of the test I will know whether the students grasped what was taught during the unit. Whether I would need to go back

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template and teach some of the major things missed. It will also tell me whether the way the lessons were taught were a good way to teach or whether the lessons should be taught in a different way the next time the unit is taught.

Fall 2013

Accommodations: To benefit the entire class I will read the directions aloud. I will explain what they are to do on each page. For those lower level students I will assist them briefly during the test if they need it. The three students with learning disabilities will take their test with the resource teacher. Their test will be read aloud. For two of the learning disabled students they will receive a test with only ten of the questions from the original test. Materials: Pencil Test

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Procedures: 1. To begin the lesson I will ask one student from each of the five groups to come and get five offices for their group. 2. Once all of the groups have their offices I will pass out the test while giving the students instructions of: do not start the test, put your name, number, and date on your test. 3. Once all of the students except for the three resource students have their test I will begin giving further directions of what the students will need to do on their test. 4. I will go over all of the directions for each page. 5. Once I have discussed all of the directions with the class and answered all of their questions I will tell the class to begin their test. 6. The students will have a complete hour and forty minutes to complete their test. 7. Once the students finished they are asked to check their work a second time and then fold it into their office. They are then aloud to read or work on previous work that needs to be completed. 8. Once all of the students are done with their test I will call all of the students in number order to bring me their test. At this time they will also put their office back under the cart. Activity Analysis: The students will be completing a SC regions test based on what they have been taught about the six SC regions, the major river systems and the major cities of SC. References: Third Grade teachers and Technology: There will not be any technology used during this lesson. The students will be completing a paper/pencil test that will not involve any type of technology to complete.

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