HW 4 (CS 6643 Fall 2013)

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CS 6643 HW 4

Fall 2013 E. K. Wong

Total points = 50. Show all work to get full credits.

T 1. [20 points] The camera matrix that transforms a 3D point ! x j y j z j 1) in the real world to pixel T coordinates !u j v j ) on an image plane is gi"en #$ the 3 x % matrix in the e&uation #elow

su j c11 sv = c j '1 s c31

c1' c '' c3'

c13 c '3 c33

c1% x j c '% y j 1 z j 1

!a) Show that we can con"ert the a#o"e e&uation into the following form . Show all work. !#) (xplain how $ou can use the e&uation #elow for camera cali#ration.

x j y j z j 1 0 0 0 0 x ju j 0 0 0 0 x y z 1 x v j j j j j

y ju j y jv j

c 11 c1' c13 c1% c z j u j '1 u j c = '' v j z jv j c '3 c '% c31 c 3' c33

2. [15 points] )or the 5 x 5 gra$scale image #elow compute the contrast texture feature as gi"en #$ the formula #elow. *et d = !dr dc) = !1 1). The image #elow uses the !r c) coordinate s$stem with r

going from top to #ottom and c going from left to right.

Contrast =

!i j ) ' N d ,i j +

10 5 10 0 10

5 1 0 0 1 0 5

1 0 0 1 0 5 1

0 1 0 5 1 0 0

10 5 10 0 10

CS 6643 HW 4 0

Fall 2013 E. K. Wong

3 [15 points] The edge magnitudes and gradient angles of a - x - image ha"e #een computed and the$ are shown in the figure #elow. .se Hough Transform techni&ue to detect a circle !or part of a circle) that has a radius of 3 pixels. /hen appl$ing the 0ough Transform consider onl$ strong edges with magnitude larger than 50. Show all e&uations used and all work. !Hint1 use an accumulator arra$ of si2e - x -.)


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