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Please write a paragraph (minimum of 5-6 sentences) using the following prompts. Why Describe the assignment. (Name, class, grade, title/topic) Reasons why you chose this work sample OR Feelings about this work sample (feelings before, during, or after) OR Results from completing this assignment. Closing note about yourself, strength, or what it shows about you as a learner
This assignment is Analogies from Ian Jabour, Mrs. Rogers class 7 th grade. The topic is analogies, and I chose this assignment because analogies is hard for me, but I did my best, usually it is hard for me to check an assignment like this, but I did it with very little trouble this time, so that is why I chose this assignment. I may have not got a good grade at it now, but the evidence of me learning how to check it and the evidence of me learning everything else, shows that I will eventually learn this:).

Name: Ian Jabour Date: 12/12/13 Hour: Hour 2

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