Ted Talk Reflection

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Linesch 1 Sarah Linesch Multimedia Writing and Rhetoric, Section 13 Dr.

Erin Dietel-McLaughlin 12 December 2013 TED Talk Reflection My TED Talk was on the same topic that I wrote my research paper about, so I already had most of the research before I started putting my TED Talk together. The most difficult part of putting together my TED Talk was finding all of the pictures and media to use in my presentation. I used the library resources to find media on Flickr and Google, and also some charts and graphs that I found in my research. Another issue I had with my TED Talk was time. The first time I practiced it, the entire talk took 12 minutes which was too long. After cutting a few things out I was finally able to cut it down to 9 minutes. I also stuttered a lot when I first began to practice it, but once I practiced more the stuttering decreased significantly. I was very nervous to give my TED Talk because I have never liked public speaking. I practiced it a lot with my friends but I still didnt feel super confident about it. When I gave my talk, everything started out well, but I forgot to talk about the background of Egypts political environment and started to talk about Facebook. When I flipped the slide, expected it to be my slide about Facebook, I saw the slide about the Egyptian President instead and remembered that I still had two slides to talk about before I talked about Facebook. Although this was frustrating, I was able to get back on track and finish my TED Talk without any other problems. Even though I was scared to give my TED Talk to the class, once I finished I felt better about it. By giving the TED Talk I improved by public speaking skills and learned how to better engage my audience.

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