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Analog Electiic Neteis

Analog meteis aie ieau in a similai way to

uigital, yet iequiie a little moie thought.
2. The fiist step is to note the placement of
the aiiow on the uial fuithest to the left.
Since the aiiow is between two numbeis,
you will wiite uown the smallei
S. Next, look at the uial to the iight. The
aiiow is iight on the "1," so wiite that
4. The next uial is on the "1"
S. This uial is between numbeis, so take note
of "8," the smallei numbei.
6. The last uial is iight on the "9"
Thus, the kilowatts pei houi usage on this
metei is "11189."
The calculation of 24-houi usage uses the same
methou as a uigital metei.
Nany electiic meteis aie now uigital. Bigital
electiic meteis aie veiy simple to ieau.
1. To ieau a uigital metei, just ieau the
numbeis fiom left to iight, just like a cai
ouometei. These numbeis tiack youi usage. To
calculate a uay's usage, wiite uown the numbei
shown, making suie to also take note of the
exact time. The next uay at the same time, wiite
uown the numbei of kilowatts pei houi.
Subtiact the pievious uay's usage fiom the
cuiient one, anu you will have the amount of
kilowatts pei houi ovei a 24-houi peiiou.
Foi moie infoimation, look at the following
Bigital Electiic Neteis
How to Read Electric Meters
S 2 4 S 6

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