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Internship Report Format

Report should be composed and written in M.S. OFFICE (Microsoft word, Excel etc Report writin! instructions" Page size: Font size: Font name: Font color: Line spacing: Margins: &ea'er " Footer: ()tter: Footnotes: -n'e.: Bi,liograp$/: (lossar/: A4 12 Arial Black 1.5 0.75 Le!t " #ig$t% 0.75 0.5 *$ere e+er applica,le M)st incl)'e cop/ o! t$e original !orms )se' in t$e organization. 0eparate anne. s$o)l' ,e mentione'% M)st incl)'e ,ooks1 articles1 an' persons !rom 2$ere t$e 3)otes4'ata4in!ormation is taken. 5e!ine #$%R&O'S( )se' in t$e report.

)itle *a!e" Follo2 t$e attac$e' Form in Anne. 1% )entati+e )able of Contents 1. 67689:-;6 09MMA#< 2. BA8=(#>9?5 >F &>0: >#(A?-@A:->? Mission statement an'4or ,ackgro)n' o! t$e $ost organization A. B90-?600 >P6#A:->? a. >rganizational 0tr)ct)re >rganizational 8$art% ,. 0*>: Anal/sis c. Marketing 0trateg/ '. 8ompetiti+e 0trateg/ e. B)siness process anal/sis 4. L6A#?-?( A0 A 0:956?: -?:6#? a. 5)ties ,. Accomplis$ments c. ?e2 =no2le'ge Ac3)ire' '. Pro,lems 6nco)ntere' e. &o2 6.perience -mpacts /o)r 8areer 'ote" :$is is a ,roa' o)tline t$e interns are allo2e' to incl)'e ot$er learning e.periences in t$eir report

Internship ,ee-l. Report Format ?ote: *eekl/ reports s$o)l' ,e s),mitte' on a speci!ic 'a/ o! t$e 2eek. :$at 'a/ 2ill ,e m)t)all/ 'eci'e' ,/ t$e !ac)lt/ a'+isor an' t$e intern. :$is 2eekl/ report s$o)l' ,e compose' an' 2ritten in M.0. >FF-86 Microso!t 2or'1 6.cel etc% an' sent to t$e !ac)lt/ a'+isor ,/ 2a/ o! an attac$ment to eBmail. :$e !ormat o! attac$e' 'oc)ment: title s$o)l' look like t$is: C*#1?ame i! st)'ent.'oc. :$e ne.t 2eekl/ report s$o)l' ,e title' as *# 21 an' so on )ntil reac$ 2eekl/ report n)m,er 0D an'4or 0E !or t$e interns$ip program. /elow is an example of wee-l. report Please note t$e !ollo2ing parts o! t$e report: a% Personal in!ormationB*#1 along 2it$ /o)r name1 semester1 co)rse1 name o! t$e organization an' t$e calen'ar 'ate !or t$e 2eek. ,% #eport m)st incl)'e t$e n)m,er o! $o)rs1 'ate an' t$e 'a/ o! t$e 2eek in ,ol'. Remember /o) 2ill $a+e a space in t$e last part o! t$e !orm to gi+e /o)r !ee',ack an' reactions to t$e 2eek. 'ote" =eep t$ese report in sa!e c)sto'/ an' t)rn in at t$e en' o! t$e semester. SEE )0E FO11O,I'& E2%M*1E" 3 hrs Ma. 45 6Monda.B - spent to'a/ 2orking in t$e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'etail o! t$e acti+ities42orking % Be s)re in in'ent an' $a+e t$e n)m,er o! $o)rs an' t$e 'ate an' 'a/ in ,ol' print. 3 hrs Ma. 78 6)uesda.B :$is s$o)l' ,e 2$at /o) 'i' ')ring t$e 'a/ 3 hrs Ma. 74 6,ednesda.B <o) 2ill ,e a,le to gi+e /o)r reactions to 2$at /o) 'i' in t$e part ,elo2 3 hrs Ma. 77 6)hursda.B 3 hrs Ma. 796 Frida.6 (Intern:s Reactions and Feedbac-: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Su!!ested Outline for *resentation :$e presentation s$o)l' $ig$lig$t t$e maGor sections o! /o)r 2ritten 5epartment o! Management 0ciences 5M0% -nterns$ip #eport. :$e presentation s$o)l' ,e in M)lti Me'ia an' !ollo2 t$e s)ggeste' !ormat ,elo2: 1. )itle (4 slide " <o)r name1 t$e $ost organization1 an' /o)r Go, title. 2. Introduction (4 slide " Mission statement or ,ackgro)n' o! t$e $ost organization. 3. Ob;ecti+e of Internship 1 sli'e% 4. Methods, S-ills, and )echnolo!. A to 4 sli'es% 5. Results A to 4 sli'es% 6. Conclusion 1 to 2 sli'es% 7. &raphics (4 to < slides " -ncl)'e p$otograp$s o! /o) 2orking in t$e !iel'1 maps1 report co+ers1 'iagrams1 an' ot$er p$otograp$s as necessar/ to a)gment /o)r presentation.

Annex: 1
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