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To the administrative team of Miami Dade County,

In the school setting today there has been the downfall of music classes because
of budget cuts. There has been a slow rise in what can and will happen in music
education in general. One factor that is highly underestimated in the eyes of
administration is chamber music within the schools.
We are trying to imply that chamber music allows students to collaborate and
create something new to them. It gives them something that they have complete control
of. To get to the point, we as music educators are trying to get another class that
revolves around chamber music to be implemented into the school system. There are so
many possibilities that can be done in this class.
Attached we have arranged Its a Small World and When You Wish Upon a
Star. Both are Disney songs, but we are not going to just focus on Disney songs. Our
main focus are songs that are popular for the students as well as the audience to have
appeal on both sides. This is where the students have a major role. The students get
together and pick a popular song that they would like to play.
This is something that will have a great impact on not just the students, but on
the community as well. The community will enjoy hearing popular songs that they hear
in the radio, movies, or even video games that they play. Please take this into
consideration and we greatly appreciate you time reading this letter.

Thank you,
Carlos Gonzalez Kevin Segura
David Gonzalez Matthew Sheary

Music has an impact on everyones life. It is important to expose our students, in early
band settings, all aspects of music such as arranging, instrumentation, timbre, texture,
rhythm and dynamics. Its a Small World After All is a multicultural song that
promotes unity and shows the kids that we should embrace the diversity in our
community. Being able to understand and appreciate these musical qualities are vital to
the growth of an individual.

It is important to teach our students the importance of working together to achieve
collective goals. Working together helps build community within our own classroom
and helps boost the students communication and social skills through interaction.

All students have artistic creativity. As they grow older though, they become more
scared of doing things the wrong way. Encouraging them to create and arrange in
music is necessary because it teaches that there is no right or wrong answers and
allows the student the opportunity to work without fear.
To give a brief overview of this, this class will reach out to the students and community.
This is important because it gives students the opportunity to crate something great. It
will also bring the community closer to the students and vise versa.
Methods and Process

To begin the lesson would be one of four as part a larger lesson. The big picture
idea is to create and educate an ensemble to how different countries contribute to music
and making it truly multi-cultural. This is to be done first using music from Disney. The
reasoning behind this choice is that The Disney Company is known worldwide and
almost all children know or are familiar with the music associated with their films. The
music can then be tied into the core lessons such as specific rhythms, phrasing, etc. After
the introductory phase of Disney pieces the ensemble will then learn of pieces and
composers that they may not know from different countries.
The students will need their instruments, paper and pencil. The lesson begins
with It's a Small World playing as the students enter and set up. Also as they are entering
there will be a board with the lyrics of It's a Small World set up. After some time has
passed ask the students what they think the song is about and how does it relate to life
today. When someone has mentioned that it is multi-cultural then move forward, if no
one says it mention it and elaborate. Explain that the song can be sung in almost all
languages. Then elaborate on how music can bring different cultures together and how
they can influence each other.
Pass out sheet music to the ensemble and have them prepare to play. The
ensemble will then play and learn the piece together. After the ensemble has played the
piece to satisfaction have them break off into small groups (four or five). These small
groups will then arrange their own version of It's A Small World. This way the students
not only learn teamwork and leadership skills but they can creatively experiment to
mimic a cultural sound. This might be a certain rhythmic pattern or melodic figure.
Through this it will open a discussion for what makes an ensemble sound like it is from
a certain area/region and how they came to that choice. As a tie in exercise the small
groups could form larger groups (no more than 5) and could signify the coming together
of different countries. Thus making it multi-cultural and show how much of a small
world it really is when some parts are similar in different cultural styles.
Name: Cailos uonzalez, Baviu uonzalez, Bate: Becembei 2, 2u1S
Kevin Seguia, Natthew Sheaiy

uiaue: Niuule School Title: Bisney

Bave the song playing while the stuuents get ieauy foi the
banu class. Ask the stuuents what they think of the Bisney
songs as a whole anu how it ielateu to life touay. Take in all
the answeis anu wait foi someone to mention the fact that it
is a multicultuial factoi. Nany uiffeient cultuies have an
influence, almost all of them to be coiiect. Elaboiate on how
music can ieally biing the woilu togethei with this simple
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Pass out sheet music to the ensemble anu play the piece one
time thiough.

When finisheu playing the pieces:
- Bave the stuuents bieak off into small ensembles
(no moie than foui) to cieate theii own veision.
This will let the stuuents expiess themselves anu
will cieate a uiffeient sounu foi each gioup anu will
make the same effect as playing the song in uiffeient

Anothei exeicise that can be executeu is having two oi thiee
gioups collaboiate anu play in a slightly laigei ensemble to
join the gioup togethei. This will also cieate the effect of the
woilu coming togethei foi a gieatei cause.
This is a gieat activity that can be implicateu in any song that
is veiy populai. This allows the stuuents to expiess
themselves the way no othei class can.

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- Rhythm
- Foim
- Cieating

- Nusical Instiuments
- Pencil anu Papei
- Cieativity
- Thoughts
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:"&-* 56-',* ;(//#<#

3)96"')< 6)9#"-&%)9')< =* Cognition anu
ieflection aie iequiieu to appieciate,
inteipiet, anu cieate with aitistic intent.
Bench Naik: 4. Compaie anu peifoim a
vaiiety of vocal styles anu ensembles

3)96"')< >)9#"-&%)9')< ?* Assessing oui
own anu otheis' aitistic woik, using ciitical-
thinking, pioblem-solving, anu uecision-
making skills, is cential to aitistic giowth.

3)96"')< >)9#"-&%)9')< @* The piocess of
ciitiquing woilus oi ait leau to uevelopment
oi ciitical-thinking skills tiansfeiable to
othei contacts. (N0.912.C.S)
- To stietch the stuuents minu anu
have them cieate something gieat

- To see how the stuuents collaboiate
anu how they execute the song.


Its a Small World

When You Wish Upon a Star


Here is a link to our Policy Brief Video:


Feel free to view it and teach this lesson the way we taught it.

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