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Septem er ()ta li)&i #* a C!mmu#it $ !

+ Lear#er)
(Classroom Managemen t& Organization )

Oct! er - "ecem er
.ea/i#* Level: '

Ja#uar$ - %arc&
.ea/i#* Level: ' - 5

'pril - Ju#e
.ea/i#* Level: C - "

,etti#* t! -#!w Our Lear#er)

(Reading Assessments F/P Running Records and Writing Baselines O inion! "n#ormationa l& $arrati%e)

SC<(4C( S16"SOC

P.S.76 ~ Curriculum Overview~ - t&e 2014 6#it 1 - Livi#* 1!*et&er: 1&i) i) 6#it 4 - Lear#i#* ' !ut (ac& 2013 Ot&er 0 6#it 6 - (;pl!ri#* C!mmu#itie) 7!me :!rl/ Module A& O inion - Boo7 Re%ie- - -.+ t.e+ Module A& $arrati%e - Comings & Module A& $arrati%e - Com are t-o #amil+ li7e a s eci#ic 8oo7 'oings #rom (ome e%ents and t.eir cultural signi#icance Module B& O inion - ;ra%el 8roc.ure a8out a Module B& "n#ormational/)* lanator+ - A Module B& "n#ormational/)* lanator+ - Write cit+ neig.8or.ood0 , ecial (ome an in#ormational age a8out a land #rom t.e Writing& As7ing and ans-ering /uestions! Writing& Pictures and -ords need to te*t create illustrations -it. ca tions! connect matc. and occur in se/uence to tell a Writing& "n#ormation and #acts a8out t-o #acts! and t.e #acts to t.eir o inion0 stor+! stor+ elements - c.aracters & countries! non-#iction te*t #eatures - ma s! ., 6#it 1e)t 8 3- 6/12-6/13 setting! adding details & in#ormation0 use recall & gat.ered in#ormation to ans-er (:/52 - 9/42 - <06 -ee7s) ., 6#it 1e)t 8 1- 1/2 9 1/3 /uestions0 (1/23 - 45/53 - 4406 -ee7s) ., 6#it 1e)t 8 2- 4/10-4/11 (4/9 - :/44 - 42 -ee7s) Sc&!!l C!mmu#it$- is a sc.ool Sel+ 0 Ot&er)-(o- are Peo le >ni/ue= %$ L!cal 4ei*& !r&!!/ - (o- do and does it mean to 8e a good neig.8or.oods meet our needs= citizen o# a sc.ool communit+=
'#imal)- are 1&e =ive Se#)e) - animals= (o- do animals arts o# m+ 8od+ .el me to gro- and c.ange o%er learn a8out t.e -orld around time= me= 4um er a#/ Operati!#): Re resenting! relating and o erating on -.ole num8ers initiall+ -it. sets o# num8ers (;pl!ri#* Pr!pertie) (o- do -e o8ser%e and descri8e o8?ects= ,e!metr$ a#/ p!)iti!#): @escri8ing s.a es and s ace 1ree) 1&r!u*& t&e Sea)!#)- are some c.anges -e see in trees during t.e +ear= %ea)ureme#t a#/ "ata: lengt.! .eig.t! -eig.t0 Classi#+ing and sorting data Prepari#* +!r ,ra/e 1


(L' - .('"3,(4

.ea/i#* Level: " - (

.ea/i#* Level: , - 7

.ea/i#* Level: < - J

SOC S16"

.ea/$,e# .!uti#e) 0 1&ree ())e#tial 2ue)ti!#)

6#it 1 - C!##ecti#* t! Our :!rl/ Module A& $arrati%e - Recount se/uenced e%ents in narrati%e a8out #riends.i Module B& "n#ormational - Auestion & Ans-er Boo7 a8out an animal and its en%ironment Writing& ;em oral -ords! stor+ ma s! adding details! sense o# closure! #ocus on t.eme! note-ta7ing! -riting rocess! te*t #eatures0 ., 6#it 1e)t 8 1- 1/2 9 1/3 (1/23 - 45/53 - 4406 -ee7s) =amilie) 're <mp!rta#t - W.+ are #amilies im ortant and .o- do t.e+ in#luence -.o -e are= '#imal "iver)it$ - (o- are animals ali7e and di##erent= Operati!#) a#/ 'l*e raic 1&i#>i#*: @e%elo ing understanding o# addition! su8traction and strategies #or addition and su8traction 53

6#it 3 - %a>i#* C&!ice) Module A& $arrati%e - Recount at least t-o e%ents a8out a time t.e+ .ad to ma7e a c.oice Module B& O inion - ,elect an item #rom class B-antsC list and e* lain -.+ item s.ould 8e o8tained Writing& stor+ elements! se/uential -ords! closure! state and su ort o inions ! #inding e%idence in te*t! ictures & ca tions to e* lain t.in7ing! use o# illustrations in e* lanations ., 6#it 1e)t 8 2- 4/10-4/11 (4/9 - :/44 - 42 -ee7s) =amilie) 4!w 0 L!#* '*!- (o- do #amilies gro- and c.ange o%er time=

JL 12/12/2013 17:13 a12/p12


%atter - are some ro erties o# solids! li/uids! and gases= 4um er a#/ Operati!#) i# 5a)e 10: @e%elo ing understanding o -.ole num8er relations.i s and lace %alue! including grou ing in tens and ones0

6#it 6 - :elc!mi#* "iver)it$ Module A& O inion - Boo7 Re%ie- - ,elect t-o lines #rom te*t and e* lain .o- t.ose lines ma7e t.em #eel Module B& O inion - )* lain re-ards & c.allenges -.en mo%ing to a ne- lace! gi%e reasons Writing& state o inion! su ort -it. reasons! 8rainstorming ideas! e*tracting in#ormation #rom gra .ic organizers! sense o# closure! -ord c.oice - 8+ aut.or and t.emsel%es as aut.ors ., 6#it 1e)t 8 3- 6/12-6/13 (:/52 - 9/42 - <06 -ee7s) C!mmu#it$ 7elper)- (o- do communities ro%ide #or #amilies= %$ =amil$ i# %$ C!mmu#it$ is a communit+= (o- does m+ #amil+ interact -it. m+ communit+= :eat&er 0 Sea)!#) - are some o# t.e c.anges -e notice 8et-een seasons= ,e!metr$:
Reasoning a8out attri8utes o# and com osing

(L' - .('"3,(4


%ea)ureme#t a#/ "ata: @e%elo ing understanding o# linear measurement

Prepari#* +!r ,ra/e 2

Septem er ()ta li)&i #* a C!mmu#it $ !+ Lear#er)

(Classroom Managemen t& Organization )

Oct! er - "ecem er
.ea/i#* Level: -

Ja#uar$ - %arc&
.ea/i#* Level: L

.ea/i#* Level: %


6#it 1 - O )ervi#* t&e :!rl/ 6#it 2 - C!##ecti#* C&aracter? Culture 0 6#it 4 - 5ec!mi#* a# 'ctive Citi@e# 'r!u#/ 6) C!mmu#it$ Module A& O inion - "nter%ie- citizen - state Module A& $arrati%e - O8ser%e a scene Module A& $arrati%e - Write a ne*t scene in o inion a8out ersonCs im act on and create narrati%e - c.aracters & te*t! using in#ormation a8out c.aracter! communit+ e%ents 8ased on scene actions & e%ents Module B& O inion - Researc. #unction o# Module B& "n#ormational - Researc. to Module B& "n#ormational - Com are & contrast go%ernment! state o inion a8out it & su ort ans-er /uestions a8out a li%ing t.e -a+s o# li#e o# t-o communities! multi-it. e%idence (;pe/iti! ne-s article media resentation Writing& Auestioning! note-ta7ing! use o# #ar$ 6#it Writing& ;o ic sentence! Writing& @ialogue! c.aracter traits - .+sical & gra .ic organizers! descri8e c.aracters! !+ Stu/$ 8eginning/middle/end! adding details! ersonalit+! descri8e actions & e%ents e%ents! c.allenges & reactions! im act o# con%entions! -riting a8out/using stor+ including t.oug.ts & #eelings! tem oral actions on stories! main idea & su orting .ea/$,e# elements! tem oral & signal -ords! -ords! com aring/contrasting - -ord c.oice! details! selection o# details to su ort .!uti#e) dialogue! se/uencing! -riting rocess! -riting rocess o inions! /in7ing -ords/ .rases! conclusions 0 researc.! su orting details ( (:/52 - 9/42 - <06 -ee7s) 1&ree (1/23 - 45/53 - 4406 -ee7s) (4/9 - :/44 - 42 -ee7s) ., 6#it 8 3- 6/12-6/13 ())e#tial ., 6#it 8 1- 1/2 9 1/3 ., 6#it 82 - 4/10-4/11 ,e!*rap&$ <#tr!/ucti!# t! Culture 0 C!mmu#itie) 'r!u#/ t&e :!rl/ C!mmu#itie) 'r!u#/ t&e :!rl/2ue)ti!#) "ntroduction to C&i#a is culture= #actors contri8ute to t.e culture o# a 'u)tralia is culture= #actors contri8ute to t.e culture o# a countr+ or region= ma s7ills & countr+ or region= (o- does culture c.ange o%er time= (o- does culture c.ange o%er time= land#orms JL 12/12/2013 17:13 a12/p12 %atter - are some o# (#er*$ - are some -a+s Simple %ac&i#e) - (o- do Pla#t 0 '#imal '/aptati!#) t.e ro erties o# matter= energ+ can 8e c.anged mac.ines .el us mo%e o8?ects= (o- are lants and animals #rom one #orm to -ell-suited to li%e in t.eir en%ironment= W.ole num8er o erations& Fractions& @e%elo ing Measurement and @ata& ;ime! 'eometr+& @escri8ing and @e%elo ing understanding o# understanding o# #ractions lengt.! %olume! mass! anal+zing 5-dimensional s.a es



(L' - .('"3,(4

(Reading Assessments F/P Running Records and Writing Baselines O inion! "n#ormationa l& $arrati%e)


,etti#* t! -#!w Our Lear#er)


6#it 1 - 6#/er)ta#/i#* C!mmu#itie) 6#it 2 - %a>i#* "eci)i!#) 6#it 6 - C&a#*i#* t&e :!rl/ Module A& $arrati%e - Write a scene Module A& $arrati%e - Create a c.aracter Module A& O inion - "ntroduce 8oo7 a8out P.S.76 ~ Curriculum Overview~ 2013 - 2014 8ased on a line o# te*t #rom C.arlotteCs -.o -ants to 8u+ & determine i# c.anges in communit+ & recommend to We80 c.aracter can 8u+ item ot.ers Module B& "n#ormational - @ra- & -rite Module B& O inion - "ntroduce an item t.e+ Module B& O inion - "ntro0 erson & aut.orCs a8out a rural scene0 -ant! state o inion! gi%e reasons0 o inion & use te*t e%idence to agree/ Writing& ;o ic sentence! Writing& ;e*t #eatures! main idea! ur ose o# disagree -it. t.em 8eginning/middle/end! adding details! te*t! te*t structure! role o# 8eginning & Writing& descri8e c.aracters & res onses to con%entions! -riting a8out/using stor+ ending o# stor+! c.aracter res onses to ma?or e%ents/c.allenges! identi#+ ins iring elements - es eciall+ c.aracters & e%ents! selecting su orting details! -riting e%ents & te*t/-ords gi%e meaning to setting! tem oral & signal -ords! rocess! c.aracter actions causing c.ange! main se/uencing0 idea/ ur ose! aut.or c.oices! dialogue ., 6#it 1e)t 8 2- 4/10-4/11 ., 6#it 1e)t 8 3- 6/12-6/13 ., 6#it 1e)t 8 1- 1/2 9 1/3 (4/9 - :/44 - 42 -ee7s) (:/52 - 9/42 - <06 -ee7s) (1/23 - 45/53 - 4406 -ee7s) 6r a#? Su ur a# 0 .ural .i*&t)? .ule) 0 .e)p!#)i ilitie) - is 43C Overtime a#/ (o- and -.+ did $eC!mmu#itie) - W.+ and .o- do t.e relations.i 8et-een local go%ernment Dor7 Cit+ C.ange o%er time= communities de%elo di##erentl+= and t.e communit+= (art& %aterial) - materials ma7e u t.e )art.= 4um er )e#)e a#/ place value: )*tending understanding o# 8ase ten notation
.ea/i#* Level: %-4

(L' - .('"3,(4

=!rce) i# %!ti!# - causes o8?ects to mo%e= %ea)ureme#t a#/ "ata: >ising standard units o# measurement

Pla#t "iver)it$ - (o- are lants ali7e and di##erent= ,e!metr$: @escri8ing and anal+zing s.a es Prepari#* +!r *ra/e 3


'//iti!# a#/ )u tracti!#: Building #luenc+ -it. addition and su8traction

.ea/i#* Level: O

.ea/i#* Level: P


Curriculum Overview~

2013 - 2014

JL 12/12/2013 17:13 a12/p12

Septem er ()ta li)&i #* a C!mmu#it $ !+ Lear#er)

(Classroom Managemen t& Organization )

Oct! er - "ecem er
.ea/i#* Level: 2

Ja#uar$ - %arc&
.ea/i#* Level: .- S

.ea/i#* Level: S-1

(Reading Assessments F/P Running Record and Writing Baselines O inion! "n#ormationa l& $arrati%e)



,etti#* t! -#!w Our Lear#er)

6#it 1 - 5ec!mi#* .e)earc&er) 6#it 2 - <#teracti!#) i# 4ature 0 Culture 6#it 4 - Creati#* <##!vative S!luti!#) Module A& "n#ormational - Biogra .+ Module A& $arrati%e - Write a legend includes Module A& $arrati%e - a8out c.aracter -.o P.S.76 ~ Curriculum Overview~ 2013 - 2014 a8out scientist/ -.o made a details a8out c.aracter/s & e* lanation .as a ro8lem/c.allenge & .o- t.e+ resol%e di##erence Module B& O inion - Com are & contrast te*t it Module B& "n#ormational - ,elect animal on $ati%e American grou s! -.ic. 8oo7 did it Module B& O inion - Pro osal to in%estors #or and -rite a researc. a er on it0 8etter a ro?ect /inno%ation! gi%e reasons - #acts & Writing& ,electing & organizing ertinent Writing& @ialogue! organization o# -riting details in#ormation! ara .rasing! domain se/uence! narrator! transition -ords! sensor+ Writing& @ialogue! transitional -ords! sensor+ s eci#ic %oca8ular+! signi#icant e%ents details! conclusion! com are & contrast! -ords! e%ents & actions in te*t! and c.aracter traitsE resentation o# su orting details im act/res onses o# c.aracterCs decisions! in#ormation! -riting rocess0 main idea & su orting details! selecting (1/23 - 45/53 - 4406 -ee7s) (4/9 - :/44 - 42 -ee7s) -ords/ .rases #rom te*t to su ort -riting ., 6#it 8 1- 1/2- 1/3 ., 6#it8 2- 4/10-4/11 (:/52 - 9/42 - <06 -ee7s) ., 6#it 8 3- 6/12-6/13 4ative 'merica#) 0 =ir)t 1&ree :!rl/) %eet 0 'merica# .ev!luti!# 0 1&e ,r!wt& 0 (;pa#)i!# / L!cal <#&a ita#t) - (o- did $ati%e C!l!#i@ati!# 4ew 4ati!# - (o- did t.e 0 State ,!ver#me#t- Americans in#luence t.e (o- did t.ree di%erse cultures American Re%olution a##ect li%es -ere t.e e##ects o# industrial de%elo ment o# $e- Dor7= interact and a##ect eac. in $e- Dor7= gro-t. and increased immigration on $e- Dor7= Pla#t 0 '#imal '/aptati!#) - (lectricit$ 0 %a*#eti)m Pr!pertie) !+ :ater - :ater/La#//'ir - (o- do roles do lants and are t.e ro erties o# ma7es -ater so s ecial= natural e%ents a##ect our -orld= animals la+ in t.eir electricit+ and magnetism= en%ironment= Place value a#/ !perati!#) wit& w&!le =racti!#) a#/ /ecimal): @e%elo ing ,e!metr$? Prepari#* +!r #um er): @e%elo ing understanding and understanding o# #raction e/ui%alence! %ea)ureme#t a#/ "ata: *ra/e A #luenc+ -it. multi-digit multi lication and addition and su8traction o# #ractions -it. >nderstand geometric #igures can 8e anal+zed and de%elo ing understanding o# di%ision to li7e denominators and multi lication o# classi#ied 8ased on ro erties #ind /uotients in%ol%ing multi-digit #ractions 8+ -.ole num8ers suc. as .a%ing arallel sides! di%idends
er endicular sides! articular angle measures and s+mmetr+ .ea/i#* Level: 1 .ea/i#* Level: 6 .ea/i#* Level: B-:

SOC S16"

(L' - .('"3,(4

SC<(4C( S16"SOC

(1/23 - 45/53 ., 6#it 8 <#tr!/ucti!# t! ,e!*rap&$- Fi%e JL 12/12/2013 17:13 a12/p12

(;pe/iti! #ar$ 6#it !+ Stu/$ .ea/$,e# .!uti#e) 0 1&ree ())e#tial 2ue)ti!#)

6#it 1 - "epe#/i#* !# (ac& Ot&er Module A& $arrati%e - A8out a c.aracter -.o demonstrates commitment to t.e en%ironment Module B& "n#ormational - )ssa+ descri8ing is .a ening to rain#orest Writing& C.aracter de%elo ment! stor+ elements - selection o# c.aracter & setting relating to issue! dialogue! stor+ t.emes! -riting st+les! s eci#ic %oca8ular+! te*t #eatures! organization conclusion

(L' - .('"3,(4

6#it 2 - =i#/i#* C!ura*e Module A& O inion - Write s eec. ad%ocating #or c.ange correcting an in?ustice Module B& "n#ormational - Res ond to /uestion - (o- are acts o# courage re%ealed= Writing& Researc. s7ills! note-ta7ing! #acts & details to su ort POF! anal+ze multi le resources to identi#+ t.emes! main idea! reasons & e%idence to su ort M"! -riting rocess (4/9 - :/44 - 42 -ee7s) ., 6#it 8 2- 4/10-4/11

6#it 4 - Creati#* <##!vative S!luti!#) Module A& O inion - )* ress o inion on an e* lorer! su orting -it. details Module B& O inion - $e-s a er editorial a8out an e* edition t.e+ are lanning & -.+ it is -ort.-.ile Writing& )* licit and in#erred details #rom te*t! in#erence-clue- roo#! e* lain relations.i s 8et-een e* lorers in .istor+! te*t structure & .o- it su orts te*t! ointsreasons-e%idence! logical organization! -riting rocess (:/52 - 9/42 - <06 -ee7s) ., 6#it 8 3- 6/12-6/13

- 4406 -ee7s) 1- 1/2- 1/3 :e)twar/ (;pa#)i!#- (o- do Lati# 'merica- (o- do geogra .+! Ca#a/a- (o- do geogra .+! geogra .+! economics! eo le! and economics! eo le! and 7e+ e%ents economics! eo le! and 7e+ e%ents t.emes o# ,ocial 7e+ e%ents connect to s.a e a connect to s.a e a region= connect to s.a e a region= ,tudies region= 4ature !+ Scie#ce- (o- do scientists and s.are in#ormation= (art& Scie#ce - are t.e rocesses .el s.a e t.e land= (;pl!ri#* (c!)$)tem) - (o- are lants and animals in an ecos+stem connected=

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