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Name:_____________ December 13th 19th, 2013

Fa"i#y Ti$s% 5ic, a number bet#een 1 and 20 .or bet#een an" 2 numbers u$ to 100/ 6a3e "our child %uess the number, then "ou tell if "our number #as %reater than or less than his %uess 6a3e "our child ,ee$ re3isin% his %uess until he %uesses "our number 0hen trade roles S$e##in& Words% #hi$, #hale, catch, match, chin, cho$, sli$, s$in, our, "our 'ha##en&e (ord% #eather )*eadin& +o& , 7ill out the $i&&as for the month to earn a 7ree 5i&&a 6ut certificate)

December 1:th +inter 'ho#case 1$m December 20th (ath Drill 'undae96olida" 5art") -.D /0 D-122 December 23rd2 ?anuar" 3rd No 'chool

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Dec. 13th, 14th, 15th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult !ou ma" read a stor", ne#s$a$er article or a ma%a&ine article *'unshine (ath)) **ab" *rother +or,sheet Monday Dec. 16th, 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult *-se each s$ellin% #ord in a sentence .use attached lined $a$er/ Tuesday Dec. 17th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adult * (ath: 0o$ic 1211 * (ath: 0o$ic 721 Wednesday Dec. 1 th, 2013 *Read for 20 minutes to an adult * (ath 0o$ic 722 * (ath Re3ie# 'heet 4ddin% 3 numbers Thursday Dec. 1!th , 2013 * Return home#or,) 5arent si%nature: _______________________


*4nother %reat #ee, at +indsor 5re$arator" 4cadem")) seusslandin% #eebl" com

*eadin&% +e are still in -nit 3) 0his #ee, #e s$o,e about ,ids and families around the #orld) +e discussed customs and lan%ua%es that different cultures ha3e +e added the #ords: to%ether, bo", %irl, $eo$le, #hen, care 8 #ater to our first %rade si%ht #ord list) +e also discussed the letter sounds 9s9 and 9l9 and ho# #e can blend them to%ether to build #ords, li,e 9s99l99i99$9 2 sli$)) 0his #ee, #e also s$o,e about $resent2tense 3erbs)) Math% 0his #ee, in math, #e #ra$$ed u$ 0o$ic 1 and mo3ed onto 0o$ic 7: 'ubtraction 7acts to 1:) Science% ;n 'cience this #ee,, #e s$o,e about +eather) +e #ent on a 3irtual field tri$ to a #eather station) 4s a class, #e discussed our < seasons and #hat ha$$ens durin% each time ;n the #inter, man" animals %o into hibernation) Socia# Studies% 0his #ee, #e s$o,e about =#an&aa =#an&aa is an 4frican holida" created here in the -nited 'tates to celebrate the har3est =#an&aa last 7 da"s and each da" a candle is lit >ach candle re$resents one of the 7 3alues celebrated in =#an&aa

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