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Katelyn Farmer Don't Take Our Guns! People don't kill people, guns do.

Ha e you e er !eard o" a gun #umping out o" it's !olster and s!ooting someone on it's o$n% & sure !a en't. T!e last time & '!e'ked "or a gun to go o"", someone !as to (e !olding t!e gun $it! t!eir "inger on t!e trigger. T!ere are t!ose random o''asions $!ere t!e gun e)plodes, miss "ires, or a person t!inks t!at t!e sa"ety is on. *ny one o" t!ose situations !as a person pulling t!e trigger, regardless. Guns don't !a e a mind o" t!eir o$n, t!ey 'an not #ump out and go on a killing spree "or "un. Guns are $!at keep people sa"e, ot!er $ise "irearms $ould not (e allo$ in la$ en"or'ement! *''ording to+ t!ere are, ,oug!ly -.,/0/ murders 'ommitted in t!e 1nited 2tates during /334. O" t!ese, a(out -3,44. or .05 $ere 'ommitted $it! "irearms. T!ey also took a small poll to see $!o are t!e people (uying "ire arms and $!at are t!ey using t!em "or. Per'entages s!o$ t!at 6/5 are House!olders, 605 $!ere male, 6-5 are ,epu(li'an, /75 Demo'rats, /05 are &ndependent, and so on and so "ort!. From t!at pole t!ey asked $!at t!e gun o$ners $!ere using t!em "or+ .05 are 8uote Prote'ting against 'rime, ..5 are Target 2!ooting, and 945 are Hunters. :& am among t!ose 945 o" !unters.; From $!at it seems to me, none o" t!ose statisti's sound like attempts to murder. T!ose "e$ 95 o" people $!o de'ide to use guns "or t!e $orst possi(le reason in t!e $orld, aka murder, are ruining t!e rig!t to (are "ire arms "or t!e rest o" us. T!ose o" us $!o like to !unt or spend t!e day skeet s!ooting s!ould not (e 'ategori<ed into t!at 95 o" people $!o use guns "or destru'tion and e il. T!ere s!ould (e some gun 'ontrol, meaning you !a e to take a !unters sa"ety 'ourse (e"ore you 'an go !unting, must !a e a permit to o$n a $eapon, t!ose types o" t!ings are !elp"ul and narro$ do$n t!e people getting guns and using t!em "or (ad purposes. T!e more kno$ledge a(out guns people !a e t!e less a''idents !appen as in (ut not limited to, lea ing guns (adly !idden and easily

"ound (y young '!ildren or adoles'ent teens, kno'king a // gauge o er and it miss "iring, et'. =e !ear t!ose types o" t!ings on t!e ne$s all t!e time and it leads people to (eing terri"ied o" guns and t!e damage t!at t!ey 'an do. &t's not t!e guns t!at are t!e pro(lem, it is t!e gun o$ner t!at do not !a e t!e proper kno$ledge needed to maintain and !andle guns sa"ely in and around t!e !ome. T!e sa"est $ay to keep a gun in t!e !ome is to keep t!e gun unloaded $it! t!e sa"ety on and in a sa"e t!at is out o" rea'! o" any '!ildren in t!e !ome. T!ose random a''idents on t!e ne$s t!at $e !ear a(out kids playing games $it! t!e guns as in ,ussian ,oulette are not t!e guns "ault at all. T!e gun didn't $!isper to t!e kids like t!e 'lo$n on t!e Saw mo ies, =ant to play a game% To keep a gun sa"ely in t!e !ome you !a e to tea'! e eryone in t!at !ome a(out gun sa"ety, t!e dangers o" guns, and !o$ to (e!a e $!en a gun is out. Guns are not t!e (ad guy, it is t!e people using t!em t!at do t!e !arm. & read a story a(out a -9 year old (oy, in Orlando, t!at s!ot a -9 year old girl in t!e '!est (e'ause !e #oked t!at 8uote, He $as going to s!oot o"" one o" !er (reasts. 2!e sur i ed $it! a guns!ot in t!e upper le"t region o" !er torso. >an you (elie e !o$ 'ompletely and utterly moroni' t!at sounds% *ll parents s!ould tea'! t!eir '!ildren gun sa"ety and t!e dangers o" guns so idiot teenagers do not pull stunts like t!at to (e '"unny'. Firearms are not toys t!ey are dangerous i" you don't kno$ !o$ to !andle t!em properly. T!at story s!o$s t!at it is t!e people t!at de'ide to do idioti' t!ings $it! guns to !urt one anot!er, not t!e guns. & !ear opinions t!at t!ere s!ouldn't (e any guns any$!ere. T!at $e $ould !a e $orld pea'e i" guns and (om(s $!ere out o" t!e 8uestion. T!at is (elie a(le to a point, (ut mankind $ould still "ind a $ay to !urt one anot!er to take land or rule o er ot!ers. 2ense t!e (eginning o" time, t!ere are stories o" !unters and 'riminals and all sorts o" (ad people in t!e $orld t!at "ig!t t!eir $ay to t!e top. ?ankind !as al$ays "ound a $ay to 'reate $eapons to sur i e, & mean 'ome on t!ey took do$n a =ooly ?ammot! $it! sti'ks and s!arp ro'ks, i" $e didn't !a e guns it $ould #ust (e somet!ing else to take it's pla'e. &t is in !uman nature to !unt, "ig!t, and stay ali e. ,egardless no$ $e don't use guns to sur i e or s!arp sti'ks and ro'ks, (ut rat!er $e keep guns to "eel sa"e. T!at is $!y t!e la$ en"or'ement

!as "irearms to keep 'i ilians prote'ted "rom t!ose ot!er 95 o" people. Firearms 'an (e as sa"e as !ouses i" t!e proper edu'ate is learned. Guns are not toys t!ey are ery po$er"ul and i" in t!e $rong !and, as in t!e !ands o" t!e -9 year old t!at s!ot t!e girl, 'an (e ery deadly. Guns are not $!at kill people, people are $!at kill people. Do not take a$ay our guns (e'ause o" t!ose "e$ 95ers t!at ruin t!e "un "or t!e rest o" us. :#ust a little #oke "or you in t!e pi'ture;

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