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LSA 220- Introduction to Landscape Architecture Everybody's Territory Railroad ar!

is "ne o# the $i% &ays that $ir'in%ha' is En(oyin% )hat Lon% Eluded it* Beth Dunlop
To: Profs. R. Hawks and I. Fernndez From: Bridget Snover Date: Octo er !t"# $%&' R(: )S* $$%

In t"e Se+tem er $%&' iss,e of )andsca+e *rc"itect,re -agazine# +ages .& to !'# /(ver0 od01s Territor02 0 Bet" D,n3o+# em+"asizes t"e need for renovation and innovation. T"is artic3e s"eds 3ig"t on t"e 4it0 of Birming"am# *3a ama and its recent 5&..6 -i33ion addition of Rai3road Park. T"e +ark encom+asses as+ects from ot" t"e o3d and new cit0 in its design. T"is is an inte33igent design eca,se it +3eases ot" t"e e3der# more c3assic crowd as we33 as t"e 0o,nger# more contem+orar0 gro,+ing. T"e rai3 3ines t"at ran t"e 3engt" of t"e t"e +3ot were ,nto,c"ed in order to kee+ t"e "istor0 of Birming"am. T"e o3d o7cars were a3so 3eft to remind t"e visitors of Rai3road Park t"at t"e site was once a f,33 f,nctioning rai3 3ine. Instead of kee+ing t"e o7cars origina3# t"e +3anners of Rai3road Park t"o,g"t t"at renovating t"em into restrooms and eateries wo,3d e a more creative so3,tion for t"e +ieces. T"is is a +3a0f,3 wa0 of incor+orating ",man needs into t"e +ark wit"o,t "aving to constr,ct ,nnecessar0 ,i3dings. T"e o7cars are t"e on30 str,ct,res t"at sit in Rai3road Park. Foca3 +oints in +, 3ic areas are ecoming increasing30 more +rominent as design evo3ves and in t"is case t"e o7cars are t"e foca3 +oint. B0 "aving on30 a sing3e str,ct,re on t"e +ro+ert0# t"e fee3ing of a c3,ttered area is e3iminated and more s+ace for recreationa3 activities ecomes avai3a 3e to t"e +, 3ic. 8ee+ing a common t"eme t"ro,g"o,t t"e +ark# in t"is case a rai3road t"eme# engages t"e citizens and visitors of t"e +ark.

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