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LSA 220- Introduction to Landscape Architecture Fluid Dynamic by Michael Dumiak

To: Profs. R. Hawks and I. Fernndez From: Bridget Snover Date: September t!" #$%& R': (S) ##$ In (ands*ape )r*!ite*t+re ,agazine" -F.+id" D/nami*0 b/ ,i*!ae. D+miak des*ribes t!e work of t!e designers at 1rave and !ig!.ig!ts t!eir efforts to revo.+tionize t!e p.a/gro+nd e2perien*e for bot! /o+ng and o.d. 1rave3s work is *entra.ized in )msterdam and p.a/s off t!e p!i.osop!/ t!at .ands*ape is -meant as a base of p.a/0 and re4+ires an immense amo+nt of imagination to obtain an a**eptab.e and +ni4+e fina. prod+*t. T!e str+*t+res b+i.t b/ 1rave3s offer a new take on t!e *.assi* p.a/gro+nd" b/ +sing +ni4+e materia.s and *on*epts to *apt+re t!e attention of t!ose s+rro+nding it. T!e +se of a tea kett.e s!aped p.a/ str+*t+re" f+n*tions as bot! a p.easing sig!t as we.. as a p.a*e for kids to re.ease a.. t!eir e2*ess energ/. T!e s!ape of t!e p.a/gro+nd itse.f brings fo*+s in" w!i.e t!e gra/ *o.oring takes awa/ some of t!at fo*+s to *reate a !app/*e in t!e str+*t+re. )**ording to D+miak" -1rave does not make d+p.i*ates.0 T!e same *on*epts of f+n and are e2pressed in ea*! p.a/gro+nd *onstr+*ted" b+t two of t!e same wi.. not be fo+nd. T!+s idea of breaking t!e mo.d and e2perimenting wit! design is w!at initiates innovation and progress. T!e in*orporation of !andi*ap a** to t!e p.a/gro+nd is a ma5or step forward in t!at individ+a.s in w!ee.*!airs *an en5o/ t!e same reso+r*es t!at peop.e wit!o+t w!ee.*!airs *an. Segregation does not e2ist in t!e wor.d of p.a/. T!e designers at 1rave !ave made it t!eir b+siness to ens+re ea*! individ+a. w!o en*o+nters t!eir work en5o/s it and takes somet!ing positive from t!e e2perien*e.

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