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AACE International Recommend Practice (RP) Development Guidelines

Expectations and Requirements: RPs must be submitted and reviewed by AACE International subject matter experts and approved by the AACE Technical Board. The ollowin! are some expectations o RP content" Pro essional # Peer review publication $uality with appropriate re erences. %it or use # The RP will address practical needs o the pro essional community. &se a variety o materials # An RP may contain ori!inal content' existin! material' or a combination o material rom any source (in compliance with copyri!ht laws). Re erences # *ist applicable AACE re erence materials. &se or re er to external re erences in compliance with copyri!ht laws. +copin! ,ocument - The RP should be ali!ned with the scopin! document. Concise # A !oal is to limit each Recommended Practice to ./ pa!es or less. Benchmar0 practices # 1here there are a variety o acceptable practices' identi y the ran!e o practices and compare them in the RP. +peci ic examples rom industry or other or!ani2ations are valuable where appropriate. 3ost RP4s are intended to be !eneric in nature' unless written as an 5As Applied In6 RP. Appropriate *evel - The RP must convey the technical content written at an appropriate level o understandin!. ,e ine terms # All terminolo!y must be consistent with 10S-90, Cost Engineering Terminology. Any 0ey terms not contained in ./+78/' must be submitted or inclusion.

RP Types There are two types o RP4s' 59eneric6 and 5As Applied In6: 9eneric # A broad overview o the practice at a summary level that applies to most industries. It may be centered on a !eneric process dia!ram with summary description o process steps. ,e ines basic processes' practices' !uidelines' etc.' and avoids speci ic 5how7to6 details. +erves as a oundation to 5As Applied In6 RPs. %or example: 17R-97: Cost Estimate Classification System. As Applied In # A detailed examination o a !eneric RP to a speci ic application or industry. Includes re erences' benchmar0s' and practices speci ic to that application or industry. ,oes not duplicate the content o the !eneric RP. 3ay provide 5how7to6 speci ics. %or example: 18R-97: Cost Estimate Classification System - As Applie in Engineering, !roc"rement, an Constr"ction for t#e !rocess $n "stries

Typical RP utline RP outlines may vary' but the ollowin! are typical headin!s or a document. (,ouble7clic0 on the icon below to view)

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