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U.S. Department of Justi~ Exhibit A .l...

OMB No. 1I0S.()()())

Washington, DC 20530 • To Registration Statement .,

Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. as amended
•. I,
7. ,

Privacy Act Statement. Every registration statement. short form registration statement. supplemental statement. exhibit. amendment. dissemination report. copy of political
propaganda or other document or information filed with thc Attorney General under this act is a public record open to public examination. inspection and copying during
the posted business hours of the Registration Unit in Washington. D.C. One copy is automatically provided to the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Act.
and copies of such documents are routinely made available to other agencies. departments and Congress pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Act. Finally. the Attorney Genreral
transmits an annual report to the Congress on the Administration of the Act which lists the names of all agents and the nature. sources and content of the political propagan-
da disseminated or distributed by them. This report is available to the public.

Public Reporting Burden. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .49 hours per response. including the time for reviewing instruc-
tions. searching existing data sources. gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information. including suggestions for reducing this burden to Chief. Registration Unit. Criminal Division.
U.S. Department of Justice. Washington. D.C. 20530; and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Office of Management and Budget. Washington. D.C. 20503.

Furnish this exhibit for EA CH foreign principal listed in an initial statement

and for EA CH additional foreign principal acquired subsequently.

1. Name and address of registrant Henry J. Kaufman & Associates, Inc. 2. Registration No.
2233 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007 4093

3. Name of foreign principal 4:Pfincipal address of foreign principal
Embassy of Rwanda
Republic of Rwanda 1714 New Hampshire Ave, NW
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--J ashington*---DC--20.Q.O.9--
5. Indicate whether your foreign principal is one of the following type:

~ Foreign government

o Foreign political party ;.v :,,":

c) '''1
o Foreign or 0 domestic organization: If either, check one of]be_f<Blowi~
;;;~~: >-0 ):., ..
o Partnership O~~jpitte~ r

o Corporation

o Association

o Individual-State his nationality . _

6. If the foreign principal is a foreign government, state:

a) Branch or agency represented by the registrant. Embassy of Rwanda

b) Name and title of official with whom registrant deals. Ambassador Aloys Uwimana

7. If the foreign principal is a foreign political party, state:

a) Principal address

b) Name and title of official with whom registrant deals.

c) Principal aim

Formerly 080-67 FORM CRM-IS7

8. If the foreign principal is not a foreign government or a foreign political party.

a) State the nature of the business or activity of this foreign principal

b) Is this foreign principal

Owned by a foreign government. foreign political party. or other foreign principal Yes 0 No 0

Directed by a foreign government, foreign political party, or other foreign principal. Yes 0 No 0

Controlled by a foreign government, foreign political party. or other foreign principal Yes 0 No 0

Financed by a foreign government, foreign political party. or other foreign principal Yes 0 No 0

Subsidized in whole by a foreign government, foreign political party. or other foreign principal Yes 0 No 0

Subsidized in part by a foreign government, foreign political party. or other foreign principal Yes 0 No 0

9. Explain fully all items answered "Yes" in Item 8(b). (If additional space is needed. 0/1111 insert page may be used.)

to. If the foreign principal is an organization and is not owned or controlled by a foreign government. foreign political party or other
foreign principal. state who owns and controls it.

Date of Exhibit A
lJ~S. ))cpl\rtlllcnt of JUS.'. Exhihit B .'
Washington, DC 20530 ' 10 J{egistrl1tion Stl1tl'lllent ()~l~ "" 1111, rno
lIl/der tile lorcigl/ Agellls Regr\lraliol/ Art of 1938. (II al/lel/ded
t •

INSTRUCTIONS: A registrantlllust furnish as an Exhihit B copies of e<lch written agreement and thl' tallls and conditions of each oral
agreement with his foreign principal, including all modifications of such arreeillents; or, where no contri1ct exists, a full stateillent of
all the circumstances by rl-:ason of which the registri1nt is acting as an agent of a foreign principal. This form shall be fikd in triplicate
for each foreign principal named in the registfi1lion stCltelllent and Illust be signed by or on behalf of the registri1n!.

Privacy Act Stakmcnt. Ever) registration statement, short form rcgistr.tion stakment. supplement.,! statement. e,hihit, ams'ns1ment. di"emination rq)ort, copy of political
propaganda or other document or information filed with the Attornc)' Gener.' under this act i, a puhlic re,ord open t,\ public e'aminati"n. in,pe,li"n and copying during
the posted business hour, of the Registration Unit in Wa'hingl,)n. f),C', One cop) h automatically pr,lIids'J III the Sc,'r"!<,r) of St"te pUhua~t to Sc('lion 6(b) of the Act,
and copies of such documents ars' rout indy' mads' available to other ags'ndes. ds'partrnenh and C'onpes, pursuant Il\ Sc,'li"n 6(e) of the Act. IIn.,11)', the Attorney Genrer.l
transmils an annual report to the C'ongrs'ss on the Administr.tion of th,' ACI \\ hich li'l- the name, of all agent, 8n,lths' n.nure. sours'es and content of the political propaganda
disseminated or distributcd by them. This report is available to the puhlic

Public Reporting Burdcn, Public reporting burdcn for this colle,lion of information i, e'-lirllakd to a\erdre .33 h(lur, per rCsf")n,e. induclinr the time f"r re\ic"'ing instruc-
tions, searching e,isting data sources. gathering and maintaining the dat.. ne.:'ded. and comp'elin~' ar.s1 rnic"ing tl,e ('olk"i"n ()f inf"flllation Send comments regarding
thi, burden estimate or any other a'pe.:'l of thi, colle('lion of inforlllati,)ft. including ~ug~'l'''i"n, fllr rs·,lllcinr this bur,kn to C'llis·r. RS'fistrdtion Unit. Criminal f)j\i'ion.
U.S. I>epartment ()f Justice, Wa'hinglon, I>.c. 20530; and to the Office ()f Infllflllation and R<'gu!ator>" Ofli,'(' ()f M"n.lgS·nlent an<1I1udgs't. Washingllln. I>.C'. 20503.

Name of Registrant Name' of Foreign Principal

Henry J. Kaufman & Associates, Inc. Republic of Rwanda

fhe'ck Appropriatl' Boxes:

J.[x The agreement between the registrant and the above-tlamed foreign principal is a formal writll'n contrilC!. If this box is checked,
allaeh three copies of the contract to this rxhihit.

:U I Th('fe is no formal wrillen contract betwecn the registrilnt and foreign principal. The' agrecment with the aho\'e-named foreign principal
has feslilted from an exchange of correspondence. If this box is checked, atli1ch thre.:' copies of all pertinent correspondence, in-
cluding a copy of an)' initial proposal which ha, been adopted b)' rcfl'fl'nce in such corll'spondence.

3,[ I The' agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal is the result of neither a formal wrillen contri1ct
nor an exchange of correspondence between the parties. If this box is checkeJ, give a completl' description bdow of the krms and
conditions of the oral agreement or understanding, its duri1tion, the fas and the expenses, if an)'. to be recdved.

C') )
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4. Deseribe fully the nature and method of performance of the abovc indicated af~cmen" orllnder~tanding.

As public relations counsel, Kaufman Public Relations will provide

advice and counsel, along with implementation of press relations
surrounding the visit of the President of Rwanda to the United States.

lorillerl) OBIl·M 1O~\1 n(~1 I."


5. Describe. fully the activities the registrant engage.s in or proposes to engage in on behalf of the aoove foreign principal.

Media relations and public affairs activities designed to raise

the visibility of the President of Rwanda during his trip
to the United States.

6. Will the activities on behalf of the. above. foreign principal include political IlNivities as de·fine-d In Se.ction 1(0) of the AN?I
Ye,s ~j No [J

If yes, de.scribe. all such political activities indicating, among other things, the relations, interests or policies to be Influe·ncoo together
with the. me.ans to be employed to achie-ve this purpose.

Conmlunications activities surrounding the President's trip will

include the dissemination of press releaSE!S and background papers
on the President's U.S. visit and on Rwanda, the country.

Date of Exhibit B
9-25-90 Mi chaelNa~)~ a~da::eerry
Presi dent/CF:O
~~t' Sj8~at rw
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or .. ill> reference 10 !he p'-'llt,cl' or ,,~:'c Inlere.t'. "eliCit;. or rei.':cr,1 or, .... ;,1\11 ....( or, f.lIei" " .... nlr) Of
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" c' • KAUFMAN


September 19, 1990

Ambassador Aloys Uwimana

Embassy of Rwanda
1714 New Hampshire Ave., NW
washington, DC 20009

Dear Ambassador Uwimana:

The following constitutes a letter of agreement between
Kaufman Public Relations and the Embassy of Rwanda. This letter
of agreement incorporates the understanding of the parties with
respect to the retention of Kaufman Public Relations by the
Embassy of Rwanda as the public relations agency for the Embassy
of Rwanda.
As pUblic relations counsel Kaufman Public Relations will
provide advice and counsel, along with implementation of press
relations surrounding the visit of the President of Rwanda to the
united States.
I. Press Relations
Kaufman will obtain national media coverage through the
implementation of the following media relations activities in
concert with meetings with key advocacy groups. Kaufman will
manage press relations by drafting press materials such as a
press release on the trip of the President to u.S. and a
backgrounder on Rwanda, the country; securing interviews and
editorial board meetings; escorting the President to interviews.
New York (September 26-30)
o Work with united Nations accredited press to encourage
coverage of President's speech
o Arrange editorial board meetings with a major New York daily
o Coordinate interviews with bl~c,k~re~ inSNew
. :.~I (/) '". -;'.'
o Work to create a media event with:Si~ney~eaver and the
President >'.-' ~ , '


2233 Wisconsin Avenue. N,W., Washington. D.C. 20007 Telephone 202TJ33{)700


Washington, DC (September 30-0ctober 3)
o Arrange media breakfast at the National Press Club.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity to
discuss, in an informal atmosphere, the key issues on the
President's agenda.
o Create a tree planting press event to which key advocacy
groups are invited. .
o Host a reception at the Grand Hotel. Working with the
Embassy, Kaufman will develop an invitation list that
includes special friends of the Embassy, u.s. Government
officials, key business executives, representatives of
advocacy groups and the media. The Ambassador of Rwanda
would host the reception in honor of the President's visit
to the United States.
The term of the agreement will commence on September 16,
1990 and will continue for one month.
Kaufman Public Relations will perform services in accordance
with the following terms:
1) The Embassy of Rwanda will be billed a flat fee of
$35,000 payable in advance.
2) Charges for Kaufman Public Relations staff services
will be made at our standard hourly rates for
participating officers and staff members.
3) It is understood that Kaufman Public Relations cannot
undertake to verify all the facts supplies to it by the
Embassy of Rwanda of all factual matters included in
material prepared by us and approved by the Embassy of
Rwanda. Therefore, the Embassy of Rwanda agrees to
indemnify and hold harmless Kaufman Public Relations
from and against any and all losses, claims, damages,
legal fees, expenses or liabilities which Kaufman
Public Relations may incur based upon information,
representations, reports, data or releases furnished or
approved by the Embassy of Rwanda, whether or not
Kaufman Public Relations prepares or participates in
the preparation of the material.
" • •
In this agreement of our working relationship sets forth
your understanding, please sign both copies, returning one to us
for our files. You have my assurance of our best efforts on your


Jennef H1rshberg
Executive Vice Presiden


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