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Case 1:12-cv-08035-DLC Document 131

Filed 12/10/13 Page 1 of 1

King & Spalding LLP 101 Second Street Suite 2300 San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: +1 415 318 1200 Fax: +1 415 318 1300 www Kenneth Steinthal Direct Dial: +1 415 318 1211

December 10, 2013 VIA ECF AND FACSIMILE Hon. Michael H. Dolinger United States Magistrate Judge Southern District of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, NY 10007 Facsimile: (212) 805-7928 Re: In re Petition of Pandora Media, Inc., C.A. No. 12-CV-8035 (DLC)(MHD)

Dear Judge Dolinger, Pursuant to your Order (Dkt. No. 110), Pandora Media, Inc. (Pandora) will appear before Your Honor for a settlement conference on December 13, 2013. As ordered, in-house counsel from Pandora will be present. In addition, Pandora and I respectfully request permission for in-house counsel and myself to bring personal electronic devices into the courthouse for the purpose of conferring with Pandoras officers and/or directors, if necessary, during the settlement conference. Allowing us to bring our phones will assist the parties in expeditiously reaching any possible agreement. Attached as Attachment A is a Proposed Order granting the requested relief. If Your Honor has any questions or concerns, we are available at your convenience.

Sincerely, /s/ Kenneth Steinthal /s/ Kenneth Steinthal cc: Counsel of Record Attachment (1)

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