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Sketchbook assignments are assigned every other Monday and

collected for grading every second Friday.

Be sure to bring your sketchbook to class everyday, as you will need it for drawing exercises, ve minute drawings, warmups, silent drawing days, and the sketchbook drawing for that week. Spend no less than 45 minutes per drawing. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully. Use ONE FULL PAGE for each assignment. DO NOT DRAW ON THE BACK OF THESE DRAWINGS.

Assignment #1: Zentangle Sketchbook Cover

On a sheet of sketchbook paper draw out your initials in pencil using large block/bubble/ calligraphic letters. The letter(s) must ll up 80% of your paper. Use your pencil to divided up the letter into strings. Strings are the lines that divide the shape into individual sections. Now begin to ll in each section with a repetitive pattern. ASSIGNED: DECEMBER 2nd DUE: DECEMBER 13th

Assignment #2: Magazine doodle

Find a large ad in a magazine that features a close up photo of a persons face and paste/ glue the full page into your sketchbook. Using a permanent marker proceed to alter the image by drawing onto the photograph. The process is much like doodling while you are listening to a friend on the phone. You could give the model something like a mustache, unibrow, tattoo, a third eye, or a new hair do. Keep it fun, light, and school appropriate. Change at least 50% of the image from it!s original state. ASSIGNED: DECEMBER 16th DUE: JANUARY 3rd

Assignment #3: Idioms Illustrated

Idioms are natural ways of speaking for a native speaker of a language, but sometimes they can be hard to understand by people learning the language. Some examples of idioms are it!s raining cats and dogs, I have an axe to grind, you bit off more than you can chew, going back to square one, What!s the matter cat!s got your tongue...Choose an idiom (your own idea is ok too) and illustrate it as it would literally appear and not for what it means. ASSIGNED: January 6th DUE: JANUARY 17th


Assignment #4: Magazine Jigsaw
Cut out a full page from a magazine and divide it into 10 pieces (like a jigsaw puzzle). Open your sketchbook and paste half (ve of the images) as they would have appeared in the original!s conguration (same location) leaving gaps in the image where the missing pieces are. Now begin lling in the missing pieces by drawing them in. Paste the remaining pieces on the adjacent page for reference. ASSIGNED: JANUARY 21th (Tuesday) DUE: JANUARY 31st

Assignment #5: Desert Island Objects

If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring three of your favorite items what would you bring? These items should be selected because they are the most important to you. These are the items you would save from a re. Not something that would make you more comfortable on a desert island. Organize these three objects into an interesting composition and make a drawing. Observe the rule of thirds. ASSIGNED: February 3rd DUE: February 13th (Thursday)

Assignment #6: Nursery Rhyme Mashup

Recently there have been a lot of mashups or hybrids in the entertainment world. For example, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Think of a nursery rhyme or children!s story and create a mashup or hybrid with some other children's story or other genre. You might nd it helpful to look at a popular cartoon series. Make a drawing that shows an interaction between the characters. For example; Humpty Dumpty meets Kenny from South Park. ASSIGNED: February 17th DUE: February 28th

IMPORTANT END OF THE TRIMESTER INFORMATION!! Sketchbook drawings will come to an end on the 28th of February. We will have no formal sketchbook assignment the nal week of the Tri. All late sketchbook entries (that have not expired) will be due no later than the 28th of February.

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