Ed 433 My Class Syllabus

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Mathematics Instructor: Miss Hansen Course Description This course will help students to strengthen their ability to solve

problems. In particular, students will work on solving problems through the use of logical reasoning. This course will also teach students to apply concepts learned in the classroom to situations in the real world. Course Materials Classroom text book Pencils Large eraser 3-ring binder (to be used only in this class) with the following o Loose-leaf paper o Folder Long Range Goals By the end of the course, students will be able to Use logic and reasoning to solve problems Look more positively on mathematics and their ability to be successful in a mathematics classroom Big Ideas How mathematics can be applied to help solve problems Recognizing that there are opportunities every day to use mathematics in the real world Enduring Understandings Mathematics is about more than memorizing a formula it is about learning how to think about problems and using the necessary tools to solve them.

Essential Questions In what ways can I apply the content from this class to my own life? Student Activities/Assessment Assessments in this classroom will occur frequently and will vary in form. An assessment could be as simple as walking around and listening to student conversations or checking student homework. These types of assessment may only count for a small number of points. There will also be a few larger assessments throughout the semester that will count for a higher number of points. These assessments will also vary in form, and could range from a more traditional test (multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank) to projects and presentations. Grades The purpose of grades in this course is to represent student mastery of the material. While participation, effort, and timeliness (showing up on time as well as turning work in by the due date) are all critical to success in the classroom, the letter grade assigned to each student will be minimally affected by these factors. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of Miss Hansen. A - 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% or below Please keep in mind that assignments given a D grade or below will be considered work in progress. This will be explained in more detail under the Assignments section of the syllabus. Late Work/Make-Up Work

Students are expected to hand in assignments on time. If an assignment is not handed in by the end of the date it is due, it will be considered late. Late work will be collected at the end of each week, and only assignments due for that week will be accepted. Late work will be docked 5% of the total points available for the assignment. Students are responsible for asking Miss Hansen about assignments missed due to absences. Make-up work will also be collected at the end of each week, along with late work. To avoid receiving a point deduction, make-up assignments should be labeled at the top with Make-Up and the date of absence. Assignments Assignments given to students are meant as practice or review and completion of these assignments is necessary part of being successful in this class. Homework assignments will be given weekly. Homework will be graded for either completion or correctness, determined by Miss Hansen before it is due. Any homework assignment that is given a grade of 69% or below will be expected to be redone. Assignments receiving higher than 69% may also be redone at the discretion of the student. Redone assignments will receive half credit for incorrect problems that have been redone correctly. General Operating Procedures Each day, students are expected to come prepared to class (bring required materials, have assignments ready to be turned in, etc). When students enter the classroom, they should find their seats and begin working on any bell work by the time the bell rings. As students walk into the classroom, there will be a table located near the door. The table will have any papers that students will need for that day located on it. Students will be expected to pick up each of the papers as they come into the room, before heading to their seats.

Seating assignments will be made by Miss Hansen, and are subject to change at any time, if needed. Homework should include the students name, date, class period, homework problems, and problem statements. An example of what this should look like will be located beside the homework bin. Students will be expected to place assignments in the bin for their class period on the date that the assignment is due. Assignments for the week and their due dates will be located in the front of the classroom. Personal Beliefs about Teaching I believe that my purpose as an educator is to prepare my students to be problem solvers and thriving citizens in society. My responsibilities as a teacher are not limited to just teaching mathematical concepts and skills. I must also teach my students to appreciate their education and the process of learning. I will help my students understand how to apply what they learn in the classroom to their every day lives. I believe in student-centered learning. All of my instruction will be planned with the students' learning styles and interests in mind. When information is taught in a way that meets the needs of each individual, the students will be more engaged and have a greater chance of making personal connections to the content. Teaching in a student-centered classroom will require me to spend more time getting to know each of my students. I believe that taking the extra time in the beginning to learn about the needs and interests of my students will only help me to instruct more efficiently during the rest of my time with them. I believe that my students should leave my classroom with greater respect for diverse perspectives. I plan on helping my students learn that it is okay for people to have different beliefs. I want my students to understand that

sometimes there is not a right or wrong answer and that there is value in having many opinions and perspectives. When students leave my classroom, my number one goal is that they have a greater respect and appreciation for both themselves and each other.

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