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EDUC 6330/6331 Activity Log

Date Summer 2013 Ongoing Activity (include competencies addressed) Summer school administrator (Comp. 004) Administrator over Social Studies department meetings; facilitate professional learning communities and data-driven conversations (1.5 hours per week, for 6 weeks) (Comp. 005) Gifted & Talented identification, testing, and notification (Comp. 005) Hours 77.5 hours 9 hours


4 hours


Presentation: innovative recruitment techniques for magnet programs (Magnet Coordinator meeting) (Comp. 002) Administrative meeting; culture building and collaboration discussion (Comp. 001) Data-Wise: aligning STAAR data to begin pull-out tutorials for every subject and grade level (Comp. 005)

3 hours


2 hours


5 hours


Coffee with the Principal: presentation and discussion with parents and community members (Comp. 002) Data-Wise: scanning and uploading common assessments to access data for tutorial planning (Comp. 005)

1 hour


1.5 hours

10/8, School Choice Fair: recruiting event for SMS magnet program 10/15, (Comp. 002) 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12 10/10/13 Data-Wise: developing data posters and benchmark presentations (Comp. 005)

1.5 hours each (x6) = 30 hours

2.5 hours


Data-Wise: developing data posters and department presentations (Comp. 005) Academy trainings for EdPlan and ERG data system (Comp. 006)

4.25 hours

12/6/13 TOTAL:

1.5 hours 186.25 hours

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