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Wilson EDUC 353/318 Name: Erin Percacciolo Date: October 7, 2013

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Target Grade Level: 3rd Grade Curriculum Topic: English Language Arts

Comment [t1]: Grade: 18/20 Formatted: Font: 11 pt

UbD Lesson Plan Template Stage 1: Desired Outcome

Established Goals: NYS English Language Arts Standards 3.W.1 Write Opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. 3.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly.

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Understandings: Essential Question(s): Students will understand Do we all share the same Third grde students have varied opinions about topics and opinions? texts. What is an opinion? The value of others opinions and point of view. Why do we have Working collaboratively will encourage the exchange and opinions? development of ideas to increase clarification with practice. How do opinions differ?

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Students will know. How to effectively compose a written piece explaining and expressing their opinion based upon a world event supported with evidence.

Students will be able to. Discuss a specified topic in a group, listen attentively to the opinions of others, and express how they feel while providing reasoning. And valuing others

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PoVs/contributions. Express their opinion on a specified topic and provide reasoning/evidence as to why they feel this way.

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Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task: Many children in third grade have a set time when they must go to bed on school nights. Other children this age go to bed only when they are tired. Still others go to bed long before they want to or feel ready for bed while others stay up much too late. Do you think children your age should go to bed at a certain time on school nights, or only when they get tired? Why or why not? Write a persuasive paper that incorporates your opinion telling whether you think children in third grade should have a certain time to go to bed on school nights or whether they should go to bed whenever they are feeling tired. Give at least four reasons why you think as you do.

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Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities: Create two T charts. Label one side Pros and the other side Cons. On one T chart have the children list the pros and cons of going to bed at a certain time on a school night. On the other T chart have the children list the pros and cons of going to bed only when you get tired. Place the students in small collaborative learning groups. Ask them to express their ideas with one another and converse about the topic. You can either use discussion prompts or have the students elf-identify their bedtime habits depending upon the class and their developmental learning needs. After discussion have the students return to their desks.

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Using their T charts they should now develop a list that supports each bullet listed for either a pro or a con. Based upon their T charts and reasoning students will decide which topic they are going to write about. Students will complete the Planning Chart. Students will complete the flow chart. This will help them develop their ideas and map out their writing. Both charts will allow for students to practice good writing technique. Students will compose a written piece Written paper explaining whether they feel children in third grade should have a certain time to go to bed on school nights or whether they should go to bed whenever they are feeling tired. They must provide reasons to support their opinion.

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Itemized Attachments: Flow Chart Planning Chart T chart sheets Prompt assignment sheet Grading Rubric

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Citations: Wilmette Public Schools. Third Grade Writing Prompts. S3rdprompts.pdf Houghton Mifflin English Graphic Organizers- Put your ideas and notes in order with these graphic organizers! T-Chart Worksheets Rubistar

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Persuasive Essay: Third Grade Opinion Teacher Name: Ms. Percacciolo Student Name: 4Above Standards The introductory paragraph names the topic of the writing assignment and outlines the main points that intend to be discussed. Four reasons are given as to the author thinks as he/she does. _______________________________________ 3Meets Standards The introductory paragraph names the topic of the writing assignment. 21Approaching Standards Below Standards The introductory paragraph outlines some or all of the main points to be discussed but does not name the topic. The introductory paragraph does not name the topic AND does not preview what will be discussed in the writing piece. Zero reasons are given as to why the author thinks as he/she does.

CATEGORY Introductory Paragraph


Reasons / Support

Three reasons are given as to why the author thinks as he/she does.

One or two reasons are given as to why the author thinks as he/she does.

Capitalization & Author makes no Punctuation errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the essay is exceptionally easy to read. Sentence Structure All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.

Author makes 1-2 errors in capitalization or punctuation, but the essay is still easy to read.

Author makes a few errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader\'s attention and interrupt the flow.

Author makes several errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader\'s attention and interrupt the flow. Most sentences are not wellconstructed or varied.

Most sentences are well-constructed and there is some varied sentence structure in the essay.

Most sentences are well constructed, but there is no variation is structure.

Grammar & Spelling

Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Author makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Closing paragraph

The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of the writer\'s position. The author restates his/her position in the first sentence of the paragraph. The author is clear on the position he/she is taking and argues it well throughout the assignment.

The conclusion is recognizable. The author\'s position is restated within the first two sentences of the closing paragraph.

The author\'s position There is no is restated within the conclusion - the closing paragraph, but paper just ends. not near the beginning.


The author is clear on the position he/she is taking and argues it well through most of the assignment.

The author is unclear as to the position he/she is taking and has a hard time making an argument.

The author is unclear on his/her position and fails to make an argument.

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