A New Look at Remote Viewing

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A New Look At Remote Viewing

Learn remote viewing to view the better things in life Remote viewing is a trainable skill which can help in retrieving accurate information about a person, time, event or place with the right techniques and concentration. A precise set of protocols are used for the downloading of data without much use of imagination, analysis and mental noises. Until recently, remote viewing could not be taught or learnt. It was the United States government that had contracted the Stanford Research Institute to create a reliable psi technology that could be used for the collection of intelligence. It was after lots of years of experiments that the brilliant psychic and artist, Ingo Swann had started directing his attention to his psychic process, and modeling on it. With the new techniques he had developed, he could teach a person who knew nothing about remote viewing, to effectively practice remote viewing with a high accuracy rate.

It was because of these techniques that Swann was called to train an army prototype of five military intelligence officers in remote viewing. The results of this training was far better than expected, which led to the government keeping this a secret for over ten years by spending over $20 million dollars for the program. Changes in leadership in the mid 1990s led to the clearing of potentially embarrassing programs the government used. And with this, the remote viewing program was cancelled. It was in 1989 that a private corporation PSI TECH was created with the help of the former commanding General of INSCOM to preserve the technology of remote viewing. Current and former military viewers were employed in this program who continued to contract work from the intelligence community. However most of the viewers here only started creating their own remote viewing enterprises after learning all there was to learn about remote viewing. The many applications of remote viewing: Both students and professional remote viewers today use the techniques taught in remote viewing to handle everyday situations. Remote viewing is used for solving medical problems, finding lost pets and valuables, determining the gender of the unborn baby, in the examination of anomalous phenomena and in solving difficult problems prevalent in the world. Missing people, children and objects can be found the prediction of future effects to a particular event and historical events and information are all made clear with the use of remote viewing. Even the cause of an event or disaster can be predicted, personal family history and events solved and unsolved cases and mysteries get finally solved with the help of remote viewing.

Remote viewing is used for the retrieval of missing technical data, to predict the outcome of upcoming events, to divulge the location of mineral or petroleum deposits change the effects of a personal decision and find possible solutions of problems. Remote healing is also used for healing through potential cures and treatments, for contacting loving spiritual beings and to learn more about past lives. Even sub atomic particles and microscopic structures are pin-pointed and future lives predicted using remote viewing. It is interesting to learn that remote viewing helps in animal communication for better handling of animals, finding out problems in computer systems, in contacting lost and dead souls and in naming defective genes in a person. With the right practice and patience, you find it possible to even predict winning lottery numbers. Remote viewing is used in marital counseling and psychotherapy where the spouses remote view each other by developing empathy and communication so that they learn what exactly one thinks of the other. Risks and dangers can be determined in a situation with the help of remote viewing and so can general and specific industrial and technical uses be found out. With remote viewing, it is possible to explore alternative timelines, develop creative ideas, and indulge in self exploration and even in determining if any form of child or elder abuse has occurred. This proves to be very helpful to the investigator as it provides ideas on where to look and the right questions to ask. Difference between remote viewing and other psychic methods: The main intentions and aims of remote viewing lies in keeping the viewer focuses in their actions, in maintaining clean data and in the process, keep both the viewer and

data in a track that aims at proving that psi is the only source for information. Though those following remote viewing are called psychics, it does not the psychic quality in either a positive or negative way. Instead, it filters and cleans the noise created by the remote viewer during remote viewing to produce clean and accurate results that are verified against feedback. This is the protocol followed in remote viewing; so beware of the many cranks and fakes out there who may not stick to these protocols but instead, tend to stray from the path. This is not remote viewing; stay away from them as remote viewing in any method is basically structure and nothing else. How to become a remote viewer: Remote viewing is a subject that can be learnt in a few months time or take as long as a few years to learn. It all depends on your acceptance of the philosophy of remote viewing, your interest in the topic and your quest to master the art of remote viewing in as short a span of time as possible. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need for you to be a psychic to become an established remote viewer. In fact, as psychics have pre made belief systems which they follow to do their thing, which they feel is hard to undo. This in tern makes it a bit difficult for them to understand and follow the protocols and confines of real remote viewing protocol. The basic idea is to remember not to stray away form military trained viewers and military CRV/ERV methodologies too much. Though you have to choose which method suits you the best, ex military remote viewers and CRV are a great start to leering remote viewing. This is because this is

where you learn about the background, training procedures, the principles of a remote viewing session and more. If you find that there are no institutions or help for you to learn remote viewing in your locality, you can always learn it online. This is because remote viewing is learnt using both online and offline methods. Though there are many methods that are followed for learning remote viewing, there is no actual best method for learning remote viewing. The commercial courses on remote viewing cost from free to hundreds to thousands of dollars. However be careful before approaching a company to invest money and learn about remote viewing. Verify exaggerated claims and find out exactly how much you will be getting for the money you put in the course. Some reputable sources you could contact for remote viewing are: The Farsight Institute Remote Viewing Systems Larger Universe offering free remote viewing lessons Academy of Remote Viewing Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild Controlled Remote Viewing Courses offered by P>S>I Western Institute of Remote Viewing PSI Tech Straightline Remote Sensing that offers free online exercises.

Is it possible for everyone to learn remote viewing?: As mentioned above, anyone can learn remote viewing. There is no need to be a psychic to remote view. All you need is lots of training and diligence in practice. Some

studies have shown that it is the left handed people who are usually successful in becoming a remote viewer. Learning remote viewing can be compared to learning a musical instrument. Just reading a book or information you find on websites about techniques to learn remote viewing is not sufficient. You have to learn its techniques well, and then master the skills of remote viewing through constant practice. Like music instruments, the more you practice and train in remote viewing, the better will be your performance. What do you actually see in remote viewing?: Though the name remote viewing may suggest that you actually get to see or view psychic info in your head during remote viewing, this is definitely not the case. This is because with remote viewing, you dont actually view any data from the target. Instead, the data in your head tends to produce small and gentle bursts of information that first take the form of sensory data like touch, taste and smell. After some time, stronger data tends to build through target dimensional, mass, size and density. This in turn leads to sketches of the target you wish to reach, which in turn leads to stronger data and intangible type data like a feeling of dread or happiness. It is interesting, and comforting to learn that there are no limitations to learning remote viewing. Neither are there any topics that cannot be remote viewed. In fact, if you master the art of remote viewing, there will be no secrets kept from you as you will be able to retrieve data from even a black hole some million light years away and even find out what your spouse thinks of you. If there are any limitations to remote viewing, they are the limitations that you yourself bring to the table.

The different methods employed in remote viewing: Though the original methods of remote viewing are the original CRV (controlled remote viewing) methods, since remote viewing became public in 1996, different forms of this original method have evolved. Controlled remote viewing: In the controlled remote viewing method, the writing and sketching of data is adopted following strict protocols while sitting in a state of full alert, at a table. This method is currently taught by many people who have again developed alternative methods of this original method of remote viewing. Extended remote viewing (ERV): Extended remote viewing is a form of remote viewing that requires the help of a second person. In this method, the psychic has to recline comfortably in a darkened room where another person, the interviewer or monitor starts asking the psychic questions. All the data that the psychic provides is recorded with perhaps the help of a tape recorder. Usually, before the session ends, the psychic works at sketching out impressions of the other person. Five components are required for this form of remote viewing which are the subject or remote viewer, a distant target, the skill of active ESP abilities, a confirmatory positive feedback of the person and the recorded perceptions of the subject. A basic remote viewing session lasts for about an hour. What exactly is remote viewing?: It should be known that remote viewing is in no way an out of body experience. This is because the remote viewer does not necessarily go astrally towards a project. Instead,

remote viewers report feelings of bilocating to the site of the target. Remote viewing is in no way meditative, a dream or a trance. In fact, you are very much awake and alert with a remote viewing session. It is said that the trained remote viewer has the capacity of tapping into the Universal Mind. This universal mind is compared to a storehouse of information about everything, without any relevance to time and space. To get a rough idea of what remote viewing is, it could be said that the remote viewer will be able to enter a hyperconscious state. This is where he or she tends to tune into specific targets in the universal consciousness where things and people form a part. In other words, as Ingo Swann defines it, remote viewing is a form of virtual reality traveling under a conscious control. Whether remote viewing works or not depends on the remote viewers. Though skeptics say that remote viewing is blasphemy, there are proponents who claim 100% success in remote viewing. Basically, remote viewing works, but not every time for all remote viewers. The highly skilled remote viewer has a near 100% success rate where he or she will be able to reach a target practically all the time. However all the collected data may not be accurate, which may lead to some failure. There are other factors that determine the success of remote viewing like some targets being more complicated to reach and describe than others. Potential benefits with remote viewing: With the right practice and determination, there are many benefits remote viewing will bring to you personally:

1. Both beginners and professionals in remote viewing experience a ten fold increase in accuracy and detail in the things they do. This is because with remote viewing, you learn to concentrate through a pure and uncontaminated psychic signal so that imagination and thoughts dont mix with your goal. This is why it is said that remote viewers can reach the greatest psychic goals possible. 2. Remote viewing to your inborn psychic abilities is comparable to reading music is to your inborn musical abilities. These are both disciplines and tools that empower you to free your natural abilities to the hilt. With commitment and practice, remote viewing becomes so much habitual and easy that you will soon master it. And once you learn the forms and sequences related to remote viewing, you can integrate them to create something spontaneous from your center. 3. with remote viewing, you learn more about the necessary, real and fundamental distinctions existing within yourself, and in the world which prove to be necessary in permitting the aperture in you to open up. Remote viewing teaches you fine attentional skills where you learn to discern irrelevant things so that you get a pure signal at all times. 4. There are no heavy belief systems or dogma related to remote viewing. It is just a matter of learning direct, non-assuming and honest experiences through practice and is in no way a belief or dogma where you come to your senses. 5. Remote viewing teaches you to distinguish between the true data you collect and your own stuff that you tend to overlay to the world. You learn to trust and enhance your intuition so that it provides remarkable transformative effects of integration in you daily life.

Remember that most problems in your day to day life stem from your overlaying of your stuff to others and by not being able to discern or trust your own inward guidance. 6. You not only learn to open the aperture in you, or your third eye, you also learn how to modulate it through remote viewing. With this knowledge, you are neither cut off from intuitive psychic senses nor are you overwhelmed by them so that you remain grounded. The reason this is important is because most people go through life either with their apertures always shut down so that they become dried up and logical or too wide open, where they become flooded and flakey in nature. 7. You learn to use both your intuitive and analytic ( in other words, the right and left hemispheres of your brain) abilities together. Most dry scientific and metaphysical new age perspectives lack real coordination intuitive and critical thinking skills. It is open minds that are required today, and not gaping or closed minds where you tend to either think from a conclusion or read in situations. 8. With remote viewing, you can bring your emotional, intellectual, spiritual, intuitive and physical parts of your body into balance. Usually spiritual people are forced into psychic and spiritual dreams because of the painful emotions and feelings they had suffered during childhood. This does not imply that remote viewing should be practiced to avoid or bypass negative emotions. If done properly, remote viewing teaches you what your defenses and resistances are and from this knowledge, you can grow in different ways which you had never thought were possible before.


Some experiments to improve your remote viewing: To learn and experiment with remote viewing, you first have to decide on the remote viewer and the sender or person who targets the information to the viewer. Then the third person, who is not involved in remote viewing chooses 15 to 20 targets which the viewer will be remote viewing. These targets should be places in driving distance where the third person provides details of these targets on a card where the stronger the details are, the better. These targets are then secured and sealed in envelopes wherein a fourth person randomly selects an envelope to give to the viewer. On planning the time of this experiment, which may be about an hour, the sender and viewer will have no contact with each other. The sender then opens the envelope to find out for the first time, the target location. The sender goes to that location at the start time of the experiment. Prior to this, the viewer has to relax, dress comfortably, visit the bathroom to avoid interruptions and even disconnect phones and mobiles. When at the location at the designated time, the sender starts transmitting by thought, detailed impressions of the location like colors, shapes, structures and smells. The viewer, who is now relaxed with a pencil and paper, writes all impressions that come across. Shapes are drawn, while colors and smell impressions are noted down. The sender too should make notes and if possible, take photos of the target locations. At the end of the experiment, the viewer should sign and date all notes and drawings made, and hand them over to another person. At the end of the experiment both the senders and viewers notes are handed to an impartial

person, the judge, who compares the notes to find out how successful the remote viewing experiment was. The verdict is then given while everyone present can have a look at the materials to find out the percentage of remote viewing hits. If the experiment is successful, great. However if it is disappointing, there is no need of worrying as all you have to do is to try again. Remember that psychic experiments and remote viewing is made perfect through time, practice and diligence. Dont give up, try again and one day, you are sure to perfect the art of remote viewing and be able to look at the world and those around you with a much better perspective than before.


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