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Unit 1: Teenagers today

Vocabulary; teen topics.

Animal rights The environment, is the natural word. Music Sport Technology The developing word, are the countries are growing in economy, business. School life ar and terrorism !ashion Television and cinema Present simple Present continuous Affirmative " am playing. %e#she#it is playing. e#you#they are playing. Negative " am not playing. %e#she#it is not playing. e#you#they are not playing. Questions Am " playing? Is he#she#it playing? Are we#you#they playing?

Affirmative "#$ou# e#They play tennis. %e#She#"t plays tennis. Negative "#$ou# e#They dont play tennis. %e#She#"t doesnt play tennis. Questions Do "#you#we#they play tennis& Does he#she#it play tennis&

!ort ans"ers !ort ans"ers $es, "#you#we#they do. 'o, "#you#we#they $es, " am. 'o, " am not. don#t. $es, he#she#it is. 'o, he#she#it is not. $es, he#she#it does. 'o, he#she#it doesn#t. $es, we#you#they are. 'o, we#you#they are not.

$nglis! use; e%pressing opinions.

-Are you interested in music& ("t is )* but " hate pop music. -" thin+ pop music is great. ( hat about sport& ,o you li+e football& -!ootball is boring, but play bas+etball is fun. hat do you thin+ about television& ( atching reality shows is brilliant. -ut " hate cartoons.

-.eally& " thin+ cartoons are a shit too.

Vocabulary; &elping good causes.

-uy fair-trade products /ive money to charity Ma+e a poster .ead#write a leaflet Ta+e part in a demonstration 0isit sic+#old people ear a badge#ribbon#wristband

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