Business Project Handbook

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Department of Management Sciences(GS)

Bahria Business Project

A General Guideline

Prepared by Research Cell

August 2012

PART A: PLANNING THE BUSINESS PROJECT .................................................................... 3 1 2 3 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 Learning Objectives ........................................................................................................... 3 Most Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................... 4 3.1. About the Project ............................................................................................................ 4 3.2 About Supervision....................................................................................................... 6

3.3. About the Submission .................................................................................................... 7 PART B: BAHRIA BUSINESS PROJECT GUIDELINES ....................................................... 10 Components of a Project Report ............................................................................................. 10 Appendices .................................................................................................................................. 12 Appendix A ............................................................................................................................. 12 Appendix B.............................................................................................................................. 13


1 Introduction

The final stage of the MBA programme is concerned exclusively with a well researched and written project of approximately 10000 15000 words, which provides details of individual or group research into an agreed business issue. This Project will need to contain extended abstract as well s more technical information relating to the study undertaken.

The Project will enable students to undertake a sustained investigation in an area of their choice. The Project provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during the taught elements of the MBA programme. For most students this will involve diagnosing Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance or Human Resource Management problem, in a real-world context, and making recommendations based on these findings and analyses.

The aim of this handbook is to help the Students/Researchers to carry out their Project to the highest standards as well as facilitate their learning process. If you encounter problems whilst undertaking your Project or are unsure about how to proceed with your Project at any time you should consult this handbook and the recommended text book first. If you cannot find the answers you are looking for there, you should contact your supervisor to arrange a meeting.

Learning Objectives

The Business Project provides an opportunity to students to:


Develop an ability to formulate and undertake original research which has relevance to contemporary business issues and problems.


Integrate and inter-relate concepts, techniques and skills acquired in the course of the program.

c) Develop and apply analytical and communication skills as required by the Project process.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

If you havent written a Project Report before there is no need to panic. You will receive guidance and advice throughout the Semester in the form of guidance from a supervisor who will be assigned to advise you on all aspects of the process.

All of the advice contained in this section is equally relevant to students writing a Project Report for the first time as it is to those who have done Project type work before. Remember, the Project is your piece of work. How you approach your Project is largely your responsibility. Others, including supervisors, Co-Supervisors and Research Cell staff will be able to advise and discuss your work with you but you must be ready to manage and plan your Project yourself. Here is a list of questions that students often ask us each Semester: 3.1. About the Project

What makes a good Project?

Visit the Research Cell or meet your allocated Supervisor to discuss this issue in more depth. Although there is no one set of definitive criteria, work that is original, relevant, well written, critically informed and interesting tends to make a good Project. Remember that you will be living with your Project for almost a six month period so choose a problem/Issue that is going to keep you engaged and interested.

How long should my Project Report be?

About 10 000 to 15000 words depending upon the scope of the project and activities undertaken.

Does it matter if I write too much or too Yes. As a guide you should aim to be within little? 10% of the 10 000 - 15000 word guideline otherwise it could affect your grade. 4

What should I do if I am having problems Discuss this with your supervisor at the keeping to the word limit? earliest opportunity.

Does my Project Report need to be an Yes. It must be your own work and must not original piece of work? have been submitted previously to anybody. For this you need to get your Proposal approved from the Research Cell.

Can I look at a past Projects to get an idea of Yes. Projects written by previous students what is expected? may be found in the library, but these are a guide only. As you would be working with a new or existing client on a new problem/ issue. What subjects are allowed? Broadly any topic related to your area of specialization with one or more of the subjects covered on the MBA programme. Are there any restrictions on my choice of You must also be aware that your topic needs topic? to be approved by the Research Cell and you need a supervisor and Client who are willing to work with you. Whose role is it to identify a Project? You must do this yourself. Research Cell Staff and Faculty will try to help by giving some ideas of research areas and you should use the guidance provided by this handbook and the guidance given in the Proposal Development sessions to help you.


About Supervision

Do I need a supervisor?

Yes, without a supervisor your work cannot be marked!

How do I get a supervisor?

Supervisors will be allocated by the Research Cell after students have registered for a Project. You are not allowed to choose your supervisor.

Can I change my mind about my topic once I No, you cannot change your topic provided have written my Proposal? as its concerned with a practical problem and that too involves a client.

How many students does each supervisor This is dependent upon the ratio of support? supervisory staff to students. As a guide supervisors will take on at the most 5 projects. Each project can have a minimum of 1 member and a maximum of 3 members.

How do supervisors select their Projects?

Supervisors are allocated student Projects which are in an appropriate area of research including an industry for which the

What help can I expect from my supervisor?

Your supervisor will Facilitate and monitor you in the progression of your Project. The supervisor is responsible for supervising the process of the Project and not necessarily the content. Please note that it is not the role of the supervisor to tell the student what to do at the different stages of the process.

How do I get access to my supervisor ?

Unless the Supervisor stipulates otherwise please use e-mail to make appointments.

What if I miss an appointment?

You should advise your supervisor as soon as possible if you are unable to keep an appointment. Dont just fail to turn up, because you have a limited amount of contact time available and cannot afford to lose it.

What if I dont get on with my supervisor?

Try to resolve any difficulties which arise on a face to face basis at an early stage. Inform Research Cell if you still have problems.

How many hours will I get with my You will get a maximum of 1 hour of contact supervisor? time with your supervisor per session.

Will my supervisor be available throughout Supervisors will inform you when they are the semester? going to be away from the University for a long period. These dates need to be worked into your Project plan. Can I get a second opinion from a different If you are having difficulties with your supervisor? supervisor please contact the Research Cell. Please do not approach a different supervisor to ask their opinion on your Project.

3.3. About the Submission

Are there any requirements regarding the Yes. Details of the format are provided in this format of my submitted Project? booklet.

Can I submit my Project by e-mail or fax?







acceptable. Your draft work and final Project must be submitted in hard copy. 7

How many copies do I have to submit?

2 Spiral Copies + 1 CD on the first submission which would then be used for viva voce sessions. After you have cleared your viva voce and rework you would then be required to submit one Hardbound copy along with 2 CDs.

Does my submitted hard copy Project have to Yes, hard binding is a must as this would be be bound? placed in the University Library as a reference. Marks are not awarded for the quality of the binding! What is the deadline for submission of the Research Cell will communicate deadlines Project? via Email, Twitter and Research Cell notice board. It is your responsibility to keep a track of notices that may come.





Plagiarism The






(Similarity Tests)?

plagiarism (similarity test) one week before submission. There will be a final test on the date of submission but this would not be shown to students and will be treated as part of your final evaluation.

Is it possible to get an extension to the Requests for extensions can be made to the deadline? Research Coordinator through your

supervisor. However we strongly discourage this practice. A maximum of 10 days extension can be given on a case to case basis.

What are the consequences of handing the All late submissions would not be entertained Project in late without an extension? by the Research Cell and a case would be put forward to the HOD Office for further 8


Who will mark my Project?






(Internal and External).The Examiners would also conduct your viva voce.

How will it be graded?

According to the University Grading policy exactly as your course work.

Will I get feedback?

You will get feedback throughout the Project process from your Supervisor.

Will I get my Project back?

No, if you want your own copy make sure you keep a spare copy of your work.

When will I get the results?

We do not disclose results to students. All results are communicated to the exam cell.

Do I need to reference the work of others in Yes! You always need to reference work my Project? accurately and consistently. Failure to

reference the work of others may result in an accusation of plagiarism. You can consult your supervisor or the Research Cell Staff on issues of plagiarism.


a. The theme/topic of the project should be current and based on latest Business developments and Issues. b. The Candidate (s) will have to give a Project Proposal to the Research Cell before commencing the project work. There will be a proposal defence. c. An approval certificate/letter should be received from the client/organization before finalizing the Project topic. This should be on the official letter head of the organisation signed by company/department representative were the project is to be initiated.

Components of a Project Report

The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows: 1. Cover Page 2. Certificate/Letter by the Client/Organization 3. Acknowledgement 4. Abstract 5. Table of Contents 6. Table of figures (if any) 7. Chapters 8. Appendices 9. References Cover page (Title Page): Title, Name of the candidate (University and Enrol No.), Name of Organization, Place, Month and Year of submission. Certificate by the Organization: Refer to Appendix A Acknowledgements: the candidate may thank all those who helped in the preparation of project. Abstract: Abstract should not be more than one paged. It should include the purpose of the study, highlights on the methodology and a summary of the major findings, conclusions and recommendations. Table of contents: Use the built-in automatic Table of Contents in Word 2007/2010. The table of content should list all the material following it as well as any material which precedes it.


Main body of the project: this is the core aspect of your project and should be divided into 3 major parts, 1. Introduction, 2. Chapters developing the main theme of the Project work, 3. Conclusions 4.

The following chapters should be included in the Project Report:

1. Introduction (Details mentioned in the proposal including the company introduction. Refer to Appendix B for Project Proposal Template) 2. Problem Definition and requirement analysis 3. Design and Implementation 4. Testing and Deployment 5. Future Enhancements/Action Plan 6. Conclusion References: Students have the option of using either Harvard or APA Referencing styles.


Appendix A
(Sample of Certificate/Letter from the Client)

This is to certify that this project report, entitled TITLE OF PROJECT WORK by NAME OF STUDENT (S) (ENROL NUMBER), submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration from Bahria University, Islamabad Pakistan, during the academic year of 201..., is a bonafide record of work carried out under my permission and guidance.

Designation Name of Project Organization Address


Appendix B

Project Proposal Template

Project Title:
Section A
Project Rationale

Project Outline:
What is the business need for the project? Background/context/why should it be done evidence supporting need

Project Purpose:

State the overall reason for the project

Project Goal:

State the desired end result

Broad statement of Scope: Project Objectives: Anticipated Benefits:

Identify what work (and only that work) which must be accomplished to complete the project successfully.

State the objectives of the project in SMART terms.

Describe how things will be different if the project is successfully completed. Who will benefit, how they will benefit, what is the gain.

Key Success Factors:

List the factors that will be used to determine the success of the project. How do we know the project is successful?

Quality Definition:

State the quality criteria against which the project will be measured. Specify the key deliverables on route to achieving the project and specify final outputs/deliverables from the project

Major Deliverables:


Estimated Timeframe: Estimated Budget:

State the timeframes estimated for project completion.

State the budget estimates required. Problem identified by client.


List the constraints that limit the project e.g. time cost, quality.


List the assumptions that are made about the project.

Potential Risks:

Identify the most serious potential risks.

Section B
Project Structure/Personnel

Structure/Personnel/Information Requirements
Outline the project organizational structure and detail the skill mix/possible personnel for the project.

Project Manager/Supervisor Project Team:

Student Name(s) Enroll #

Information Requirements:

Describe the system of communication to be used and reporting mechanisms


Section C

Project Outline

Section D

Project Plan


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