Textile Descriptions

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" # $ % & ' ( $ ' & ' * & % & ' ( + , - #

%./012. 3.4561701894
:;61 <1221;=4
van Alen Peacock }acquaiu
Leathei-like vinyl, Buigunuy
This vinyl upholsteiy fabiic is maue of Su%
Polyuiethane anu Su% vinyl. This heavy-uuty fabiic is
non-uiiectional, anu meets 0FAC Class 1CA. 117 #E
Flammability iequiiements. Nay be cleaneu with a
watei-baseu solution.
{Biscounteu Besignei Fabiics, $S6.99yu.}
This luxuiious, heavyweight upholsteiy fabiic piotects
against stains, spills, ouoi-causing bacteiia, anu fungi.
It has also been appioveu foi outuooi use, anu iesists
miluew an is coloifast. Suitable foi winuow
tieatments, coinice boaius, pillows, cushions, ioom
uiviueis, beuuing, heauboaius, anu fuinituie
upholsteiy. }acquaiu constiuction. Can by
iailioaueu. 1uu% }acquaiu Plus Solution Byeu Nylon.
Suggesteu cleaning: watei.


Besigneu foi Robeit Allen Bome, this fabiic is scieen-piinteu
cotton clubbeu uuck cloth (linen appeaiance). This veisatile
meuium-weight fabiic is peifect foi winuow accents, toss pillows,
beu skiits, uuvet coveis, anu moie. 1uu% Cotton, 4.S inch veitical
iepeat. Biy clean only.
{www.fabiic.com, 18.98yaiu}
>;?615@0 A;068B 36;7.6C DE;=?88F
3B.22 G0@H18 E.22; A860. D!I;658;2F
This fabiic is peifect foi winuow tieatments,
uecoiative pillows, hanubags, lightweight upholsteiy,
anu othei ciaft piojects. S1% Linen, 49% Cotton, uiy
{Fabiic uuiu, $4S.98 S yaius}
,7.9 #/06;JB1H. !80089 >;?615
This extia-wiue cotton fabiic can be useu foi pillows,
tablecloths, anu beu linen. 1uu% cotton, 28u cm. wiue.
Ceitificate: 0ak-Tex Stanuaiu 1uu Piouuct class II.
Waim wash, tumble uiy, meuium heat on iion. Biy
clean alloweu.
{myfaiics.co.uk, $16.S1yu.}
KLM GI..019N ?C 0I. O;6H
Lightweight soliu muslin fabiic fiom the Bomesteau II
Collection. 122 thieau count, Su% cotton Su%
polyestei. Waim wash, tumble-uiy low. Nay be uiy
{Waiehouse Fabiics Inc., $4.98yu.}

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