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Special Report - 7 Secrets of Erotic Hypnosis by Phil Billitz

What is Erotic Hypnosis? Erotic hypnosis is all about how to hypnotize women for love, seduction and sex, and it can be very effective in enhancing the erotic and sexual life of couples. You can use erotic hypnosis to seduce a woman for the first time, or you can use it to deepen and intensify a relationship which is already intimate. Either way, erotic hypnosis allows you to become her perfect lover, the one she has always wanted. And the one she will do anything to please !emdom erotic hypnosis stories feature an erotic hypnosis mistress who will dominate and re"uire submission from her submissive lover. #he $ %ecrets of Erotic &ypnosis below were developed for hetero use, and for simplicity's sa(e, ) refer to seducing a woman. But, erotic hypnosis can be used in any hypnotic seduction and you will be amazed at how well they wor( on men or women. *sing Erotic Hypnosis is the best way to ta(e the most effective seduction techni"ues and allow you to do it repeatedly and with greater success. )n order to ma(e best use of the $ %ecrets of Erotic &ypnosis, you really need to have a certain amount of hypnotic s(ill. )f you don't already have these s(ills there are many products available that will help you. +o matter )f you are ,ust starting out, or if you are s(illed and really want to pic( up some new erotic hypnosis scripts, you will want to get the boo( -&ypnopoetics....odern /ove Poems and &ypnotic )nductions-. According to Wikipedia: 0Erotic hypnosis is the sexual interest in hypno sis and similar forms of mental persuasion or mind control. 1educing inhibitions and increasing arousal are the most common goals of erotic hypnosis.2 Erotic hypnosis and Hypnotic Seduction Poetry 3hat men who have used -&ypnopoetics... .odern /ove Poems and &ypnotic )nductions- to hypnotize and seduce women are saying... #estimonials from women who have read, used, and been seduced with the erotic hypnosis poems in -&ypnopoetics... .odern /ove Poems and &ypnotic )nductions-.

Erotic Hypnosis Secret No ! - "se the #$agic Word# #he .agic 3ord is a techni"ue you can use to get her instantly hot and intensify her orgasms. And is sooo easy to do. )t is more effective in mid to long term relationships than it is in one night stands. 4hoose a word that has fairly positive associations 5 ) li(e to use -perfect-. But, words li(e -wonderful- or -excellent- or -oh baby- or -naughty girl- or anything that you6she relates to will wor( as well. #hen, whenever she gets really turned on, especially when she starts to come, ,ust say the word a few times in as sexy a voice as you can manage. )t is o( to say it after she is done, but is best to say it as she is starting to come. After doing this a number of times, you will find that when you say the .agic 3ord to her in the same tone of voice, she will immediately experience that same state of arousal. 4an you imagine how much time and effort and foreplay this would save you7 And, it will help her experience even more pleasure while she is coming 5 all you have to do is repeat it. 8f course one of the most powerful .agic 3ords is her name 9or yours:. %aying her name or having her say yours at the time of climax is one of the most powerful bonding actions imaginable. %ideo- Ho& to Hypnoti'e Wo(en &ith the $agic Word http;<3=dE*=!>+/? Erotic Hypnosis Secret No ) - *rain and "se +*he %oice, #his is important. 3ith erotic hypnosis, how you say it is as important as what you say. ) don't (now what your voice sounds li(e right now, but more than li(ely it could use some improvement. %o, wor( on it all the time. !or instance, ) developed a game with a lover that involved her using @the 0Aoice' on me. *sing -the Aoice-, she was able to get me incredibly aroused sitting next to her in a coffee shop 5 simply by tal(ing about strawberries and blueberries and raspberries. 3hat a turn on Benerally, slower and softer is better. #hin( @bedroom voice'. You don't have to sound li(e Cames Earl Cones or a stage hypnotist, but tonality, pacing and emphasis are important. &ere are some examples of Erotic &ypnosis 9&ypnopoetic: Poems using @the Aoice'; D -cean Sunset D Another *i(e D Right No& And there are a couple of videos at the end of this article with hypnopoetic poems that also illustrate the tone, pacing, and delivery appropriate to erotic hypnosis. Erotic Hypnosis Secret No . - "se the +/la((o, Pattern for Se0ual Acceleration

) don't have time to teach the whole pattern here, but 1oss Ceffries, genius that he is, developed a %peed %eduction pattern that is the most powerful sexual accelerator that ) have ever used. &e calls it the -Blammo- pattern and it is described in the %peed %eduction &ome %tudy 4ourse. Basically, you trance her out, get her to identify where she feels arousal, and get her to imagine that feeling of arousal as a color and then have her spread that color throughout her body, intensifying it along the way. #hrow in a dimmer switch and you can light her up li(e a searchlight. Erotic Hypnosis Secret No 1 - *ake Her 2n and -ut 34ractionate5 for /etter +2n and -ut, You will want to use a lot of &ypnotic mini5 inductions. #his wor(s far more powerfully than one long induction and is much easier to do as a form of covert hypnosis. Each time you do this, her trance state will be deeper and she will be even more into it than she was before. ) li(e to use shortened versions of the Elman hypnotic induction; describe something she is feeling, something she is seeing, something she is hearing, and as( her to visualize, remember, or imagine something erotic, let her en,oy that for a few minutes. !ractionate then repeat. #his tends to deepen and intensify their trance state. %o, for instance when you have her daydreaming and imagining erotic things, or she is responding really well to what is happening physically, stop what you are saying6doing and interrupt things 9briefly: by getting up for a glass of water, saying something funny, pulling bac( physically, turning away. 3hen you return, get right bac( into it. Erotic Hypnosis Secret No 6 - Her $ind is an Erotic 7old(ine &er memory and imagination is your sexual playground. #he brain is the primary sexual organ and science tells us, that at a neurological level, the brain doesn't always (now the difference between a memory and an actual experience, or between an actual experience and a particularly vivid memory. %o, how do you find out her fantasies7 By as(ing. All you have to do is elicit stories and descriptions of what turns her on, and then tell her stories with those descriptions to get her even hotter.

Elicit her turn5ons and use them to turn her on. 1emind her of times when you (now she was really turned on and get her to remember them as vividly as possible. 3hat were you feeling-,-what were you seeing-, what were you hearing, tasting, etc-. As( her things li(e; -#ell me something you li(ed about EEEEEEE-F -3hat was the best part of that for you7-F -3hat did you really li(e about that7-. Pay attention to her answers, then bring that up when you are getting intimate again 5 -4an you remember when we did EEEEEE, mmm, how great was that7Aery important; Go not be ,udgmental. Gon't argue 9unless, of course, being ,udgmental and arguing is mutually stimulating :. )f you are hearing things you don't li(e, let her (now 9out of trance: that you may not be into that, but thin( it's cool that she is. You don't want to discourage her being honest and forthcoming about what gets her off. Bet her to say it, get her to as( for it; -Gid you always want a lover who would EEEEEEEE to you7- #hen later as( her -8h honey, can ) be the lover who does EEEEE to you7Erotic Hypnosis Secret No 8 - 9et Her 4ill in the /lanks Go not tell her what to feel or thin( 5 thatFs for commands after she is in trance. )nstead, be vague in your descriptions, elicit her inner experiences and let her unconscious mind supply the details. D -) don't really (now what it's li(e for you. But you (now what you li(e, don't you7D -.mmm 5 can you remember a time when ) was touching you exactly where you li(e to be touched7D -4an you show me or tell me where, you want thatD -tell me about a time when ) was (issing you exactly the way you li(e to be (issed7D -3hat was it li(e for you when you felt me so strong and aggressive7By as(ing these "uestions, you are placing her in the same emotional state of mind she was in when it happened. )f she wants to tell you specifics of the experience, that is all the better. #hen you can use the information to intensify; -8h yeah, ) remember when ) had my finger right there 5 you were really getting into it, weren't you7 ) could tell.But being specific isn't always necessary. 8ne of the most erotic phrases ) have ever used with a woman is to tell her -) can feel you...!ollowing up with specifics is excellent, once you learn what the specifics are. Cust be willing to move forward by letting her decide -exactly the way you li(e it-.

Erotic Hypnosis Secret No 7 - "se Hypnotic Seduction Poetry #a(e advantage of the wor( that has already been done for you. %ave time and money and start getting those things you want from a lover right now. !or those who want to get started with Erotic &ypnosis right away, get the boo( of hypnopoems 9hypnotic poetry: at & Erotic Hypnosis for Hypnotic Seduction %ideos &ere are a couple of videos that will demonstrate the use of hypnotic poetry in erotic hypnosis; http;<d(&Exg!=to( http;<w!P,AvvboGY And remember; +ever read or recite &ypnotic Poetry to someone who is driving Phil

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