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html Instead of quality documentation, one should consider the documentation needed by good business management as a whole.

Old solutions (which however are still used in many organizations) include:

Loose and fragmented paper documents Copied or printed manuals, procedure documents, record reports, and certificates Fragmented documents in information technology (IT) systems Semi-structured IT systems or intranets with variable share of Office and HTML documents

Organization needs to share information and knowledge among its managers, employees, and people of stakeholders Incredible amount of training time is needed for an employee to learn how to effectively use such a complex suite of applications and all of the processes and steps involved to complete their assigned responsibilities.

Key problems of corporate intranets relate to the following issues:

Employees need to make more informed and consistent decisions. Employees are asked to complete more activities online. Intranet sites contain thousands of pages and continue to grow. Intranet pages must be continually updated. Employees must access information from multiple sources. Navigation through your organization's intranet becomes difficult.

The PDCA model was originally introduced by Walter Shewhart already in 1929 and published in his book 1939. In that original version Shewhart used S (Study) instead of C (Check). Shewhart used this approach particularly for statistical quality control of manufacturing processes. 3. Restructurar el Sistema de Gestin de la Calidad, para hacerlo ms sencillo y rentable, integrndolo con otros sistemas de la empresa y manteniendo la certificacin. Esta sera la mejor solucin, si no se dan los supuestos anteriores.
FECI: Se refiere a la sobretasa destinada al Fondo Especial de Compensacin de Intereses, cuando fuere el caso. Aquellos prstamos personales, comerciales, locales, mayores de $5,000.00, concedidos por bancos y entidades financieras se incluir y retendr la suma equivalente al uno por ciento (1%) anual sobre el mismo monto que sirve de base para el clculo de los intereses.

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