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Design for Learning

Instructor: Victoria Bye Lesson Title: Countin Turkeys! Curriculum Area: Math Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: K/ McAdams Date: 11/19/13 Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Standards Connection: AL K Mathematics 9! "o#$e addition and su%traction &ord 'ro%#ems( and add and su%tract &ithin 10( e)*)( %y usin* o%+ects or dra&in*s to re'resent the 'ro%#em) ,K-.A/0 Learning O !ective"s#: 1hen *i$en 2our addition &ord 'ro%#ems and math mani'u#ati$es( students &i## correct#y use the mani'u#ati$es to so#$e at #east three o2 the &ord 'ro%#ems &ithout error) Learning O !ective"s# stated in $%id&friendl'( language: Boys and *ir#s( today &e are *oin* to read some math &ord 'ro%#ems and use sma## o%+ects to he#' us add num%ers to*ether) Evaluation of Learning O !ective"s#: The students &i## com'#ete a &orksheet &ith 2our addition &ord 'ro%#ems usin* 2eathers and turkeys) They &i## score at #east three out o2 2our on the assessment Engagement: The instructor &i## *ather the sma## *rou' and take them to the &orkroom) Good morning) friends* +ho can tell me ,hat holida' is coming up ne-t ,ee%. /es) Than%sgiving is ne-t ,ee%0 +ho can tell me one animal 'ou thin% of ,henever 'ou thin% a out Than%sgiving. Ca## on students unti# someone res'onds &ith 3turkeys)4 52 no one *uesses 3turkeys(4 the instructor &i## 'ro$ide c#ues) Tur%e's* /es* Toda' ,e are going to use tur%e's to solve addition pro lems0 Learning Design:

5) Teachin*6 1o's and girls) toda' ,e are going to use these tur%e's to solve addition ,ord pro lems0 I have given each of 'ou ten small tur%e's and I have ten igger tur%e's0 Let2s tal% a out ,ord pro lems for a minute0 +henever ,e read a ,ord pro lem) ,e need to loo% for the important information in the pro lem0 +ho can tell me ,hat important information ,e might find in a math ,ord pro lem. A##o& students time to think and res'ond) In ,ord pro lems ,e can find important information li%e num ers that tell us ho, man' and clue ,ords that tell us ,hat ,e need to do ,ith the pro lems0 If ,e see ,ords li%e $total)( $all together)( $add)( or $in all)( ,e ,ill %no, that ,e have an addition pro lem and ,e need to add some num ers together to find an ans,er0 Listen to this pro lem ver' closel': $there are t,o tur%e's sleeping and t,o tur%e's eating in the field0 3o, man' tur%e's are there all together.( +hich ,ords helped 'ou %no, that this is an addition pro lem. The instructor &i## &ait 2or an ans&er and re'eat the 'ro%#em i2 necessary) 4er' good* Each math ,ord pro lem that ,e do toda' ,ill e an addition pro lem) ut I ,ant 'ou to %eep those ,ords in 'our head0 So ,e can use num ers and important ,ords to help us figure out ,hat ,e need to solve in a math pro lem0 Once ,e have the num ers ,e need to add together in the addition ,ord pro lems) ,e can use math manipulatives to solve the pro lems0

5anipulatives are o !ects that ,e can use to represent num ers0 Toda' ,e are going to use small tur%e's ecause it is almost Than%sgiving* Lets go ac% to our ,ord pro lem from a minute ago: $There are 6 tur%e's sleeping and 6 tur%e's eating in the field0 3o, man' tur%e's are there all together.( Let2s loo% for the important information in this pro lem0 +hat is the first num er ,e come to in the pro lem. /es) 60 6 ,hat. 6 tur%e's ver' good0 So let2s pull aside t,o tur%e's to represent the t,o sleeping tur%e's0 7o, ,hat I the last num er ,e come to in the pro lem. 80 There are three tur%e's eating0 Let2s pull a,a' three tur%e's from our pile of tur%e's0 9&6&80 So no, ,e have our t,o sleeping tur%e's over here and our three eating tur%e's over here0 +hat do ,e need to do to find out ho, man' tur%e's ,e have total. :ight* +e need to add them together0 Let2s ring our group of t,o and our group of three together0 7o, let2s count them to find our total0 Count ,ith me0 9&6&8&;&<0 So ho, man' tur%e's do ,e have total. /es) ,e have < tur%e's total0 6 sleeping tur%e's plus 8 eating tur%e's e=uals < tur%e's in all0 7o, ,e are going to use some tur%e' feathers to help us solve our math pro lem0 The instructor ,ill hold up the ne-t ,ord pro lem0 This pro lem sa's $I have t,o tur%e's0 One has > feathers and one has ; feathers0 3o, man' feathers are there in all0( :emem er) ,e are going to use the feathers to solve this pro lem0 Can someone tell me ,hat I need to do first. The instructor ,ill call on a fe, students0 3opefull' a student ,ill sa' that 'ou need to pull si- feathers aside first0 If not) sa' ,ell ho, man' feathers does the first tur%e' have. $>0( 4er' good* So ho, man' feathers do I need to start ,ith. $>0( Count them ,ith me0 9&6&8&;&<&>0 So ,e have > feathers ecause ,e read that our first tur%e' has > feathers0 And ho, man' do I need to pull out for the second tur%e'. $;0( /es) so no, ,e have one set of > and one set of ;0 +hat do ,e need to do to find the total num er of feathers. /es) ,e need to count them* Let2s count together0 9&6&8&;&<&>&?&@& A&9B0 7o, I ,ant 'ou to tr' a ,ord pro lem ,ith 'our partner sitting ne-t to 'ou0 55) .''ortunity 2or 7ractice6 I am going to give each group a set of tur%e's and a set of tur%e' feathers0 Cor this first pro lem) 'ou ,ill onl' use 'our tur%e's0 $/our famil' has a farm0 There are ; tur%e's on 'our farm) ut 'our dad is going to u' < more toda'0 3o, man' total tur%e's ,ill 'ou have.( Dse the tur%e's to solve this pro lem ,ith 'our friend0 The instructor &i## monitor %oth 'airs and o22er he#' i2 needed) 1hen each *rou' has 2inished( they &i## ta#k a%out the ans&er to*ether) So ho, man' tur%e's did 'ou have to start. ;0 And ho, man' did the dad u'. <0 So ,hat ,as 'our total num er of tur%e's. A0 4er' good0 let2s chec% 'our ans,er0 9&6&8&; tur%e's alread' on the farm) and 9&6&8&;&< tur%e's ought for the farm0 Let2s add them together"slide the groups together# and count to see if A is the correct ans,er0 9&6&8&;&<&>&?&@&A0 /a'* +e got it right0 I ,ant 'ou to tr' one more ,ord pro lem in 'our group: $/ou see 6 tur%e's0 One tur%e' has 6 feathers and one tur%e' has > feathers0 3o, man' feathers do the tur%e's have all together.( Dse 'our feathers to solve this pro lem0 The instructor &i## a*ain o22er he#' &hen needed( %ut encoura*e the students to think on their

o&n to so#$e the 'ro%#ems) Let2s see ,hat our ans,er is for this pro lem0 3o, man' feathers did the first tur%e' have. 60 9&6 "pull feathers aside#0 And ho, man' did the second have. >0 9&6&8&;&<&> "pull feathers aside#0 So let2s add our piles together and see ho, man' ,e have total0 3o, man' did 'our group sa' ,e ,ill have total. +ell let2s see0 Count ,ith me0 9&6&8&;&<&>&?&@0 The t,o tur%e's have @ feathers all together0 Let2s tr' one more: $I have 8 tur%e's0 One has 6 feathers) one has 8 feathers) and one has ; feathers0 3o, man' feathers are there in all.( The instructor &i## &a#k around to o22er he#'( %ut 'ro$ide as #itt#e as 'ossi%#e) This one ,as a little harder ecause ,e had three num ers to use0 +hat num ers did ,e add together. $T,o) three) and four0( and ,hat ,as our total num er of feathers. $A0(Great !o ) friends* 555) Assessment6 7o, I am going to give 'ou a little ,or%sheet to ,or% on ' 'ourself) ut this time 'ou are going to use these loc%s instead of tur%e's and feathers0 I ,ant 'ou to read each pro lem carefull') pic% out the num ers 'ou need) and use the loc%s to help 'ou find 'our ans,er0 After 'ou find the total num er of loc%s) ,rite 'our ans,er on 'our paper0 I ,ill e ,atching to ma%e sure that 'ou are using the loc%s to help 'ou add0 +hen 'ou finish) 'ou ma' loo% at these oo%s a out tur%e's0 The instructor &i## &atch students and access their a%i#ity to use mani'u#ati$es to he#' them so#$e &ord 'ro%#ems) Their use o2 the mani'u#ati$es &i## count as a 2i2th 'ro%#em on the assessment( %ut &i## not %e on their &orksheet) 5V) C#osure6 /ou all have done a great !o toda'* +ho can tell me ,hat ,e learned. A##o& time 2or ans&ers) +e learned ho, to use our manipulatives& tur%e's) feathers) and loc%s& to help us solve addition ,ord pro lems0 I am so proud of 'ou* 3app' Than%sgiving*
5aterials and :esources: Turkey Cut .uts 8athers Cut outs 1ord 7ro%#ems 1orksheet 2or Assessment Differentiation Strategies "including plans for individual learners#: 9- 52 a student easi#y com'#etes the task &ith mani'u#ati$es( he or she &i## %e *i$en a di22erent &orksheet and not %e a##o&ed to use mani'u#ati$es to so#$e the 'ro%#ems) L- 52 a student cannot so#$e the 'ro%#ems usin* mani'u#ati$es( the instructor &i## 'ro$ide one on one assistance) Data Anal'sis: .ne student ans&ered three out o2 2our correct#y on the assessment( and one ans&ered t&o out 2our correct#y) :eflection: This #esson &ent 2air#y smooth#y) 5 had the t&o most ad$anced students in the c#ass) The %oth ha$e some 2ocus issues: there2ore( it &as s#i*ht#y di22icu#t to kee' their attention( es'ecia##y &ith my 'ro2essor( &ho is un2ami#iar to them( in the room) They seemed to en+oy the seasona# #esson: ho&e$er( one student did not understand &hy he cou#d not discuss the assessment &ith the other %oy) 5 think it

cou#d ha$e %ene2icia# to *i$e them a 2e& more 'ractice 'ro%#ems and s'read the #esson o$er a #on*er 'eriod o2 time) .$era##( 5 am '#eased &ith this #esson)


I see a group of 8 tur%e's and a group of ; tur%e's0 3o, man' tur%e's are there in all. EEEEE tur%e's There is 9 tur%e' sleeping and < tur%e's eating0 3o, man' tur%e's are there all together. EEEEE tur%e's



I have t,o tur%e's0 One has @ feathers and one has 6 feathers0 3o, man' total feathers are there. EEEEE feathers


One tur%e' has < feathers and one tur%e' has 8 feathers0 3o, man' feathers are there in all. EEEEE feathers

There are 6 tur%e's sleeping and 6 tur%e's eating in the field0 3o, man' tur%e's are there all together. I have 6 tur%e's0 One has > feathers and one has ; feathers0 3o, man' feathers are there in all.

/our famil' has a farm0 There are ; tur%e's on 'our farm) ut 'our dad is going to u' < more toda'0 3o, man' total tur%e's ,ill 'ou have. /ou see 6 tur%e's0 One tur%e' has 6 feathers and one tur%e' has > feathers0 3o, man' feathers do the tur%e's have all together.

I have 8 tur%e's0 One has 6 feathers) one has 8 feathers) and one has ; feathers0 3o, man' feathers are there in all.

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