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Clare McInerney EDUC.

353 12/11/13 Observation of Charlene Frankini

I really enjoyed my time with Charlene at PS. 37. We had a particularly difficult group to work with and I really appreciated having such a good partner to observe with. When we created this lesson plan it was a great collaboration. Charlene has a very good handle on the students abilities. She wanted to create something that was as creative and fun. I suggested a matching activity with the vocabulary words from the textbook and there definitions. Charlene had the idea instead of matching just words to definitions we could match the words with scenarios. This way the children had more creative real world examples to relate to. I thought her suggestion added a lot more depth to the lesson. It also was a good indication if the children actual comprehended the meaning of the word. Our students were very loud and were very unwilling to listen to directions. We spilt the teaching of the lesson into two parts. Charlene did a guided real aloud and switched off with students every couple of paragraphs. You could see her using Danielsons Domain three by engaging students in learning. The read aloud lesson had the students actively working together instead of it being teacher centered. This made the learning environment more collaborative and interactive. Charlene made sure to put an emphasis on the bolded vocabulary words because she knew they would be asked about them on their worksheets. Charlene did a good job at rephrasing the more difficult definitions for the classroom.

She showed really excellent classroom management skills and was able to keep the class reasonably quite. This is actually incredibly difficult. Charlene is naturally very quiet and soft spoken person, I wasnt sure how she was going to handle all of the students at once. But I was very impressed with how easily she took to the role of teacher. She clearly demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness section E of Domain three. She was very professional and calm no matter how often the students spoke out of turn. When the students would get off track she was able to redirect back to the text. Overall all Charlene was very professional and I think shes going to make an excellent teacher.

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