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[Teen Living]

Group Associations
Every person is different and it is important for teenagers to realize this, especially when it comes to dating. Everyone has different feelings of confidence and is associated with many different types of groups. Students need to realize the importance of group socialization and how it takes time to develop enough confidence to pair together in a serious relationship. Group socialization can greatly impact a teenager in many different ways.

[Grades 9-10] [100 minutes-two class periods]

Teaching Materials
Inductive Thinking ! ! ! Inductive Thinking PPT Inductive Thinking Activity Sheet Colored Pencils

Students will communicate about adolescent attractions to the opposite sex (Affective Domain, Level 2: Responding. ! Identify the purposes and the importance of group socialization and examine why each adolescent is not ready to pair at the same time (Cognitive Domain, Level 1: Knowledge). A. Perceive advantages of group socialization rather than paired dating at an early age (Psychomotor Domain, Level 1: Perception).

Other Resources/Technology
Computer ! ! Projector Screen

Introduction/Set Induction (20 minutes):

PHASE 1: Concept Formation: Set Induction- List: The students will go through each slide of the PowerPoint to list the different types of groups that they are associated with in their personal lives. They fill out the table labeled group associations. Group: Number the students off to assemble them into groups (all 1s in right front corner, all 2s in left front corner, 3s in right back corner, 4s in left back corner). Colored pencils will be placed with each group. Next the students will color code their list by grouping things that belong together. From the table that they completed, they will color their different groups based on ones that go together. Label Once the students are done color coding their items they will give each category a label. They will complete the Label It activity sheet.

Group Associations

Lesson Body (70 minutes):

PHASE 2: Interpretation of Data (30 minutes): Identify Critical Relationships: Next the students will interpret their categories by looking at the names of them and see what similarities or differences they may have. They will complete the Interpret It charts for four relationships they find between their categories. Each student will complete four Venn diagrams by writing two similarities and two differences for each relationship. Explore & Explain Relationships between Categories: The students will participate in the Jot It Down reflection paragraph. They will pick one of the relationships they found and write about it. They will have to explain what the relationship is and if it influences another category. Their paragraph has to be 4-7 complete sentences. The students will then discuss their paragraph with their assigned groups. Make Inferences about Categories: The students will then come up with statements to explain their conclusions about the different groups they are associated with in their lives to show how these conclusions impact their life. They will complete the Why does this matter prompt. PHASE 3: Application of Principles (40 minutes): Predict Consequences: The students will go through a discussion about predictions. (What would happen if) Students will create a comic strip to demonstrate their predictions. Support Predictions: The students will create dialogue to go along with their prediction comic strips to support the pictures and answer why this would happen. Verify Predictions Students will share with the class their comic strips and then discuss as a group what would it take for this to be true.

Transition (5 minutes):
Students will hand in individual predictions and return to their seats from their numbered groups.

Summary/Closure (5 min):
Students need to realize the importance of group socialization and how it takes time to develop enough confidence to pair together in a serious relationship. Group socialization can greatly impact a teenager in many different ways.

Students will be assessed throughout the classroom discussion. The teacher will need to monitor that each student participated in some way during the lesson. They also will be evaluated on their prediction reflection papers.

Group Associations

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