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By Nicholas

What are Fingerprints

Fingerprints are the tiny ridges, whorls and valley patterns on the tip of each finger. Fingerprints are created when oily residue is left behind by fingers. Oily residue is a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.

Different types of Fingerprints

How Fingerprints develop

Fingerprints develop when you are in your mums womb, where pressure is pushed to the babys developing finger. Fingerprints are also linked to your mother there is a good chance that your finger would be the same as your mother.

Is DNA Important?
Yes, DNA is so important that the United States government has spent enormous amounts of money to unravel the sequence of DNA in hopes of understanding and finding cures for many genetic diseases.

Fun Quiz
What are the chances of getting the exact same fingerprint as someone else? Answer: 1 in 64 billion chance

What is the least common pattern you could have on your finger? Answer: Whorls

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