My Role Model Powerpoint Assignment

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My Role Model PowerPoint

You will create a PowerPoint presentation based on the research of your important figure. You are required to have a minimum of the following slides. The bullets below are not necessarily all going to fit on one slide; you may need to use multiple slides to include all the information within the PowerPoint.


Slide One: a. b. c. d. Title: My Role Model Name (First, Last) & Class Picture of Important Figure or Role Model Multi- Color Gradient Background


Slide Two a. b. c. Title: Table of Contents Inset Smart Art Graphic 3 Pictures of Important Figure i. ii. iii. d. One Childhood Picture One Adult Life Picture One picture representing a period of an Important Accomplishment

Multi-Color Gradient Background


Slide Three a. b. Title: Childhood Bulleted Information on the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. c. Name Birth Date Birth Place Education Family Background Important Events in their Childhood

PICTURE Background- Fill Background with picture that relates to one of the bulleted information above. (For Example: Picture of Important Figure Childhood School, Family Photo, Picture of Important Event during Childhood, etc)


Slide Four: a. b. Title Slide: Adult Life Bulleted Information on the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. c. Marriage and/or Children College Education Jobs Important Events in their Adult Life Death

PICTURE Background- - Fill Background with picture that relates to one of the bulleted information above. (For Example: Picture of Important Figure College, Family Photo, Picture of Important Event during Adult life, etc)


Slide Five: a. b. Title: Important Accomplishments Bulleted Information on the following: i. ii. iii. c. Awards of Recognitions Whose Lives Did Your Role Model Affect? Why Do Call This Person Your Role Model?

PICTURE Background- - Fill Background with picture that relates to one of the bulleted information above. (For Example: Picture of Important Figure Awards or Recognitions or a Picture of a Funded Charity)


Slide Six: EXTRA CREDIT a. b. Title Slide: Reference At least THREE References or URL Addresses based on the information used to completed Research Packet and/ or the PowerPoint Presentation.

All slides must are required to have Animations, Slide Transitions and Rehearsed Timings. EXTRA CREDIT: 1. Insert a H H O M E A C T O N HO OM ME EA AC CT TIIIO ON N 2. On Table of Contents SlideP P a c e H y p e r n k Pllla ac ce eH Hy yp pe er rllliiin nk k! On Mouse Click: a. b. c. Childhood! Slide 3 Adult Life ! Slide 4 Important Accomplishments ! Slide 5 B B U T T O N BU UT TT TO ON N on the following slides: a. b. c. Childhood Adult Life Important Accomplishments

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