2005 DODGE TRUCK For Sale

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COLVILLE TRIBAL CREDIT corporation Vehicle for Sale


Accepting Bids Property sold in AS IS condition ASKING BID: $13,5 !

"##ers to p$rc%&se &re to 'e s$'(itted to )ol*ille +ri'&l )redit )orpor&tion 'y Dece('er 31, , 13! Ple&se s$'(it 'id in & se&led en*elope cle&rly (&r-ed: Bid .nclosed, D"DG.! Bids c&n 'e (&iled to: )ol*ille +ri'&l )redit )orpor&tion, P!"! Bo/ 011, Nespele(, 2A 33155 or e(&iled to 4eg%&n!#inley5col*illetri'es!co( +ri'&l (e('ers interested in #in&ncing t%ro$g% )ol*ille +ri'&l )redit )orpor&tion ($st &pply #or & lo&n &t t%e ti(e t%ey send in t%eir 'id before Dece('er 31, , 13! 6or &ddition&l in#or(&tion, or to loo- &t *e%icle, ple&se c&ll )ol*ille +ri'&l )redit )orpor&tion &t 75 38 039:,051! )ol*ille +ri'&l )redit )orpor&tion reser*es t%e rig%t to &ccept or re;ect &ny or &ll 'ids!

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