Authors Style Graphic Organizer

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Literary Analysis: Authors Style

Directions: After reading chapter 21 in Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson during class, read chapters 22-23 for homework. While reading think about the authors writing style and the impact she is trying to create. Fill in the following graphic organizer using chapters 21-23.

Technique Word Choice is the way words are used by the author. Formal words, slang, unusual words, words in another language, repeating words, etc. Question: How does the authors word choice impact the story?

Answer to the question with an example and page number

Sentence lengths and structures Question: Does the author vary his/her sentence lengths and structure? Does this impact his/her writing and the emotion it brings to the read, how?

Dialogue shows the reader how the characters speak and can show the characters background. Question: Why do you think the author chose to use dialogue or didnt use dialogue?

Tone tells that the authors attitude toward the subject is. Formal language creates a serious tone. Informal language creates a lighthearted tone. Question: What does the author use more of? How does the author set the tone for the story?

Mood is the atmosphere or feeling that the author establishes in the story. Question: What type of mood is the author trying to form in the reader?

Sensory language appeals to the five senses and creates a certain style. Writing that helps the reader to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell the action of the story. Descriptive writing. Question: How does the author appeal to all five senses?

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