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Activity 1: 20 points max Evidence/ Argument

Excellent (4-5) Cites specific textual evidence from the document to fully support analysis of the evidence and overall argument. Understands and clearly articulates how the Northwest Ordinance could be seen as precedent for future state admissions. Recognizes significance of event timeline. Responds thoughtfully to other student views and engages in dialogue. Clearly states, fully explains, and supports answers. Refers directly to the document but does not quote uses own words to explain thoughts and concepts.

Adequate(2-3) Refers to limited textual evidence in partial support of the analysis of the source.

Poor (0-1) Argument lacks support from textual evidence.


Shows recognition of connection but doesnt fully articulate the connection. Participates in the discussion but not in a back/forth dialogue with classmates.

Limited participation; discussion doesnt show involvement in activity or thoughtfulness regarding topic.


Accuracy/ Understanding

Poorly explained or unclear answers; may quote without any use of own words. Shows insight and Shows some but limited Answers are substantial/advanced interpretation/understanding inaccurate and interpretation/understanding of the document. Answers show little or of the document. Answers are correct but could be no are not only correct but are stated more fully. understanding. well-explained and fully explained.

Answers are stated but not fully fleshed out. Ideas are not fully expressed in authors own words.

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