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Leadership Development

Roles and Responsibilities

1. Internal Operations Coordinator (2): Responsible for creating the o!erpoint and !ee"l# agenda for meeting$ m%st bring his or her laptop to the &eneral Committee 'eetings. ((ote: m%st have a C) )n#thing else that needs to be done for the meetings also falls %nder the d%ties of the IOC. *responsible+ reliable, 2. resenter: ic" %p pro-ector for &C' and spea"s at the meetings. )n#thing else that needs to be done for the meetings also falls %nder the d%ties of the resenter. *charismatic+ stage presence+ enth%siastic, .. /ecretar#: 0a"es notes at &C's. 'a"es and %pdates &oogle Docs and Calendar (for spea"ers and event sign %ps). *thoro%gh+ p%nct%al, 1. Comm%nications )dministrators (2): 0a"es detailed notes for committee meetings. Responsible for email correspondence and getting in to%ch !ith those !e need to see. *good !ith grammar+ detail oriented, 2. Creative Director: ic" %p the gifts for spea"ers+ !rap them+ and bring one to each meeting. 3oc%s on generating %ni4%e ideas+ i.e. finding a name for the LD event and creating fl#er. *idea oriented+ neat, 5. rogram lanners (2): Organi6es the professional event. *spirited+ eager+ aggressive+ organi6ed,

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