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WRCNU Info Sheet

Wildlife Rehabilitation of Northern Utah 1490 Park Boulevard, Ogden, UT 84401 801 814 !888

Through wildlife rehabilitation and education we will empower the community to engage in conservation and responsible stewardship of wildlife and habitat.


What We Do

WRCNU Info Sheet

(age ) of *

Who We Help

Below are a Golden Eagle and Great Blue Heron released to the wild

Releasing Animals To The Wild

Special Interest Story Headline

You can also research articles or find filler! articles b" accessing the World Wide Web# You can $rite about a %ariet" of topics but tr" to &eep "our articles short# 'uch of the content "ou put in "our ne$sletter can also be used for "our Web site# 'icrosoft Word offers a simple $a" to con%ert "our ne$sletter to a Web publication# So+ $hen "ou,re finished $riting "our ne$sletter+ con%ert it to a Web site and post it#

WRCNU Info Sheet

(age 2 of *

Inside Stor" Headline

'uch of the content "ou put in "our ne$sletter can be used for "our Web site# 'icrosoft Word offers a simple $a" to con%ert "our ne$sletter to a Web publication# So+ $hen "ou,re finished $riting "our ne$sletter+ con%ert it to a Web site and post it# -irst+ determine the audience of the ne$sletter# This could be an"one $ho might benefit from the information it contains+ for e.ample+ emplo"ees or people interested in purchasing a product or re/uesting "our ser%ice# You can compile a mailing list from business repl" cards+ customer information sheets+ 0usiness cards collected at trade sho$s+ or membership lists# You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a compan"# If "ou e.plore the (ro1ect 3aller"+ "ou $ill find man" publications that match the st"le of "our ne$sletter# Ne.t+ establish ho$ much time and mone" "ou can spend on "our ne$sletter# These factors $ill help determine ho$ fre/uentl" "ou publish "our ne$sletter at least /uarterl" so that it,s considered a consistent source of information# Your customers or emplo"ees $ill loo& for$ard to its arri%al#

Inside Stor" Headline

You can also research articles or find filler! articles b" accessing the World Wide Web# You can $rite about a %ariet" of topics but tr" to &eep "our articles short# 'uch of the content "ou put in "our ne$sletter can also be used for "our Web site# 'icrosoft Word offers a simple $a" to con%ert "our ne$sletter to a Web publication# So+ $hen "ou,re finished $riting "our ne$sletter+ con%ert it to a Web site and post it# The sub1ect matter that appears in ne$sletters is %irtuall" endless# You can include stories that focus on current technologies or inno%ations in "our field# You ma" also $ant to note business or economic trends+ or ma&e predictions for "our customers or clients# If the ne$sletter is distributed internall"+ "ou might comment upon ne$ procedures or impro%ements to the business# Sales figures or earnings $ill sho$ ho$ "our business is gro$ing# Some ne$sletters include a column that is updated e%er" issue+ for instance+ an ad%ice column+ a boo& re%ie$+ a letter from the president+ or an editorial# You can also profile ne$ emplo"ees or top customers or %endors# Selecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content#

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Wildlife Rehabilitati on of Northern Utah

0ac& (age Stor" Headline

If you have any questions regarding WRCNU contact DaLyn Erickson

(hone5 6789:8*9;666 <9'ail5 $ildlife=$rcnu#org 8*:7 (ar& 0l%d+ >gden+ UT+ 6**78

If You -ind In1ured Wildlife

If "ou find in1ured $ildlife please call WRCNU before attempting to help the animal "ourself# Wild animals are 1ust that 4 $ild+ so "ou should al$a"s ta&e caution $hen dealing $ith them# WRCNU can pro%ide information on ho$ to transport the in1ured $ildlife to us or another licensed rehabilitator as soon as possible# 0ab" animals are often momentaril" separated from their mothers+ so $ait for its mother to return#

emember! Ne%er put "our o$n safet" at ris&

We,re on the Web?

Wild animals ma" tr" to defend themsel%es $hen approached Trained professionals are the best people to handle $ild animals

See us at5

Claire!+ a Red Tree S/uirrel+ a#&#a# (ine S/uirrel! being handfed late )787# Claire $as released in Spring of )788#

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